Extreme wealthy family: Huo Shaodou's wife

Chapter 218 Yan's Anniversary Celebration Zhang Li Jumps off the Building

Chapter 218 Yan's Anniversary Celebration (3) Zhang Li Jumps off the Building

Zhang Li looked at Yan Chenghao flirting with other women in front of her with a pale face, biting her lower lip tightly with her teeth, and the smell of blood spread in her mouth.

How could he find a new love so quickly.

Although she knew in her heart that she and Yan Chenghao had no future, since she refused to help him last time and ran out of the restaurant, they had never been in touch again.

How many times, she slipped his phone number between her fingers, but she didn't press it after all.

"Zhang Li." Luo Yuwei walked over and looked at her worriedly.

Looking at Yan Chenghao, who had no one flirting with women, he frowned, looked away, and patted Zhang Li on the shoulder, "Forget about him, besides, he is not worthy of being a child's father."

Zhang Li looked at Luo Yuwei, her face became even paler, her hand stroked her lower abdomen, and she frowned in pain.

Zhang Li's lower abdomen can already be seen, but she is thin, and people who don't know think that she just got fat and has a small belly.

Luo Yuwei was right, her child would be better off without such a father.

However, I understand the truth, but my heart is very unwilling.

For her, and for the unborn child in her womb.

"Let's eat something." Luo Yuwei couldn't bear to look at Zhang Li's pale face anymore, and brought some long and beautiful cakes from the food area for her. She could only use her own way to warm her up.

When she is in a bad mood, she will eat some sweets, and the sweetness in her mouth will make her heart less bitter.

Zhang Li took the plate, her hands trembling.

Luo Yuwei sighed and pulled her to sit down in the corner.

"Zhang Li, you have to be strong."

Zhang Li nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Miss Luo, Boss Huo asked me to call you, saying he was taking you to say hello to Boss Yan." Shen Jingfei whispered in Luo Yuwei's ear.

Luo Yuwei glanced at Shen Jingfei and nodded.

Although she has no feelings for Yan Mu now, after all, today is Yan's anniversary, so she should say hello to her master.

Luo Yuwei patted the back of Zhang Li's hand, and followed Shen Jingfei towards Huo Diao.

Seeing Luo Yuwei approaching, Huo Zhaiao smiled at her, "Let's say hello to Boss Yan, and then we can go."

Luo Yuwei nodded, and walked towards Yan Mu holding Huo Diao's arm.

Yan Chenghao and Yan Chengzhao stood beside Yan Mu, Pan Wenhui took Yan Mu's arm, nodded with a smile and looked at the guests who came to congratulate.

Glancing at his son beside him, he smiled with satisfaction.

Her son finally became the president of the Yan family. If there is no accident, he will succeed the Yan family in the future.

It's not in vain for what she suffered when she was young.

"Mr. Yan, congratulations!" Huo Di proudly raised the wine glass in his hand.

Yan Mu laughed and clinked glasses with him, and both of them drank the wine in the glasses.

On such occasions, no matter how discordant they are, they still have to pretend to be very affectionate.

Yan Chengzhao nodded to Luo Yuwei.

Luo Yuwei smiled, and as for Yan Chenghao beside him, he just pretended not to see it.

A vicious look flashed in Yan Chenghao's eyes. This woman not only took away 10% of Mo's shares from Yan's hands, but also helped Yan Chengzhao win his position as president.

Unexpectedly, her life was really serious. He hired so many people but failed to kill her. Instead, a driver who drove her saved her.

His eyes glanced at Huo Diao.

This silly bastard, his woman gave him a green, and he even arranged such a powerful driver for her. If it wasn't for that driver, Luo Yuwei would definitely die.

Huo Zhai looked at Yan Chenghao arrogantly, the distorted expression on Yan Chenghao's face was too late to retract, and he was extremely embarrassed for a moment.

Huo Diao tilted the corner of his mouth ironically, avoiding his eyes.

Yan Chengzhao even laughed at Huo Diao's stupidity in his heart.

Being teased by a woman like this, he didn't react at all.

Maybe Luo Yuwei and Yan Chengzhao got together when they were abroad.

Huo Diao claims to be the male god of Jiangcheng, but he likes to pick up worn-out shoes worn by others. It seems that he is not very smart.

The few people standing here have their own thoughts, thinking about their little Jiujiu in their hearts.

Of course Yan Mu is happy today, Yan's crisis is over.

It's just that because of the Kang family, he now has to let Yan Chenghao continue to work in Yan's, but he is demoted to vice president, and Yan Chengzhao is the president of Yan's.

Thinking of Yan Chenghao's vicious thoughts, Yan Mu's whole back felt cold.

Fortunately, Luo Yuwei was merciful and only took back the original Luo's shares, and did not buy Yan's like Ni's.

He glanced at the youngest son beside him from the corner of his eyes, and nodded in relief.

He knew very well that if it wasn't for Yan Chengzhao, it would be impossible for Luo Yuwei to show mercy to Yan Shi like this.

Alas, if he had listened to Yan Chengzhao earlier and returned the shares to Luo Yuwei, perhaps what happened later would not have happened.

