Extreme wealthy family: Huo Shaodou's wife

Chapter 223 It Feels Good to Kill Someone With a Borrowed Knife

Chapter 223 It Feels Good to Kill Someone With a Borrowed Knife

Xu Tingyun looked at Luo Yuwei fiercely, her face was livid with anger.

She didn't believe that Mo Beichen would seduce Luo Yuwei, but every time there was a business banquet, as long as there was Luo Yuwei, Mo Beichen would always look at her intentionally or unintentionally.

This annoyed her.

Now, Luo Yuwei is working in the Mo family openly and aboveboard, how can she swallow this breath.

"If you really have nothing to do with Mo Beichen, please leave Mo's."

Luo Yuwei looked at Xu Tingyun amusedly, and looked at her distorted face, inexplicably very happy!

"Why do you let me leave? I'm leaving. If you have the ability, you can talk to Mo Beichen." After returning to China, Xu Tingyun was always arrogant in front of her, and now it's time to be deflated.

Xu Ting trembled with anger, but she couldn't help Luo Yuwei.

Finally left angrily.

The door was slammed loudly.

Luo Yuwei looked at the direction of the flowerpot thoughtfully.

After get off work, Luo Yuwei did not leave in a hurry, and asked Zhang Rui to drive the car to the intersection ahead and stop.

Then fell asleep on the back of the car seat.

Half an hour passed, Zhang Rui didn't know what Luo Yuwei wanted to do, why he asked him to park the car here and do nothing.

Could it be that she is just tired and the rest will be?
What do you think is wrong.

Luo Yuwei didn't open his eyes until nearly two hours had passed.

Zhang Rui hurriedly asked, "Miss Luo, why don't you go back to Tianyi Pavilion?"

Luo Yuwei shook her head, "Don't go back yet, you wait for me in the car." After speaking, she opened the door and got out of the car.

Zhang Rui also got out of the car, "Miss Luo, Mr. Huo asked me to protect your safety 24 hours a day."

Luo Yuwei stopped and looked back at Zhang Rui, "Two or ten minutes later, you drive the car to the gate of Mo's and wait for me."

After speaking, he walked towards the Mo's Building.

Zhang Rui was a little speechless, so he had to go back to the car and wait.

During this time period, most employees have already left work.

Luo Yuwei didn't know if Mo Beichen was off work, so she didn't dare to go in rashly.

He didn't go in until he saw Mo Beichen walk out of the building and leave by car.

The security guard on duty took a look at Luo Yuwei and did not stop her. After all, she is now an employee of Mo's.

It is normal for many employees to come to the company to work overtime at night.

Luo Yuwei took the elevator and went directly to the monitoring room.

The camera surveillance in her room must be in Mo Beichen's office, and she dared not go to his office.

Someone as cautious as he was, anyone who entered his office would know for sure.

She can't take this risk.

At this time, there was a person on duty in the monitoring room, usually two people, and it seemed that the other person had gone to eat.

Luo Yuwei looked around and slipped in when she found no one.

Seeing a person suddenly barging in, the security guard stood up from the chair in shock, looked at Luo Yuwei, "Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm the new assistant to the president. Not long after I arrived, Assistant Li made me familiar with the environment, so I accidentally transferred here." After speaking, he looked at the security guard innocently.

The security guard in the monitoring room is usually bored at work, but suddenly a beautiful woman came, and seeing that the beautiful woman looked harmless, he naturally relaxed his vigilance.

Taking a look at the work card hanging on Luo Yuwei's chest, he was indeed the assistant to the president, and his attitude immediately became more respectful.

"Excuse me, what do you want to know?"

Luo Yuwei looked at each screen curiously, "It's nothing, just curious about our monitoring room."

When the security guard heard this, he smiled triumphantly, "Yes, although our monitoring room has a single job and no technical content, we can see the whole picture of the company here, and it is quite useful in an emergency."

Luo Yuwei's eyes widened in surprise, and she looked at the security guard with admiration, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." The security guard, who had never been admired by a woman before, burst into confidence in an instant, and even straightened his chest.

Luo Yuwei was funny in her heart, but curious on her face, she asked cautiously, "Can I have a look?"

The security guard was a little hesitant. Looking at Luo Yuwei's big watery eyes, he really wanted to say, if you don't let me see it, you are just bragging.

"Yes, but you can't tell what you see, it's privacy after all."

"Of course." Luo Yuwei stretched out two fingers to make an oath. Two fingers are not five fingers. She should be fine and won't be struck by lightning.

"Then what do you want to see?"

"Of course it's the president's room. After all, I'm the assistant to the president." Luo Yuwei said with a smile.

The security guard nodded, feeling that what the beauty said made sense, and cut the scene to the top floor of the president.

Luo Yuwei stood in front of the screen and watched carefully.

