Extreme wealthy family: Huo Shaodou's wife

Chapter 217 Yan's Anniversary Celebration Silly girl

Chapter 217 Yan's Anniversary Celebration (2) Silly girl

Yang Mi blushed and looked at Wu Muchen, she didn't expect him to be so thoughtful.

But when she thought of a woman's dress in his car, she was upset again.

If her clothes weren't dirty, then who was the woman's dress in Wu Muchen's car prepared for?

Yang Mi's complexion was a little bad, and she was extremely upset.

Jiang Tuo walked in with a box.

"Give it to her." Wu Muchen glanced in Yang Mi's direction, saw that her expression was not good, thought it was an old dress, and explained lightly, "The dress is new, no one has ever worn it."

Yang Mi's expression turned even worse.

Who is it for such a caring dress to be prepared in the car?

And she just happened to step on shit luck.

Jiang Tuo handed the box to Yang Mi expressionlessly.

Yang Mi took it, turned around and left without even looking at Wu Muchen.

Wu Muchen raised his eyebrows and didn't say a word. It happened that someone from the business field came to chat, so he started chatting with him.

Yang Mi walked into the lounge with the box in her arms and locked the door.

Opening the box, she saw that it was a white lace evening dress.

Take off the dress on your body and put a new dress on your body.

It's damn right.

Yang Mi was depressed again.

She has always been very proud of her figure, and now it seems that there are still people with as good figure as her, maybe even better than her figure.

Throwing the dirty dress directly into the trash can, Yang Mi carefully walked into the banquet hall with the hem of the skirt.

As he walked, he glanced at the women around him to see which woman had a figure similar to hers.

Maybe that woman is the woman Wu Muchen helped prepare the dress for.

Yang Mi's mouth was sour, even more sour than drinking vinegar.

After looking around, I didn't find anyone with a better figure than her.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I might as well look for it, maybe I found it.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

Yang Mi walked into the garden with her skirt in hand, and people in twos and threes stood chatting together.

The autumn season is beautiful, and many chrysanthemums are rushing to open in the yard, which is too beautiful to behold.

Yang Mi glanced at all the women passing by, while scanning the blooming chrysanthemums.

But it's a pity that I still haven't found it. Some women are plumper than her, and some are thinner than her. It's really hard to find someone like her who is neither fat nor thin.

Now most women want to be as thin as a lightning bolt, but in fact, men don't like women who are too thin, because holding her is like holding a pile of bones, so she is not so stupid.

In the end, Yang Mi gave up, feeling like she was being overwhelmed.

Walking into the banquet hall, Wu Muchen was surrounded by several people, drinking one cup after another.

Yang Mi's face changed, and she stepped forward to snatch the wine glass from Wu Muchen's hand without saying a word, and drank it down in one gulp.

Everyone looked at her inexplicably.

Wu Muchen pursed his lips in embarrassment, and Jiang Tuo suppressed a smile.

Yang Mi realized later, her face blushed, and she explained dryly, "Well, Mr. Wu has a bad stomach, so he can't drink too much."

"Oh, so that's the case." An older man glanced at the two of them ambiguously, and then laughed.

Everyone else booed meaningfully.

Yang Mi has a feeling that she can't wash it off even if she jumps into the sea.

She really didn't think much about it just now, she just thought about Wu Muchen's stomach, and the doctor told him to drink less, so she picked it up and did it herself without even thinking about it.

Thinking about it now, it's a bit of a tiger.

No wonder these people laughed at her.

One of the men recognized Yang Mi and joked, "Isn't this the general manager of the Yang family? I didn't expect to know Mr. Wu so well."

"We used to be classmates." Wu Muchen explained lightly.

The corner of Yang Mi's mouth twitched, she was trying to distance herself from her.

Wu Muchen's explanation obviously didn't work. Now almost everyone who knew Yang Mi in Jiangcheng knew that she was chasing Wu Muchen every day.

Although Yang Wei repeatedly denied it, they were not blind.

Especially now that Yang Mi's actions are so obvious, it's hard not to be misunderstood.

After everyone left, Yang Mi's face looked like a boiled crab.

Jiang Tuo put his hand to his mouth and coughed lightly, "Well, Mr. Wu, I'll go over there and have something to eat."


Yang Mi glared at Jiang Tuo, leaving at this time would make her even more embarrassed.

Jiang Tuo winked at Yang Mi, and gave her a cheering gesture behind Wu Muchen's back.

The corners of Yang Mi's mouth twitched, why don't you work on this matter.

She has been chasing Wu Muchen for so many years, and anyone with a discerning eye would know it, but the person involved seemed to be asleep and never woke up.

She wondered if she would understand when Wu Muchen knocked his head off one day.

At this moment, a woman walked over with her water snake waist twisted.