But people are always greedy, even if time goes back, Yan Mu will not take the initiative to hand over the shares.

At this moment, there was a loud "bang".

The guests in the banquet hall ran away in fright.

Luo Yuwei turned her head and saw the woman lying on the ground in the middle of the hall, blood was bubbling from her mouth, her eyes were wide open, and she was looking straight to this side.

"Weiwei, be careful." Huo Diao hugged Luo Yuwei in his arms, only to realize that her whole body was already stiff.

Luo Yuwei looked at the woman lying on the ground in disbelief. They were chatting just now, how could she...

"Someone jumped off the building..."

Some guests who reacted shouted, and the scene was in chaos.

Yan Mu's old face was livid with anger, where is this woman who escaped and jumped off the building on their Yan's anniversary celebration?

Yan Chengzhao called his assistant and told him to deal with it immediately.

The guests walked out of the banquet hall in an orderly manner under the leadership of the security guards. Some timid women were helped out.

Luo Yuwei didn't leave, she looked straight at the woman lying on the ground, as if she couldn't believe that Zhang Li died in front of her.

Yan Chenghao's face was extremely ugly, this stupid woman would kill him even if she died.

"Weiwei...Weiwei." Huo Zhaiao gently shook Luo Yuwei's shoulders, looking at her lovingly.

The woman lying on the ground talked to her just now, and they should know each other.

Ke Yang just went there a few days ago, and now it's this woman again.

How could she bear it in her heart.

Huo Zhai's intestines are green with regret, why did he come here today to attend some damn banquet.

If they stayed at home, even if they were bored watching TV, it would be better than letting Luo Yuwei witness this scene with their own eyes.

Luo Yuwei walked towards Zhang Li slowly, her whole body was already stiff, because she was wearing high-heeled shoes, she fell to the ground after walking two steps.

Huo Diao hurried forward to help her up.

Luo Yuwei pushed his hand away, kept her eyes on Zhang Li, and simply took off her shoes and walked towards her barefoot.

Although this world is cruel, why is she so hard to think about it.

Even if Yan Chenghao, a scumbag, is not responsible for her, there is still her.

Didn't she arrange for her to be the front desk in Hualiang? She can continue to do it.

Work is not tiring, and she can support herself.

Why can't she figure it out like this.

Now that she jumped down in front of them, did Yan Chenghao see her injury?

Instead, he avoided it, as if the woman lying on the ground had nothing to do with him.

As for the child in his belly, he didn't care about it.

Because of the sudden incident, the goblet in the hands of some guests fell to the ground in shock. Luo Yuwei accidentally stepped on it, but she didn't feel any pain, and there was a blood mark when she took a step.

Huo Di was so arrogant that he wanted to beat someone up, but he didn't dare to go up rashly.

Afraid that Luo Yuwei would collapse.

Finally, Luo Yuwei walked up to Zhang Li, saw a pool of blood between her legs, and burst into tears.

She didn't cry, just shed tears silently.

Did her child go with her too?

The trembling fingers were placed on her nose, and she had already lost her breath.

Luo Yuwei felt distressed.

Suddenly, seeing Zhang Li holding a piece of paper tightly in her hand, she took it out of her hand and unfolded it.


I'm gone, so tired, I think our baby is tired too.

You hate me so much now, you must also hate her, so I'll take her with me.

In another world, I will definitely meet a man who loves me sincerely, without cheating or taking advantage of me, only with sincerity.

Zhang Li
Luo Yuwei's hands trembled violently, she stood up, her eyes were filled with scarlet, and she turned to look at Yan Chenghao who was out of the way.

Yan Chenghao was a little guilty, but he still stood there straight, like an outsider.

This stupid woman can jump off the building if she wants to, it has nothing to do with him.

He hasn't contacted her for a long time, maybe she already has another man.


A crisp applause sounded in the banquet hall.

All the guests have left, only the Yan family, her and Huo Diao.

This slap stunned everyone, wondering if Luo Yuwei was so angry that he hit people casually.

"Weiwei, are you sick?" Yan Chenghao had never let a woman slap his face in public, and he was very angry right away.

If it wasn't in front of so many people, he would definitely slap back.

Huo Diao walked up to Luo Yuwei's side, took off his suit jacket and put it on her body, put his arm around her shoulders, and looked at Yan Chenghao warily.

If he dared to fight back, he would definitely let him crawl out of the banquet hall.

"Weiwei, what happened, why did you hit Chenghao?"

Yan Mu reacted and asked everyone's doubts.

"Why did I hit him..." Luo Yuwei pointed to Zhang Li who was lying on the ground, and looked at Yan Chenghao, "Boss Yan, don't you respond?"

"What does she have to do with me when she jumped off the building?" Yan Chenghao said angrily.

He ignored Zhang Li a long time ago. What does it have to do with him whether she is alive or not?
Luo Yuwei raised her hand and slapped Yan Chenghao again, exhausting all her strength.

Now Yan Chenghao couldn't take it anymore, he raised his hand and wanted to fight back, but Huo Zhaiao grabbed it and said coldly, "Boss Yan, if you dare to touch my woman, I will make you pay the price today."

