Extreme wealthy family: Huo Shaodou's wife

Chapter 222 Some people want to die, but she can't help it

Chapter 222 Some people want to die, but she can't help it
Luo Yuwei was temporarily arranged to clean Mo Beichen's office.

But after cleaning, she didn't know what to do, so she had to continue watching TV on the computer.

It's been like this for a week.

Luo Yuwei felt that she had watched almost all domestic and foreign movies this week.

Next door, Mo Beichen also stared at the computer and watched Luo Yuwei for a week.

After get off work, Luo Yuwei asked Zhang Rui to drive her to Weixian.

It was still early, and there were not many people in Weixian at this time.

Of course, Luo Yuwei didn't care, and went directly to the private room on the second floor.

Li Nanzhi looked at Luo Yuwei who walked in, and said sadly, "Boss Luo, you finally remembered that you are the boss here."

Luo Yuwei smiled, and knew that Li Nanzhi had worked hard during this time.

Sitting on the sofa, he picked up the wine bottle in front of him and poured himself a glass. After taking a sip, he said, "Mo Beichen installed a camera in my office to monitor me."

"You son of a bitch." Li Nanzhi couldn't help cursing, looking at Luo Yuwei's suggestion, "Do you want me to sneak into the Mo's building at night and destroy the camera?"

Luo Yuwei shook her head, "He also knows in his heart what my motive for going to Mo's is. At this time, it is to see who can hold his breath."

"But you can't be watched by him like this every day." Li Nanzhi was speechless.

Luo Yuwei glanced at Li Nanzhi, "That's why I came to you."

"what do you want to do?"

Luo Yuwei picked up her glass and took a sip of the wine, then said slowly, "Weixian is currently the favorite place for most sons or successful people in Jiangcheng. Pay attention to all the projects Mo's is working on recently."

"I see."

"This matter must be kept secret." Luo Yuwei glanced at Li Nanzhi.

She didn't know if Mo Beichen already knew that she was Weixian's boss, but according to his intelligence, he must have guessed it.

But that's not the point. The point is not to let Mo Beichen know what she's asking about.

"I understand, don't worry, half of the waiters here are trained."

Luo Yuwei nodded, drank the wine in the glass, stood up and planned to leave.

Jin Zhuo opened the door and came in, "Boss Luo."

"Well, how are you doing recently?" Seeing Jin Zhuo coming in, Luo Yuwei sat down again.

Most of the time when she came to Weixian to find Li Nanzhi, she was a little sorry for Jin Zhuo.

"Very good." Jin Zhuo sat down opposite Luo Yuwei, poured her a glass of wine, and poured it on himself and Li Nanzhi.

Luo Yuwei nodded, and the three chatted for a while before getting up and leaving.

As soon as he reached the stairs, he casually glanced at the hall and narrowed his eyes.

"Mr. Luo, don't worry, we've taken videos of Xu Tingyun flirting with men in Weixian, including sex." Li Nanzhi glanced at Xu Tingyun. At this time, she was dancing with a man, her dance was bold and unrestrained, If she didn't know that she was Miss Qianjin, she would look like a prostitute at this moment.

"Well, don't let her find out." Luo Yuwei walked out without looking at Xu Tingyun again.

Some people want to die, and she can't help it.

The car was driving on the streets of Jiangcheng, the sky was getting dark, and the street lights on both sides of the road were turned on.

The car slowly stopped at Tianyi Pavilion, and Luo Yuwei opened the door to get out of the car.

Walking into the living room, I saw the confinement wife standing at the door of the kitchen feeling a little helpless.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter?" Luo Yuwei glanced at the kitchen.

Seeing that it was Luo Yuwei, the concubine rushed over, "Miss Luo, Mr. Huo cooks for himself, and you still don't want me to help."

Luo Yuwei smiled and comforted the confinement wife, "It's okay, Huo Zhaiao doesn't like being disturbed when cooking, so let him finish it, you go and rest."


The confinement sister-in-law looked embarrassed, this is really good.

The master cooks and rests as a servant.

No matter how you think about it, it's wrong.

Luo Yuwei didn't make things difficult for Yue Yue, she went upstairs and changed into her home clothes, sat on the sofa, and adjusted the channel casually.

The mind is thinking of countermeasures.

It can't go on like this, what exactly does Mo Beichen mean.

Asking her to clean his office all the time, is it humiliating or forcing her to leave?

At this moment, the phone rang.

Luo Yuwei picked it up, it was an email sent to her by Li Nanzhi, opened the mailbox, and there was a project that Mo's was in progress or was about to develop recently, the corner of her mouth ticked, this Li Nanzhi was getting faster and faster.

"It's time to eat." Huo Diao came out with two plates of food.

Luo Yuwei got up and sat at the dining table, seeing that most of the dishes on the table were her favorite dishes, she glanced at Huo Zhaiao.

This guy is trying to curry favor with her today.