Passed the glass of wine in his hand to Wu Muchen, "Mr. Wu, I have admired your name for a long time, and I offer you a toast."

Yang Mi almost vomited out, she was not as beautiful as Lin Chiling, and she was so sweet like Lin Chiling, why should she be so disgusting.

The woman ignored Yang Mi directly, thrust the wine glass into Wu Muchen's hand forcefully, and curled her mouth.

Although Wu Muchen is not from Jiangcheng, he is also a new upstart.

Single again, there are not many such diamond kings.

Glancing at the wine glass, he bumped Wu Muchen's glass, "Mr. Wu, I'll do it first as a respect."

Just as Wu Muchen raised the glass, before it reached his lips, the wine glass in his hand disappeared.

Yang Mi snatched it back and drank it all in one gulp. She gritted her teeth and said, "I've already drunk the wine, you can go now."

The woman stared at Yang Mi in disbelief, this woman is really savage.

Staring at the empty glass in her hand, she smiled meaningfully.

"Mr. Wu, see you later."

"Yes." Wu Muchen replied lightly.

Before the woman left, she glanced at Yang Mi again, and Yang Mi proudly raised the empty cup.

Didn't I drink the wine you toasted, and Wu Muchen didn't drink it.

The woman seemed to be slipping on her feet, turned her foot, and then left after standing still.

Yang Mi wanted to laugh when she saw it, she couldn't drive high-heeled shoes, and she still wore such high-heeled shoes, I'd fall to your death.

"It's getting late, I'll take you back." Wu Muchen looked at Yang Mi.

Yang Mi nodded, she certainly hoped that Wu Muchen could send her back.

In the car, Wu Muchen put his hands firmly on the steering wheel, while Yang Mi sat in the passenger seat and played with her fingers.

Looking down at the dress on her body, she was always in a bad mood, and asked casually, "Mr. Wu, you have a good eye, this dress is very beautiful."

"Yes." Wu Muchen turned his head to look at the dress on Yang Mi, and seemed to agree with her words.

Yang Mi curled her lips, is it a pity to wear it on her body?

"You prepared this dress for someone else, but it's a pity that I wear it. Will that girl be angry?"

"Huh?" Wu Muchen asked puzzled, "What girl?"

"It's the girl you bought this dress as a gift." Yang Mi said sourly, the more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she felt.

Wu Muchen, "...that dress was not given to someone else, it was given by a client, so I couldn't refuse it, so I accepted it."

Yang Mi turned to look at Wu Muchen in surprise, "Really?"

"Yeah." Wu Muchen coughed uncomfortably.

At that time, when the customer asked him what size he wanted, he didn't know. After thinking about it, he directly reported the size M. Yang Mi seemed to be wearing this size, but he didn't expect that she actually wore it.

Yang Mi's heart was in full bloom, and she waved her arms happily, making her whole blood boil.

The car was driving quietly on the highway in Jiangcheng, Yang Mi grinned happily while looking at the scenery outside.

Gradually, she felt more and more wrong, very hot.

I couldn't help but open the car window a little, and the cool night wind blows in, making it much more comfortable.

But not long after, she felt very hot again, so she opened the windows all the way, and the wind came in, causing her hair to fly.

But she still felt hot and couldn't help pulling on her clothes.

"What's wrong with you?" Wu Muchen looked at Yang Mi strangely, blushing like a tomato, a little abnormal.

"I don't know, I just feel that I'm hot." Yang Mi said with some pain, could she say that she was shamefully in the same space with Wu Muchen and wanted to have sex with him.

The car stopped in front of the red light at the intersection, Wu Muchen reached out and touched Yang Mi's forehead, he must not have a fever.

Yang Mi sighed comfortably, and when Wu Muchen pulled his hand away, she grabbed his hand, "Touch it again, it's very comfortable."

Muchen Wu,...

Taking a serious look at Yang Mi, his eyes tightened.

In the past, he often went to night shows, and Yang Mi's reaction was too familiar.

Damn, who the hell drugged her.

Wu Muchen withdrew his hand forcefully, and speeded up the car, "Yang Mi, listen to me, you may have been drugged, I'll take you to the hospital now."

Yang Mi was hot and irritable. After hearing Wu Muchen's words, she immediately objected, "If I go to the hospital like this, I won't throw people into the Pacific Ocean. I won't go to the hospital."

Wu Muchen pursed his lips, "Then shall I take you home?"

"My dad can beat me to death when I go home." Yang Mi simply piled up her skirts on her lap, exposing her calves to cool off.

Wu Muchen had no choice but to take Yang Mi back home.

According to the most stupid way, fill the bathtub with cold water, and push Yang Mi in, "You can take a cold bath, and the effect of the medicine will wear off after a while."

At this time Yang Mi was a little delirious, she only knew that she needed Wu Muchen, she held his hand and leaned towards him.