Facing Huo Diao's cold eyes, Yan Chenghao flinched a little.

He had checked Huo Diao before, besides being the president of the Huo Group, he had other identities, but he never found out.

Luo Yuwei handed the note in front of Yan Chenghao with trembling hands, "Boss Yan, do you dare to say that it has nothing to do with you?"

Yan Chenghao glanced at Luo Yuwei suspiciously, took a look, his face changed drastically, and hurried to Zhang Li's side, when he saw a pool of blood under her, his face changed.

Yan Mu realized that this matter was really related to Yan Chenghao, so he also walked up to Zhang Li, glanced at her, took a note from Yan Chenghao's hand, and shook his body.

His grandson actually just died in front of him? !

The sudden accident made him a little unbearable, and he couldn't help but beat Yan Chenghao, "You are an unfilial son, how could you do such a beastly thing." You are just playing with women, and you don't want your own child.

Yan Chenghao didn't expect that Zhang Li was pregnant with his child, but his heart was always made of stone, and it only took a few seconds for him to return to normal.

"A child conceived by a bitch, don't mind." After speaking, he turned and left indifferently.

Leave a mess for Yan Mu to deal with.

Yan Muqi's temples throbbed, but there was nothing he could do.

After a while, the ambulance came along with the police.

After watching it for a while, the medical staff shook their heads, saying that it was hopeless.

Because many people saw that Zhang Li jumped off by herself, so it was a personal act, and the Yan family should not bear any responsibility.

Luo Yuwei twitched the corner of her mouth ironically.

A human life is so cheap.

Three days later, Zhang Li was cremated and buried.

Luo Yuwei was ill and had a persistent low fever, and Huo Zhaiao didn't go to work and stayed in Tianyi Pavilion to take care of her.

On the day of Zhang Li's funeral, Shen Jingfei was only asked to send a wreath on behalf of him and Luo Yuwei.

The family doctor put the needle on Luo Yuwei and left. Huo Zhaiao sat on the edge of the bed, took Luo Yuwei's little hand with the needle, and warmed her up.

Looking at the woman with her eyes closed on the bed, she sighed distressedly.

In just a few days, Luo Yuwei seemed to have lost a lot of weight. She was already thin, but now it's gone, as if a gust of wind could blow her away.

The successive blows made the woman finally collapsed.

Huo Diao would rather Luo Yuwei cry and make a fuss, so as to vent her unhappiness.

But she didn't, she was very quiet, and often sat alone on the balcony for a whole day, staring blankly at the front.

She fell asleep drowsily until she had a low fever.

This is also good, if you fall asleep, you are nourishing your body.

Luo Yuwei's wish is to revive the Luo family, so now he will do the unfinished work for her.

She just needs to stay by his side with peace of mind.

The little hand in the palm slowly warmed up, Huo Zhaiao stuffed Luo Yuwei's little hand into the bed, tucked the corner of the quilt for her, and walked out of the bedroom.

Downstairs, Shen Jingfei was already waiting.

During this time, he was so tired that he almost vomited blood.

President Huo doesn't go to the company, he has to face many things, and he has been investigating the person who wanted to kill Miss Luo last time, and finally he has a clue.

"Come to the study."

Shen Jingfei, who was thinking wildly, heard Huo Zhaiao calling him, so he hurriedly got up and walked towards the study.

After closing the door, Shen Jingfei walked over to Huo Diao's side.

During this period of time, President Huo endured with Miss Luo, and he lost a lot of weight.

"How's the investigation going?" Huo Diao asked with a blank expression while facing the balcony, with his back to Shen Jingfei.

Shen Jingfei took a deep breath, "We found out, it was the Kang family and Yan Chenghao who did it."

The result was expected, but also unexpected.

Unexpectedly, the Kang family also took action against Miss Luo.

"Yeah." Huo Zhaiao responded calmly without emotion, he had expected such a result.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Use our relationship to investigate all illegal matters of the Kang family. As for Yan Chenghao, he likes the Yan family, so let him lose it completely."

 Dear beauties, I would like to recommend to you the text of my good friend, the fifth daughter, the youngest son.

  "The Little Farmer's Wife of the Mountain Man"

  Traveling to the ancient countryside, with dilapidated houses and dilapidated walls, no parents, no money, no food in hand, and a large group of scumbags who want to plot against her.

  Shen Ruolan is depressed, hey!What should I do if I draw a bad hand?
  Cold salad is definitely not enough, you can only start from scratch.

  So, building greenhouses, raising poultry, digging fishponds, selling secret recipes, working hard, and finally living a colorful life, tortured the scumbags to the point of abandoning their helmets, crying for their fathers and mothers.

  Miss Shen became famous, and the matchmaker who came to her door to propose a marriage broke the threshold. She was thinking about who to choose, and a certain unscrupulous man came to her door in the middle of the night.

  "Lan'er, you said we've both slept together, and you're still thinking about marrying someone else, don't you want to be responsible?"

  Shen Ruolan snorted lightly: "You said you slept and you slept? What about the evidence?"

  The man replied slowly, "As for the evidence, I'll keep it in your stomach, and you can see it in nine months!"


(End of this chapter)

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