Chapter 290 The Gap
The queen's expression was a little evasive, and her face became embarrassed.

But he could only pretend to be calm and smile back.

"What the queen mother said is that the daughter-in-law must take good care of her body and give birth to a son for the emperor as soon as possible."

"Even if you're not a son of a son, it's good for you to be a princess. The concubines and concubines are all looking forward to the empress." Concubine Jingde said with a smile.

It's just that Concubine Shu didn't know much about it, so she hurriedly said, "It's good to be born."

The words changed in an instant.

It's like saying that the queen can't give birth.

Immediately, no one answered on the field.

As a result, Concubine Shu also found that she was not being sarcastic at the right time, and was a little at a loss.

Then he remedied, "Your Majesty is so blessed, the last miscarriage was also caused by an adulterer, and it will definitely not happen again in the future."

She originally wanted to express that the queen can give birth, and she has been pregnant before.

But it doesn't mean that when you say it.

Not only was there no remedy, but the empress was stabbed in the heart, and the empress's face became frighteningly cold.

"Let's talk about what it does in the past. Concubine Shu has time to educate the eldest princess well, don't put your mind on these crap things."

In the end it was Ning Chen who got rid of the siege.

Of course, he also reprimanded Concubine Shu along the way.

The loss of the son-in-law is a major matter related to the face of the royal family, how can it always be talked about.

The Queen Mother said that's all, Concubine Shu is a concubine, what qualifications does she have.

"Yes, the concubine made a slip of the tongue." Concubine Shu lowered her head in embarrassment.

Seeing that Ning Chen still spoke for her, the queen's complexion improved a bit.

Instead, he smiled and talked to Princess Ping.

"Jiamin and Jiayin are about the same age as the eldest princess and the second princess. The second sister-in-law can also bring these two children into the palace to play."

Concubine Ping Fang nodded with a smile, "There are not many children in the mansion now, and these two girls are also close. When I enter the palace in the future, I will bring them all in."

This is just to listen to.

Ning Jiamin is the daughter of the Fang family, but Ning Jiayin is the concubine of the Zhao family.

Mrs. Zhao also has a son, who is very much loved by King Ping.

Now that the Fang family has not given birth to a son, the relationship with the Zhao family is self-evident.

Of course, there is a lot of drama in this royal family, how can there be any real feelings, everyone sees it through and doesn't tell it.

Anyway, these two gossips broke the embarrassing atmosphere just now.

After all, the war is still going on outside, so the banquet is just a small celebration, it's not too much, so this full moon banquet ended relatively quickly.

It was noon, and Ning Chen was happy at the banquet, so he drank a little more wine, and now he was a little tipsy.

He didn't go back to Jiuchen Palace, and followed Ye Yun to Zhaochunxuan to rest for a while.

The two children hosted the full moon banquet together, and there was nothing comparable between the children, but the gap between the biological mothers was obvious.

The emperor didn't say a few words to Fang Xiurong, but he cared very much for Ming Xiuyi.

But no matter what the concubines thought, they still went to Zhaochunxuan.

"The emperor at least drinks a bowl of hangover soup before going to bed, so he will lie down, and he will definitely have a headache when he wakes up later."

Ye Yun helped him to sit down on the couch outside, and Ning Chen leaned back.

His body was as soft as mud.

"I didn't see how much I drank. Why did I get so drunk that I was able to sit still just now?"

While taking a big welcome pillow and asking him to lean on it, Ye Yun was still muttering softly.

Ning Chen put his arms around her waist and pushed her into his arms.

In the next second, someone was lying on top of him.

That pair of phoenix eyes, slightly wine-pink around the eyes, looked at her half-closed, with a bit of lazy charm.

"I'm the emperor, how can I lose my composure outside? Besides, I'm not drunk, Qingqing, don't talk nonsense."

The gentle breath, with a faint smell of wine, sprayed gently on the face.

I don't know if it's because of the drunkenness or the atmosphere.

A faint crimson color slowly appeared on Ye Yun's face.

Suddenly, he raised his hand to cover Ning Chen's eyes.

"It's a sunny day, the emperor is not allowed to seduce people."

Damn it, those eyes are too charming, it will make people want to commit a crime!

Ning Chen's eyes were covered, but he couldn't help laughing, raised his head, and easily got rid of the restriction.

One turned over and blocked the person, "It's obvious that you seduced me first, so you can't slander me."

"Nonsense, even if the emperor speaks, he still needs evidence." Ye Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

Putting an arm around his waist, he looked straight at the past.

Ning Chen's eyes became darker, and he suddenly leaned over to the woman's ear.

"Qingqing's appearance of drinking is very seductive, and now she is even more seductive to me, isn't it even more seductive?"

As soon as he said that, Ye Yun deliberately wanted to withdraw the hand on his waist, but was caught immediately.

Then Ning Chen moved his arm up and put it on his shoulder.

With an effort, he hugged the person horizontally.

At this moment, Yuan Jiu's knock on the door came from outside, "Your Majesty, this servant will bring you hangover soup."

"No need, I won't drink." Ning Chen replied.

After speaking, he strode to the inner room.

He just took two steps and then stopped, shouting to the outside, "I want to sleep for a while, no one is allowed to disturb me."

After hearing this, Yuan Jiu didn't understand anything, so he asked everyone to back off when he was busy.

But Ye Yun who was put on the couch was in a hurry, and hurriedly pressed his hands against the man's chest.

"Your Majesty, my concubine is just out of confinement, so I'm afraid I won't be able to serve you."

These words made Ning Chen smile.

"Where did Qingqing go, I stayed up all day and night, I really need to sleep for a while."

For a moment, Ye Yun's face flushed with embarrassment, and she pulled off the soft pillow to cover her face.

Feeling that it was not enough, he simply rolled to the innermost part of the bed, far away.

So embarrassing!

In Ning Chen's eyes, the small gestures are even more adorable.

Although it is true that I have some ideas, I have also consulted the imperial physician, and I have to wait at least forty days, otherwise it will be bad for the woman's health.

So let's wait for the two first, and always think about the body.

After taking off his shoes and socks and lying down, Ning Chen pulled him over and hugged him.

"Hey, sleep with me for a while, it's rare that there is a breakthrough in the war, and I can feel at ease for a while."

The tiredness in his tone made it easy to tell that the young emperor was really under a lot of pressure.

This was Ning Chen's first battle since he ascended the throne, and the enemy was the Liao Kingdom, which had been suppressed by the late emperor for decades.

Therefore, Ning Chen cannot lose this battle.

I can't afford to lose.

Only by winning can the throne be stabilized, the dishonest courtiers in the court can be suppressed, and prestige can be established.

That's why in this battle, Ning Chen wanted to put Ye Yun's brother and Huo Cairen's brother together.

After winning this battle, these two young generals will be the next batch of young nobles in Nanqi, the sharp swordsmen in the hands of the emperor.

Ye Yun could naturally feel his exhaustion.

After a while, he turned slightly to his side and kissed Ning Chen on the forehead.

"Sleep, my concubine will accompany the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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