Concubine, she is so charming

Chapter 289 Take turns

Chapter 289 Take turns

The two children were born on the same day, and now they are holding a full moon wine together, so the gift giving is a highlight.

Send it from the queen mother first.

Her old man comes according to the rules, a bowl of water is level.

The same is true for the queen, but she deliberately praised the fourth prince a few more words.

When it came to Concubine Shu, things changed a bit.

She prepared more things for the fourth prince than for the third princess.

Although Ye Yun's status is higher than Yao Xiang's, this is too ugly.

Concubine Shu, she always felt that she was right, and she didn't even realize that Ning Chen's expression was a little darker.

Fortunately, she was the only one who was confused about this, and everyone else gave the same things to the two children.

"Today is a family banquet. I'm having a wedding with my two children, and I'm also excited about the frontier war. You don't have to be too cautious. Eat and drink well."

Ning Chen smiled in a good mood, picked up the wine glass first and drank it down in one gulp.

King Kang immediately said, "Brother Huang will be happy for a long time after getting a pair of dragons and phoenixes. I will offer a cup to Brother Huang. After drinking this cup, I have a small happy event to share with Brother Huang."

"Oh? You're still playing tricks on me." Ning Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, pointed at King Kang, and then raised his glass and said, "Then I'll drink this with you."

The two brothers smiled at each other and drank together.

After putting down the cup, Kang Wang said, "My brother's concubine is three months pregnant."

When he said this, King Kang turned his head to look at the princess with tenderness in his eyes.

Princess Xu also responded with a smile.

With this appearance, it is not difficult to see that the relationship between the husband and wife is very good.

And this also made Xie, the side concubine sitting on the other side of King Kang, very redundant.

"Okay, this is a happy event. This is your first child. When you become a father, I will feel at ease, and I will have an explanation to my father." Ning Chen looked at their husband and wife with a smile.

In the end, with a wave of his hand, he rewarded Concubine Kang with many things.

Seeing the loving young couple, the Queen and Princess Heping were extremely envious.

But in the end, the queen is the most envious, because Princess Ping has given birth to a daughter, and the relationship with King Ping is also good.

How many brothers and sisters are there, so the relationship between Ning Chen and the queen is the least intimate.

"The third princess and the fourth prince are both cute. I only hope that this one in my stomach can be like this." Concubine Kang smiled happily, "I just glanced at the fourth prince. He is really white and tender. The third princess is asleep. Also quiet and obedient."

Mrs. Xu is also smart. Today is the full moon banquet for the prince and princess, so she doesn't want to be too public.

Just tell the news that you are pregnant, but don't overwhelm the host.

With her words, everyone's eyes really fell back on the two little protagonists.

Ning Chen looked at Ye Yun, then smiled and said, "Ming Xiuyi has fair skin, the Fourth Prince is the same as her, he has to be a bit like her mother, otherwise he will complain to me again. "

"The concubine joked a few words with the emperor, and the emperor used it to tell everyone in front of everyone that he would be so embarrassing to the concubine."

Ye Yun's winking eyes were raised, as if acting coquettishly or coquettishly, it was indescribably seductive.

All the concubines wished they could pluck out her eyes, she was too seductive!

The emperor still spoke along with her, smiling softly.

"A few jokes, what are you shy about? I see that you are not like this in the past, and you are arguing with me again. Today you are confinement and can drink. You can't escape this drink."

"The concubine wants to drink, but there is no cup." Ye Yun raised his eyebrows.

His eyes swept across the table, but he really didn't prepare for her.

Ning Chen narrowed his eyes, didn't speak, just drank the wine in his glass and refilled it.

Then suddenly said, "Yuan Jiu, bring my cup to Ming Xiuyi."

As soon as this remark came out, let alone other people, even Ye Yun was taken aback for a moment.

But it was only for a moment, and then it returned to normal.

He took the silver cup from Yuan Jiu, smiled at Ning Chen, raised his head and drank it all.

At this moment, the faces of all the concubines on the field were not very good-looking, Rao pretended to be calm, and their smiles faded away.

Not for anything else, the emperor's move is too intimate, and he has no scruples in front of so many people.

The emperor really dotes on Ye Shi.

The empress dowager's face turned dark from the sight.

The emperor likes Ye Shi so much, and Ye Shi gave birth to a prince again, wouldn't he want to block the way of others to death.

But just when she was about to say something, Ning Chen spoke again.

"Bring me another cup, and Huo Cairen and I will have a drink too."

Huo Cairen was a little confused, but he still picked up his cup and drank it respectfully.

In the end, everyone heard Ning Chen's hearty laughter from the main seat.

"General Ye, General Huo, our young talents in Nanqi should not be underestimated!"

"The elder brothers of the two of you joined forces to break the Liao army's siege, chased the enemy for thirty miles, and captured more than a hundred BMWs for me. They are truly heroes of Nanqi!"

Today's banquet, Ning Chen came a little late because he read the good news from Lingzhou.

The combined age of these two people is only as old as General Xian, but they have achieved a record that is many times better than General Xian, they are indeed capable.

"No wonder the emperor is in such a good mood today, it turned out that the frontier war was won." The queen said with a smile.

Glancing at Ye Yun who was lowering his head, he continued, "With such an uncle, the fourth prince must be brave and extraordinary in the future."

When she mentioned this, Yi Shunrong's eyes turned cold.

By lowering his head to eat the vegetables, he hid the anxiety in his eyes.

Ye Yun naturally understood the Queen's intentions, so she was not in a hurry and said calmly.

"The concubine didn't think about the future of the fourth prince. The child is still so young. It is a blessing to grow up well. Our first prince, second prince, and third prince, which one is not good? Madam, don't always praise the fourth prince. One."

"That's natural, they are all the emperor's blood, and the princes and princesses are all good." The queen's smile faded a little.

Ye Yun didn't intend to let her go, instead he looked at her sincerely and said.

"No matter how good it is for the concubine to give birth, it can't compare to the queen's empress giving birth to a son. The concubine and all the sisters are all looking forward to the concubine's pregnancy again as soon as possible."

In the past, the queen always liked to stab her with this matter, but now it's the other way around.

Feng Shui takes turns, and there is always a time when you are pointed at.

But when Ye Yun brought up the matter of his son-in-law at this time, he asked the queen mother to also get involved.

After all, what the Queen Mother wants to do is not to lift the daughter of the Chen family to the back seat and ask the Chen family to produce another queen.

To produce another one, the current one must not be pulled down first.

So he stepped on the rhythm and followed up.

"Speaking of which, the empress has had a miscarriage for a year, and her body should be almost recuperated, and she has to give birth to a direct heir as soon as possible. Look at the eldest princess, she is almost seven years old. Take care."

 I am too tired today, I will try my best to make up for it tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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