Naturally, she couldn't see it here in her office, but she saw Xu Tingyun in the corridor, as long as she was there.

While the security guard was drinking water, Luo Yuwei quickly took a few photos of Xu Tingyun on the screen.

Coming out of the monitoring room, Luo Yuwei quickly walked into the elevator.

Walked out of the building, opened the car door and sat in, "Go back to Tianyi Pavilion."

Zhang Rui didn't know what Luo Yuwei was doing back after get off work, so he nodded without asking, started the engine and drove the car towards Tianyi Pavilion.

When we returned to Tianyi Pavilion, it was almost eight o'clock.

Huo Diao was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Luo Yuwei glanced at it, it was the show she usually likes to watch.

This guy doesn't seem to be interested in financial news lately.

Seeing her come back, Yuesao hurriedly said, "Miss Luo got off work very late today, and Mr. Huo has been waiting for you to eat."

Luo Yuwei was startled, and looked at Huo Zhaiao, "Why don't you eat first, it's so late."

Huo Diao stood up and walked towards the sofa, "I'm not hungry." Just after he finished speaking, his stomach let out a loud growl.

Huo Zhai's Ao Ergen was a little red, and he lowered his head and looked at his stomach in a depressed mood.

Luo Yuwei suppressed a smile, pretending she didn't hear it.

This arrogant person, obviously waiting for her to eat, just said that he was not hungry.

Zhang Rui also suppressed his smile and went to the dining table.

As soon as the group sat down, they heard movement at the door.

Ren Tanfei took off his shoes casually, and walked over with his slippers on, "Wow, it looks like I managed it well."

"Why are you here again? The Ren family is so poor that they can't even afford food." Huo Diao said a little annoyed, he cooked the fish for Luo Yuwei specially today, but this guy came to eat again.

Ren Tanfei didn't care about Huo Zhaiao's sarcasm, and said with a smile, "Don't be so stingy, anyway, there are so many dishes, you can't finish them all, so it's better if I don't waste food when I come here." He picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of fish meat from the belly of the fish, picked the thorn and put it into his mouth.

Zhai Aoao glanced at Ren Tanfei in disgust, moved the plate to his side, and before Ren Tanfei didn't notice, he quickly put the fish with a few chopsticks into Luo Yuwei's bowl.

After the meal, Ren Tanfei sat on the sofa and Ge You lay down, and the uncle said, "I'm not leaving today."

After finishing speaking, he shouted to Yuesao who was cleaning the table, "Yuesao, please help me clean up the room I used to live in later."

The confinement lady took the rag and looked at Huo Diao, seeing that he had no objection, she replied with a smile, "Okay."

Satisfied, Ren Tanfei continued to lie down and watch TV with Ge You, not treating himself as a guest at all.

Huo Diao stared at Ren Tan Fei, this light bulb.

Luo Yuwei changed her clothes and fought Huo Diao for an hour.

In the past, it was Huo Diao who urged her, but now she is very conscious.

Because she needs to be strong, what happened last time will not happen.

The corner Ke Yang used to hide was no longer there, and every time Luo Yuwei accidentally glanced over it, he would always feel a pain in his heart.

He is in another place, with his parents, so he shouldn't be lonely.

After taking a shower, Luo Yuwei sent the photos taken in the monitoring room to Xu Tingyun.

He also sent her the recording of the conversation between her and Xu Tingyun in the office.

After a while, Xu Tingyun called.

"Luo Yuwei, what do you mean?"

Through the phone, Luo Yuwei could also hear Xu Tingyun's angry voice.

Presumably no one wants to see their words being recorded.

Sitting on the sofa, Luo Yuwei said casually while wiping her hair, "It's nothing interesting, just to remind you that Mo Beichen may have heard our conversation today."

"Luo Yuwei, you are so despicable, you actually sent the recording of our conversation to Mo Beichen." Xu Tingyun's head was smoking with anger, and she wanted to go through the phone line to beat Luo Yuwei.

Luo Yuwei rubbed her ears, "Xu Tingyun, you are stupid, if that's the case, why should I send it to you? I just want to tell you that Mo Beichen has set up a camera in my office, so he may have heard our conversation."

"What do you mean, maybe he didn't hear it?" Xu Tingyun grabbed Luo Yuwei's words.

"Who knows, I don't know if Mo Beichen saw what happened today." Luo Yuwei guided deliberately, "Mo Beichen seems to have been busy today, so I probably haven't seen it yet, otherwise you won't be well Yes."

When Xu Tingyun heard it, she was really fooled, "Really?"

In fact, she knew very well in her heart that the facts were just like what Luo Yuwei said.

If Mo Beichen watched the surveillance, he would naturally know their conversation and would definitely come to question her.

In fact, Xu Tingyun thought too much, even if Mo Beichen found out, he might not come to her.