The dress on Yang Mi's body has been ripped into a mess by her, Wu Muchen tried not to look down, frowned and said, "Be obedient, you'll feel comfortable after a meeting."

"I don't..." Yang Mi said vaguely, she simply put her arms around Wu Muchen's waist and did not let go.

Really comfortable.

Wu Muchen felt the enchanting figure of the woman in his arms, and his throat moved slightly.

Once, he was very casual about men and women, which caused him to lose Liu Zhuanghe.

Pushing Yang Mi away with some strength, he directly picked her up by the waist.

Before Yang Mi could react, she sat in the bathtub with a plop.

Wu Muchen directly closed the bathroom door.

The cold water made Yang Mi wake up a little bit, and she felt aggrieved and wanted to cry.

Damn, Wu Muchen hates her so much.

She is like this and I don't want to go to her.


Luo Yuwei searched around the banquet hall, but couldn't find Yang Mi, and no one answered her phone, so she was a little anxious.

"What's wrong?" Huo Diao, who had been paying attention to Luo Yuwei's emotions, asked with concern.

"Yang Mi is gone, and the phone can't be reached." Luo Yuwei raised the phone in his hand.

"Don't worry, I saw her leave with Mr. Wu just now."

Luo Yuwei blinked, it turned out to be like this.

This Yang Mi, she forgot about Wu Muchen when she saw her, no wonder she left suddenly just now.

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Luo." Yan Chenghao walked over with a cup.

Luo Yuwei subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave, but Huo Diao kept holding her waist and couldn't move, so she glared at Yan Chenghao with some displeasure.

Yan Chenghao didn't care, he smiled, "Everyone in the banquet hall is saying that Mr. Huo and Mr. Luo are in love with each other. It seems to be true."

Whether it's true or not, it has something to do with you.

Luo Yuwei looked around, but did not see Zhang Li.

It seemed that Yan Chenghao had no intention of admitting Zhang Li's identity.

This silly girl.

"Thank you Mr. Yan for your concern, Weiwei and I have always been sweet."

Shen Jingfei, who was walking over, almost fell to the ground. This is their cold-faced Mr. Huo.

Ever since I met Luo Yuwei, my whole painting style has changed.

Thinking of Ke Yang, Shen Jingfei poured all the wine in his hand into his mouth depressedly.

Yan Chenghao nodded, "It's really enviable."

"Why should Mr. Yan be envious of others, as long as you cherish it, there will naturally be a true relationship waiting for you." Luo Yuwei said pointedly.

Yan Chenghao asked in surprise, "Oh? I didn't expect sister Weiwei to be so clear about my affairs. I didn't even know about it. Tell me, which woman is so devoted to me."

Luo Yuwei really wanted to piss him off and be shameless.

Zhang Li didn't care that she was pregnant with his child.

It is said that the poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring, this guy has a darker heart than ink.

"I'm just talking casually. After all, it's Mr. Yan's own feelings. Mr. Yan doesn't know, so how could I know." Luo Yuwei said sarcastically.

Yan Chenghao raised his eyebrows, he knew who Luo Yuwei was referring to.

That stupid woman doesn't listen to him at all, what use does he want her for.

At this moment, a woman came to Yan Chenghao.

Yan Chenghao said excuse me, and left with his arms around the woman's waist. Seen from the back, the two were intimate.

Luo Yuwei stared fiercely at Yan Chenghao's back.

"Weiwei, you won't tell me that you had a crush on Yan Chenghao before, right?" Huo Diao said with some displeasure.

Just now seeing her discussing feelings with Yan Chenghao all the time, his teeth were itchy with anger but it was inconvenient to attack.

Luo Yuwei was taken aback, and looked at him strangely, "Why do you think so?"

"Otherwise?" Huo Diao looked unhappy.

Luo Yuwei couldn't help smiling, "It's not me, it's a friend of mine." Thinking of Zhang Li, Luo Yuwei sighed.

Being a single mother is not easy, and Zhang Li will work even harder in the future.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Looking at Zhang Li from the corner of his eyes, he saw that she was staring at Yan Chenghao and that woman.

Yan Chenghao also spotted Zhang Li, but he didn't have any scruples about her. He even touched the woman's buttocks, which drew her coquettish laughter.

"I ran into an acquaintance and went over to say hello."

Luo Yuwei walked towards Zhang Li without waiting for Huo Diao's agreement after finishing speaking.

Huo Zhaiao winked at Shen Jingfei, and Shen Jingfei followed him knowingly.

He didn't bring Shen Jing to the usual banquets, but since what happened last time, he didn't dare to take it lightly.

If he can't be by Luo Yuwei's side, let Shen Jingfei keep an eye on him.

 Today's question is: Who is Muchen Wu's ex-wife?Haha, the heroine who finished the article, interested little fairies can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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