"I'm coming." Following the voice, a black shadow came over.

Ren Tanfei looked at the dishes on the table and swallowed, "I knew there would be delicious food today."

Huo Diao's face turned black.

Luo Yuwei pursed her lips tightly, afraid she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Yuesao and Zhang Rui looked at Ren Tanfei strangely.

Ren Tanfei kept his eyes on the dishes on the table, and didn't find anything wrong with his appearance.

I'm just happy in my heart, luckily I came here today, I saw that this dish is Huo Diao's handicraft.

"Let's eat." Ren Tanfei greeted everyone familiarly, and took the lead in pulling out the chairs and sitting down.

Huo Diao glanced at him, pursed his lips and sat down.

The others also sat down slowly.

Luo Yuwei ate a mouthful of rice, and she didn't understand where Ren Tan Feifan's self-confidence came from.

"Eat more." Huo Diao picked up a chopstick for Luo Yuwei.

When Ren Tanfei saw it, he smiled and said, "Huo Zhaiao, I just realized now that you really know how to please women."

"That depends on who it is." Huo Diao put the peeled shrimp into Luo Yuwei's bowl.

Luo Yuwei smiled happily at him.

This is what is called love.

No matter what you eat or do, someone will miss you.

Ren Tanfei shook his body, "Don't spread dog food, here are all bachelors."

"I'm not, my daughter will go to college next year." Yuesao said hurriedly.

Ren Tanfei, "..."


Luo Yuwei couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Rui also suppressed a smile.

Ren Tan Fei stuffed a big mouthful of vegetables into his mouth angrily, he had to eat hard, or he would die.

After dinner, Huo Zhaiao and Ren Tanfei went to the study, Luo Yuwei glanced at Zhang Rui, "Let's go to the basement to practice."

"Ah?" Zhang Rui was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

The two of them practiced in the basement for less than an hour before Luo Yuwei came up.

I am used to fighting with Huo Diao, and I always feel that I don't have that vivid feeling if I change someone.

After taking a shower, Huo Diao still hasn't come back.

Luo Yuwei yawned and lay down on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

When she was about to fall asleep, she wondered in a daze, why did she feel so tired because she hadn't done anything these days.

When she was fast asleep, she was hugged into a familiar embrace, Luo Yuwei knew it was Huo Zhaiao, she turned over and wrapped her arms around his waist, sleeping soundly in his embrace.

Instead, a certain man couldn't fall asleep and tossed and turned all night.

In the morning, Luo Yuwei opened her eyes and stretched comfortably. It felt so good to be full of sleep.

Huo Diao walked out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist, his hair was still dripping, obviously he just took a shower.

From a long distance away, Luo Yuwei felt the cold air all over his body, blushed at the thought of something, and went to wash up pretending not to know anything.

The two changed their clothes and went downstairs.

The confinement wife has already prepared breakfast.

After dinner, Zhang Rui sent Luo Yuwei to Mo's.

Luo Yuwei walked into the office, first cleaned the office for Mo Beichen, sat behind the desk and stared at the computer in front of her, did she want to continue watching movies again? !
With a bang, the office door was pushed open vigorously from the outside.

Xu Tingyun stood at the door and glared at Luo Yuwei.

Luo Yuwei glanced at her lightly, and when she saw the blue color under her eyes, she knew that she had indulged in sex last night.

It's hard for her to come to Mo's this morning.

Xu Tingyun walked up to Luo Yuwei with an attitude of catching rape, and said fiercely, "Luo Yuwei, why are you in the Mo family."

"Why can't I be here?" Luo Yuwei rested her chin on her hand, and looked lightly at Xu Tingyun, whose head was about to smoke from anger.

It just so happened that she had nothing to do, and it would be nice to have someone to accompany her to pass the time.

Xu Tingyun was about to die of anger. If she hadn't placed eyeliner in Mo's, she would not have known that Luo Yuwei actually worked in Mo's.

"Are you here to seduce Mo Beichen?"

Xu Tingyun looked at Luo Yuwei fiercely, if she dared to say yes, she would definitely scratch her face.

She is already proud of Huo Zhai, so she went to Mo's to seduce her man.

"Miss Xu, as I said before, Mo Beichen is a scumbag in my eyes. If you treat him as a treasure, you will be fine."

After the words fell, Mo Beichen walked in.

Luo Yuwei raised his eyelids and glanced at Mo Beichen lightly. He should have heard what he said just now.

She didn't lie. In her heart, he was indeed a scum, the worst kind.

Xu Tingyun felt that something was wrong, turned her head and met Mo Beichen's expressionless face, and said somewhat unnaturally, "Bei...Beichen."

"Why are you here?" Mo Beichen glanced at Luo Yuwei without emotion, and asked Xu Tingyun.

Xu Tingyun said a little grumpily, "I...I have nothing to do, so I came to see you." She felt guilty about what she said.

