Chapter 288
There are those who are well-rehabilitated, and there are naturally those who are not well-rehabilitated.

In Qionghua Hall, Ye Yun was a little frightened when he saw Yao Xiang.

For no other reason, Yao Xiang is really thin and frighteningly thin, his chin is too sharp, the flesh on his face is gone, and his eye sockets are slightly sunken.

Although her outfit is exquisite and beautiful, it can be seen at a glance that she is not in good health.

What Ye Yun can discover, others can naturally discover.

In particular, others still put her and Yao Xiang together for comparison.

Today Ye Yun wore a honey-colored wide-sleeved fairy dress, not the kind that narrows the waist. After all, after giving birth, the waist is not as thin as it used to be. This skirt deliberately highlights the neck and looks very temperamental. .

The hair is paired with a well-combed Chaoyun bun, and a set of gilt silk-wrapped hair, and a ruby ​​peacock walk on the hairpin, which is particularly eye-catching.

She ate well during her confinement period, but she hadn't seen the sun for another month, her skin was white and rosy, like an egg that had been peeled off its shell.

At first glance, it looks like a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, but if you look closely, you can find that this temperament is more soft and charming, and the style is better than before.

Yao Xiang, on the other hand, is wearing a lavender cross-neck eight-panel skirt today, and a set of suet jade and short pearl hairpins.

It's okay to just look at the clothes and jewelry, it's a fresh and elegant style.

But with Yao Xiang, who has a thin upper body and slightly sallow skin, it doesn't look very good.

"Seeing that Fang Xiurong's body is not well maintained, she has lost a lot of weight than before, but she must ask the imperial doctor to take good care of her." The queen said with a concerned expression.

Yao Xiang's complexion was gloomy, and he tried to smile again, which seemed a little strange.

"Thank you for your concern. The concubine gave birth to the princess with difficulty. After all, it hurt her vitality. I have been taking tonics these days, and I have already recovered a lot."

"That's good, you are still young, you must take good care of your body, otherwise you will suffer in the future." The queen said.

In the end, he turned his head to look at Ye Yun.

"Ming Xiuyi is well-raised. It seems that our fourth prince is really blessed. Look at your face, you look so good, much fairer and tenderer than before you were born."

What this said is a bit intriguing.

The fourth prince is blessed, so is it because the third princess is unlucky that Fang Xiurong had a dystocia and her health was not good?

Coming up with a gun and a stick like this, Ye Yun's eyes turned cold.

With a shallow smile, "Your Majesty praised me absurdly. It seems that the concubine is blessed only after surviving a catastrophe. That night Zhao Chunxuan made a scene of snakes, which frightened the concubine. I would not dare to have such a blessing in the future." gone."

When she said this, she stared closely at the queen's eyes, never letting go of a slight movement.

The queen also looked at her for a while, and after a while, she narrowed her eyes slightly and curled her lips.

"Speaking of which, you have suffered, but since Mrs. An is dead, it is also for your mother and son to settle the grievances."

"Your majesty is wise, your concubines and the fourth prince will definitely remember it in your heart." Ye Yun said lightly.

In these words, only the emperor is mentioned, not the queen, so the meaning is self-evident.

The queen looked up at her, and didn't answer any more.

And at this moment, Yao Xiang has been staring at the baby held by the wet nurse behind Ye Yun for a long time.

Finally, she spoke, "I haven't met the fourth prince yet. It's such a rare coincidence that I was born on the same day. It's really rare."

"Isn't that right? I haven't seen the third princess before, so let's show them to everyone." Ye Yun said with a smile.

After beckoning, he beckoned the wet nurse to come forward.

Yao Xiang tried her best to keep herself calm, but the impulsiveness in her heart still made her act a little eager.

This fell into Ye Yun's eyes, and she could see her abnormality.

Such a move seems to be eager to verify something.

Fearing that Yao shi would do something bad to the child, she leaned towards her calmly.

But at this moment Yao Xiang didn't pay attention to the people around her at all, she was all focused on the fourth prince.

But when she saw the face of the baby that was completely different from what she remembered, she froze.

Her Yan'er is more like her, her eyes and nose follow her.

But the baby in front of him clearly followed Ning Chen, especially the eyes, which were carved out of the same mold.

It's just that she still didn't give up and wanted to check further.

When her Yan'er was born, there was a red spot the size of a soybean on the left shoulder blade.

Naturally, he couldn't take off the child's clothes at this moment, so he could only ask insincerely.

So he smiled and turned around to talk to Ye Yun.

"The fourth prince's birth is really white, fat and cute. The third princess is not so heavy. She only weighed six catties when she was born. During the confinement period, the concubines saw that the child's eyelids seemed to be covered with a layer of rouge, red. The red one, I thought it was a birthmark, but fortunately, it disappeared later, but I wonder if the fourth prince has any."

Although this is gossip, once people have doubts, they can always taste something different.

So to Ye Yun's ears, it was more like asking for proof.

But she still said truthfully, "The fourth prince doesn't have a birthmark. The skin is as white as mine. The servants all said that the child's nose is mine, and everything else is like the emperor."

She said this on purpose, and she kept paying attention to the expression of the person opposite her while speaking.

Sure enough, when she said that the child's nose resembled hers, Yao Xiang looked at the fourth prince with his eyes.

That's not the kind of reaction that small talk would have at all.

And the next moment Yao Xiang was even more unnatural, "Really, the concubine didn't even look carefully, a boy looks like the emperor, so he must be pretty."

Obviously read it, but said that I didn't look carefully, it was really wrong.

Yao Xiang himself knew that he was not in a good state at the moment, and was afraid that too many emotions would be missed, so he went back to see the third princess when he was blessed.

God knows that her heart is in such a mess that she can hardly hear what the people around her are saying.

After a stick of incense, Ning Chen came, together with several royal relatives outside the palace.

After entering the hall, everyone saluted together.

After some red tape, Ning Chen only watched the children.

The third princess belongs to the husband, so she hugged her first.

But at this moment, the third princess was already asleep, so Ning Chen didn't say a few words for fear of waking up the child.

When he turned to hug the fourth prince, the boy was very energetic.

At this time, the queen mother also came to have a look, and sighed, "This child really looks like the emperor when he was young, and his eyes are very similar."

Nanny Fu at the side laughed along with her.

"The emperor's eyes are the same as yours, the empress dowager. These four princes also have phoenix eyes. Such eyes are beautiful and blessed."

"Really?" The queen mother had never paid attention to this, so she was a little puzzled.

Looking at Ning Chen, then at the fourth prince, and then thinking about himself, it seems to be true.

For a while, the little grandson of the Fourth Prince seemed to be pleasing to the eye.

Of course, it would be even better if the fourth prince's biological mother was not Ye Shi.

At this moment, Ye Yun also had the same idea.

In fact, the queen mother only needs to provide the genes for appearance, and does not need to provide other things, such as genes for IQ.

It's just that the dislike was dismissed, and the face was still pretending to be happy, and today's full moon feast began.

(End of this chapter)

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