Some people just don't care!
"I've told you the matter. As for what to do, it's up to you." Luo Yuwei hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

It feels really good to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

If she guesses right, the camera in her office will be taken away tomorrow.

The next day, Luo Yuwei walked into the office with a glass of milk in his hand.

Before he got close, he saw the door of the office was open.

Standing at the door, looking at the people standing inside, with a confused look on his face, "What are you doing?"

Mo Beichen, Li Hang, Xu Tingyun, Xu Tingyun's father, and Xu Chimu all turned to look at her.

Li Hang carefully glanced at Mo Beichen, saw that his face was expressionless, and said to Luo Yuwei, "Miss Luo, we found a camera in your office."

"Camera?" Luo Yuwei was shocked, put the milk on the desk, and ran to several people.

Sure enough, there was a camera hidden in the flower pot, and it was pulled out at this moment.

Luo Yuwei's face darkened, and she yelled at Mo Beichen, "Mr. Mo, can you explain what's going on?"

Mo Beichen glanced at her and pursed his lips.

Xu Tingyun stood behind Luo Yuwei, pursing her lips, pretending to be true.

If she hadn't told her last night, how would she know that there is a camera in Luo Yuwei's office.

Otherwise, if she was killed, she wouldn't have said yesterday that she didn't love Mo Beichen.

Yes, she used to love Mo Beichen, but she never got a response, so it's better to grab the power in his hands to get down to business.

When she becomes Mrs. Mo, rich and powerful, let's see who else in Jiangcheng dares to underestimate her.

She knew very well that in Mo Beichen's heart, maybe she was not important.

If she came to him by herself, Mo Beichen would definitely ignore her.

So she found Xu Chimu.

Xu Chimu naturally stood by his daughter, no matter what Mo Beichen's purpose of installing a camera in Luo Yuwei's office was, he would stop it.

The position of Mrs. Mo can only belong to his daughter.

Mo Beichen didn't reply to Luo Yuwei's words, and knew exactly what was going on in his heart.

Standing beside the two of them, Li Hang stepped back in embarrassment.

He is a little Xiami, and he doesn't want to be affected.

At this moment, people from the company's engineering department walked in and quickly removed the camera.

After the people left, Xu Chimu glanced at Luo Yuwei, then at Mo Beichen, "Mr. Mo, there are some things we can talk about alone."

"Okay." Mo Beichen responded and walked out of the office first.

Xu Chimu also walked out.

Li Hang glanced at Luo Yuwei apologetically, and walked out.

Luo Yuwei shrugged, sat behind the desk, picked up the milk she brought and drank it.

"Luo Yuwei, can you still drink?" Xu Tingyun pulled away the chair in front of Luo Yuwei's desk and sat down, staring at the woman drinking milk leisurely.

Luo Yuwei raised her eyebrows, "Why can't I drink it? I haven't had breakfast yet."

I was squeezed too hard by a certain rogue last night, so I got up late in the morning, so I had to carry a glass of milk.

Xu Tingyun rounded her eyes angrily, "Are you satisfied now?"

"Satisfied, very satisfied, but Ms. Xu is more satisfied than me, isn't she." Luo Yuwei turned on the computer and looked at Mo's stock market.

It's so comfortable to live without a camera, and I'm not afraid that that pervert Mo Beichen will see what she's doing.

In fact, Xu Tingyun has also recalled it now.

Luo Yuwei took advantage of her.

She premeditated what happened yesterday.

But she has no evidence, and it's useless to get angry.

Mo Beichen's office next door.

Mo Beichen and Xu Chimu sat on the sofa, each with a cup of steaming coffee in front of them.

"Everyone says Mo's coffee is good, I'm lucky to try it today." Xu Chimu said pointedly.

Mo Beichen acted as if he didn't understand, pointed to the coffee and said, "Mr. Xu will know after tasting it." After speaking, he picked up the coffee in front of him and took a sip.

Xu Chimu was so angry that his liver hurt. What he meant was that if it wasn't for Luo Yuwei, he wouldn't even be able to drink this cup of coffee.

Although Mo Beichen is now Xu Tingyun's fiance, that is, his future son-in-law.

But this son-in-law never took the initiative to find him.

Apart from meeting on necessary occasions, they never communicate in private.

They are strangers than strangers.

He really wanted to know if this future son-in-law was a fake.

Last night, when Xu Tingyun said that Luo Yuwei was working at Mo's, she couldn't sit still.

Even if it wasn't for the camera, he would still come to Mo Beichen.

And what does Mo Beichen mean by deliberately installing a camera in Luo Yuwei's office?
Does he still love Luo Yuwei?
"Mr. Mo, why does Luo Yuwei work at Mo's?" Xu Chimu asked the topic he was most concerned about.

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  【First meeting】

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  【Second meeting】

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(End of this chapter)

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