Chapter 210

The car drove into the Huo family's old house, and there were pavilions, towers and pavilions everywhere, small bridges and flowing water.

It is said that the old man of the Huo family loves mountains and rivers, and it is true, as if he is in an ancient courtyard.

The car drove for almost half an hour before stopping in front of a building.

Oh, it should not be said to be a building, but like BJ's courtyard house, it is full of antique flavors.

Luo Yuwei followed Huo Zhaiao into the main room, and saw two men playing chess, one was about 70 years old wearing a Chinese tunic suit, the other was about 50 years old and wearing a gray shirt.

The one in the Chinese tunic suit should be Huo Diao's grandfather.

Huo Zhaiao took Luo Yuwei's hand and squeezed her little hand, "My grandpa is handsome, he is 82, and he wears a Chinese tunic suit."

Luo Yuwei glanced at him in surprise, she didn't expect Huo Diao's grandfather to look so young, she thought he was only about 70 years old, but she didn't expect him to be 82 years old.

He looks very energetic and a little thin, which shows that he must have been a handsome man when he was young.

"Well, he's quite handsome." Luo Yuwei said earnestly.

"Grandpa, here I come." Huo Zhai walked towards the old man playing chess with a smile.

Huo Shan raised his eyes and glanced at the two of them. Although his expression looked very kind, his eyes were deep and unfathomable, like a bottomless pool of spring water, making it hard to see inside.

"Xiao Ao, here we come." Huo Shan said with a smile.

The man sitting opposite Huo Shan hurriedly stood up, and greeted Huo Diao respectfully, "Hello, little master."

"Oh, Uncle Li, you can call me Xiao Ao just like grandpa. I've said it many times, but you just don't listen, little master, this title sounds awkward."

The man named Uncle Li looked at Huo Diao and said solemnly, "Young Master, this rule cannot be broken."

Huo Zhaiao couldn't help but rolled his eyes, he had been with his grandfather for so many years, how could he still be an old antique, he couldn't be flexible.


Luo Yuwei couldn't help laughing, she didn't expect the housekeeper of Huo's old house to be so funny.

The housekeeper set his eyes on Luo Yuwei, and said respectfully, "Hello, Miss Luo!"

"Hello!" Luo Yuwei smiled.

Huo Shan glanced at Luo Yuwei, "Girl, can you play chess?"

"Grandpa, you have to play chess with anyone you catch." Huo Zhai said proudly.

Huo Shan glared at Huo Zhaiao, "It's just to play chess with me, a bad old man, you just can't bear it."

"Mr. Huo, I can order, as long as you don't dislike my poor chess skills." Luo Yuwei pulled Huo Diao's arm, and sat obediently opposite Huo Shan.

Huo Shan smiled in satisfaction, "It's better to be a girl, the brat will know how to make me angry."

Huo Diao smiled awkwardly, he was afraid that the old man would embarrass Luo Yuwei.

Huo Shan winked at the housekeeper.

The housekeeper looked at Huo Diao and said with a smile, "Little master, some of the flowers I planted in the back garden seem to be dying, can you help me look at them, I remember you are the best at growing flowers."

Seeing that Luo Yuwei and Huo Shan had already started playing chess, Huo Diao nodded and followed the butler towards the garden.

Luo Yuwei pursed her lips, and the main event came.

Sure enough, as soon as Huo Zhaiao left, Huo Shan's expression changed, his kind face was gone, he threw away the chess in his hand, and asked expressionlessly, "Girl, I heard from Huo Tao that you have a purpose in approaching Xiaoao."

"...Yes." This is indeed a fact, and Luo Yuwei has no way to refute it.

Huo Shan narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Since you don't like him, why do you stay by his side all the time? Now you have taken down both the Ni family and the Yan family."

Luo Yuwei's heart skipped a beat. He is indeed the helm of the Huo family. Even though he is deep in the courtyard, he knows everything outside.

Putting down the chess pieces in her hand, Luo Yuwei looked directly into Huo Shan's eyes, looking at him fearlessly, "As long as he doesn't drive me away, I won't leave."

"Girl, are you in love with Xiao Ao?"

Luo Yuwei took a deep breath, "That's right, and I also feel that he likes me too, it's just..." It's just that the Huo family won't allow her in.

Huo Shan didn't understand what Luo Yuwei hadn't finished speaking.

He snorted coldly, "That's good, if you let me know that you don't really like Xiao Ao, then I can make you lose what you have now."

Luo Yuwei believes that Huo Shan will do what he says. He is no better than Huo Tao and Yan Mu. He started from scratch and built the Huo Group into a well-known enterprise in Jiangcheng. He naturally has the means.

And ruthless.

"...Okay." Luo Yuwei met Huo Shan's eyes indifferently.

Huo Shan was startled, this girl is not simple, she has the demeanor of Luo Zhang back then.

"Come on, girl, let's continue playing chess." Huo Shan picked up the chess piece with a smile.

Luo Yuwei blinked, a little unable to keep up with Huo Shan's train of thought, just now she had a cold expression, but now she laughed.

Simply change faster than the weather forecast.

When Huo Diao came back, he saw the two of them playing chess quietly, Luo Yuwei sometimes frowned, Shi Er pouted, it was too cute.

Huo Diao simply moved a stool and sat beside Luo Yuwei, watching the two play chess.

Huo Shan glanced at him, "I really forgot my grandfather when I have a daughter-in-law, why don't you sit by my side."

Huo Zhai said arrogantly, "Grandpa, you are already 82 years old, and you are not 28. If you are a 28-year-old beauty, I will definitely sit next to you."

Huo Shan scolded with a smile, "Little heartless, make fun of grandpa."

Although he was cursing, he was happy in his heart. This grandson Huo Tao owed him something. Fortunately, his long roots were young and red, so he didn't worry too much.

Looking at Luo Yuwei, who was staring at the chess pieces, I hope he saw the right person.

As long as she can bring happiness and happiness to Xiao Ao, he will support them to be together.

After lunch, Huo Shan went to rest.

Huo Zhaiao pulled Luo Yuwei upstairs, walked to the door of a room at the end, smiled at him mysteriously, and pushed the door open, "This is where I lived when I was young."

Luo Yuwei walked in. It was a very simple room, except for a big bed, a row of books, a desk and a wardrobe.

It seems that this guy always likes simplicity, and his study is also very simple, without any messy things.

If it weren't for the lazy sofa in the current bedroom, it would look extremely simple.

"You grew up here when you were a child?" Luo Yuwei asked suspiciously, shouldn't it be in Huo's mansion.

"Well, my grandfather asked me to move here after my mother passed away, but it's too remote, and it's not convenient to go to school. Sometimes I live in Huo Mansion, but most of the time I live here."

Huo Diao ran his fingers over the bookshelf, looking at the books on it, he seemed to be able to see the scene when he was young, sitting alone in the room and reading every night.

After his mother passed away, he secretly made up his mind that he must stand out and keep the Huo family.

Because there is mother's hard work in it.

(End of this chapter)

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