Chapter 211 You agreed?

Looking at the man standing in front of the bookshelf, his back is so lonely.

Luo Yuwei walked over unconsciously, hugged his waist from behind, and let the two of them alone keep each other warm.

Huo Diao was shocked, grabbed Luo Yuwei's hands around his waist, and said hoarsely, "Luo Yuwei, are you willing to be my girlfriend, forever."

He said this at the birthday party. Although Luo Yuwei agreed to him at the time, he knew how reluctantly she answered, maybe it was just for his sake.

So, today he asked again.

After Huo Diao finished speaking, he didn't even dare to turn his head to look at Luo Yuwei. If she said no, what would he do?
Do you really want to let her go?

He can't.

Luo Yuwei looked at Wei'an's shoulder in front of her, leaned her head on it lightly, and replied softly, "Yes."

Huo Diao turned around, looked at Luo Yuwei, and asked happily, " agreed."

"Why don't you agree?" Luo Yuwei stretched out her small hands and counted, "You are handsome, rich, good to me, and don't provoke women. These four points alone are enough to make women obsessed. , why don't I."

Huo Diao hugged Luo Yuwei in his arms, and grinned happily, his chest trembling when he laughed.

Luo Yuwei leaned in his arms, and also pursed her lips and smiled.

"Vivi, shall we get married?"

The corner of Luo Yuwei's mouth twitched fiercely, this guy must have taken the wrong medicine today.

Just confessed and proposed?

Isn't this pace a bit too fast?

Seeing that the person in his arms didn't respond, Huo Diao lowered his head and asked suspiciously, "You don't want to?"

Luo Yuwei curled her lips in disgust, "Your proposal is too simple."

Huo Diao was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly, "I'm overjoyed, don't worry, I will definitely give you a grand marriage proposal ceremony, even more grand than courtship ceremony."

Thinking of his courtship in Qiangweiwan, Luo Yuwei's mouth twitched again.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Huo Diao let go of Luo Yuwei, opened the door and saw that it was the butler, and asked suspiciously, "Uncle Li, what's wrong?"

"Little master, you and Ms. Luo have been tired of being in the room all afternoon. Are you hungry? It's time for dinner." Uncle Li said teasingly.

Huo Diao blushed, "We'll come down right away."

Luo Yuwei also lowered her head in embarrassment. She originally thought that she would be made things difficult by Mr. Huo when she came to the Huo family's old house, but not only did she not, Huo Diao confessed her love again.

"It's okay, Uncle Li watched me grow up, and I never regarded him as a servant, let's go down to eat, don't make grandpa wait too long."


The two came down hand in hand.

Huo Shan glanced at the hands that were holding each other, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Xiao Ao didn't get the love of his parents since he was a child, and he hoped that Luo Yuwei could bring him happiness.

It's just Huo Tao...

I'm afraid there is still a long way to go between them.

"Xiao Ao, Miss Luo, come and eat quickly, I am hungry." Huo Shan looked at the two of them with a smile.

Luo Yuwei smiled at Huo Shan, after a day of getting along, Luo Yuwei liked Huo Shan more and more.

Although he had a bad attitude towards her at the beginning, it was also for the good of Huo Zhai.

Where can I still see the sharp expression on his face now, it is all a kind old man who is gratified.

Luo Yuwei glanced at Huo Diao, and followed him to the restaurant.

According to Huo Shan's ancestral precept, don't talk when you eat or sleep.

After eating quietly, Huo Diao couldn't wait to pull Luo Yuwei away.

Huo Shan glared, "What's the rush, the girl will play chess with me before leaving."

Luo Yuwei pursed her lips and smiled, walked to the chessboard and sat down, looking at Huo Shan.

Huo Shan happily walked over, and after a while, the two of them started killing each other.

 2:[-] more

(End of this chapter)

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