She asked Luo Yuwei so loudly just now if she was seducing Mo Beichen.

The office door was open.

As soon as Luo Yuwei finished speaking, he walked in.

It's hard not to believe that Mo Beichen didn't hear anything.

Luo Yuwei was worried about Xu Tingyun's IQ, so Mo Beichen couldn't let Mo Beichen play around with her because she was so stupid.

Luo Yuwei played with the signature pen and looked at the two people in front of him.

There is a play to watch early in the morning, which is very good.

Glancing at the camera next to the flowerpot, he had an idea in his mind.

"Now that you've seen it, you can go." Mo Beichen said lightly.

Xu Tingyun, "..."

Luo Yuwei looked at Xu Tingyun sympathetically, and said that Mo Beichen was a scumbag, and she insisted on treating this man as a baby.


"Mr. Mo, Miss Xu and I haven't seen each other for a long time. Anyway, I'm fine now, so I can chat with her." Luo Yuweika looked at Mo Beichen with wide eyes and a harmless smile.

Mo Beichen frowned.

Xu Tingyun naturally didn't want to leave, she hadn't asked why Luo Yuwei was in the Mo family, how could she leave, walked to Luo Yuwei's side, and took her hand affectionately, "Yes, we were good friends before, you have been with her since you returned to China Busy, we seldom get together."

Luo Yuwei really wanted to applaud Xu Tingyun, no one could tell nonsense with her eyes open.

Mo Beichen glanced at the hands of the two who were holding each other together, turned and left without saying anything.

Even, considerately closed the door.

When the door closed, Xu Tingyun shook off Luo Yuwei's hand, "Don't be too complacent."

Luo Yuwei said lazily, "Oh, Miss Xu, you didn't realize that Mr. Mo doesn't like you at all."

"Who said that Beichen loves me very much."

"Then do you love him?" Luo Yuwei asked curiously.

"Of course." Xu Tingyun said without thinking.

Luo Yuwei leaned forward and whispered in Xu Tingyun's ear, "You like him and dance face-to-face with other men?"

"How do you know?" After speaking, Xu Tingyun wanted to bite off her tongue in annoyance, quickly glanced at the closed office door, and lowered her voice, "I warn you, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not interested in your affairs." Luo Yuwei glanced in the direction of the camera, "It's just Miss Xu, are you sure it's the person who loves Mo Beichen or his identity."

Xu Tingyun was at a loss for words.

Indeed, Mo Beichen is a well-known diamond king and fifth in Jiangcheng. Many famous ladies envy her as Mo Beichen's fiancée.

"So, what you love is his identity." Luo Yuwei said with a smile.

Xu Tingyun came back to her senses, and asked fiercely, "Then what about you, who do you love Huo Diao or who is he?"

Luo Yuwei smiled mysteriously, "Guess?"

"You..." Xu Tingyun was so angry that she raised her hand and wanted to hit Luo Yuwei.

Before reaching her hand, she was grabbed by Luo Yuwei, "Miss Xu, I advise you not to overestimate your capabilities."

The wrist held by Luo Yuwei became more and more painful, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on Xu Tingyun's forehead, but she just didn't want to give in, and stared at her stubbornly.

She didn't believe at all that Luo Yuwei was a different person when she came back from abroad.

How could she have such great strength, she just thought that her slap would definitely hit Luo Yuwei's face.

Not only did he miss, but she grabbed her wrist and couldn't move.

"Luo Yuwei, you..."

Luo Yuwei shook off Xu Tingyun's arm, and said coldly, "So, don't mess with me, I'm only here for work, to seduce Mo Beichen? I don't care."

"Is this true?" Xu Tingyun ignored the swelling of her wrist and looked at Luo Yuwei carefully, not knowing how credible her words were.

"Believe it or not." Luo Yuwei stopped talking nonsense, as long as her goal was achieved, she sat behind the desk, turned on the computer, and calmly watched the movie.

Xu Tingyun widened her eyes, "Didn't you say you came to work, why are you watching a movie?"

"I'm done with my work." Luo Yuwei didn't even look at Xu Tingyun.

Xu Tingyun raised her wrist and looked at the time. It was only ten o'clock in the morning. Has she finished her work?

How about cheating ghosts.

"Luo Yuwei, since you said you didn't seduce Mo Beichen, could it be him..." He seduced you, otherwise why wouldn't he arrange a job for her.

Watching movies during working hours, she didn't believe that Mo Beichen would do this.

Mo Beichen, who has always been strict with his employees, indulged Luo Yuwei like this, no matter what he thought, something was wrong.

Xu Tingyun didn't say the following words, but her expression said everything.

Luo Yuwei shrugged, "Who knows."

Xu Tingyun's face turned green all of a sudden.

 Today's question is: what is Xu Tingyun's father's name?
  Top 20 correct answers get [-] coins

(End of this chapter)

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