Chapter 217
Chapter 210 Seven
"You are too despicable to poison." Mu Yan collapsed on the ground, glaring at Mo Yicheng and Mo Yilei angrily.

I knew that I couldn't talk about etiquette, justice and shame with the Poison Sect gang.

Luo Li's body froze, but he soon regained his freedom. He stood in front of Mu Yan and stared at the two brothers warily.

"How can you still move?" Seeing Luo Li standing there like nothing happened, Mo Yicheng was very surprised.

Although this ecstasy drug is not the most proud drug of their Poison Sect, it is effective enough to poison a sixth-order monster, and this young man has not been affected at all.

There is also the woman leaning on the door rail, who was also not caught. What's going on, is there something wrong with the medicine?
It shouldn't be, Junior Sister Qingxue is the most careful, how could she make mistakes.

Mu Yan looked at Feng Yunyao and Luo Li, who were not poisoned, and said bitterly, "Why are you two fine? It's too much to pour them all together."

As soon as he said this, Xiaobai rolled his eyes.

Because both its owner and Luo Li have brains, this bastard's body is missing a part called 'brain'.

"Take out the antidote." Luo Li didn't answer their question, but asked for the antidote for Mu Yan.

It was because his body was different from ordinary people, and the poison of being a direct descendant of a witch sage had no effect on him at all.

"If you want an antidote, take your things out of the house and apologize to us." Mo Yilei shouted arrogantly.

These three short-sighted things dare to compete with their Poison Sect disciples for the house, and if they don't give them some flair, wouldn't it make others think that their Poison Sect is easy to bully.

"Don't think about it, I don't understand, what's the matter." Even though Mu Yan couldn't move his body, his attitude didn't weaken at all, "Aren't your poison sects very powerful, and they almost fainted with poison."

Feng Yunyao: "..."

"..." Luo Li silently looked aside, even Xiaobai, who was nestled in Feng Yunyao's arms, shrank his head in, really didn't want to admit that this bastard was with them, what a shame.

Mo Yicheng looked at Luoli and Feng Yunyao thoughtfully, although he didn't know why they didn't get the trick, but thinking that it should be because Shangguan Qingxue was standing below, the smell of the medicine faded a lot.

Thinking of this, he moved his hand and was about to inject the poison for the second time, but at this moment, his whole body went numb for an instant, and his limbs couldn't even move.

"What's the matter, I can't move anyway." Like him, Mo Yilei couldn't move his whole body.

Hastily crushed the antidote hidden in the teeth, they mainly make poison, the poison never leaves the body, but the antidote is also on the body.

In order to prevent a situation like today, they have the antidote for all kinds of poison in their teeth.

It's just that they still can't move after taking the antidote. Obviously, the antidote can't cure their poison at all.

Shangguan Qingxue who was below obviously noticed their mistake and jumped up.

"What happen to you guys?"

"They poisoned us, and we can't be cured." Mo Yicheng cast a gloomy glance at Luo Li, and finally turned to Feng Yunyao.

The man who was asking for an antidote with them just now is obviously not good at this aspect, and it is even more impossible to be paralyzed on the ground, and the only one left is this woman.

Shangguan Qingxue also guessed it, looked at Feng Yunyao with her autumn eyes, and frowned slightly on her delicately repaired brows.

She looks ordinary, but people can't help but pay attention to her existence at the first sight.

Who is this woman, she can poison someone from the Poison Sect quietly, the Poison Sect disciples are more difficult to be poisoned than ordinary people, and ordinary poisons can't do anything to them.

Brother Mo Yicheng is the son of the third elder of the Poison Sect. They have lived in the Poison Sect since they were young. Like her, they have eaten countless herbs and poisons since they were young. It can be said that they have reached the point of being invulnerable to all poisons.

Now she was poisoned by a woman, what did she use?
Shangguan Qingxue secretly checked Mo Yicheng's pulse, but found out what kind of poison he had, and only knew that he had been poisoned.

Afterwards, she took out two holy medicines for detoxification, which were her uncle's detoxification pills, not to mention ordinary poisons, even those most poisonous things.

The two brothers Mo Yicheng each ate a pill, thinking that the poison would be cured immediately, but there was no reaction at all, and they were still unable to move.

They had just taken the medicine, and their bodies suddenly ached, and the pain became more intense.

"What's going on, why are you in pain?" Shangguan Qingxue was shocked, and hurriedly took out another bottle of pill for them to eat.

But the more they took the antidote, the more severe their pain was, and they even began to convulse all over their bodies.

Feng Yunyao gave Luo Li a pill, and Luo Li immediately understood to feed that pill to Mu Yan.

"Why don't you let Fengfeng feed me?" Mu Yan looked disgusted, but obediently opened his mouth and swallowed the pill.

The elixir entered his stomach, and soon his body could move.

On the other hand, the two brothers Mo Yicheng were in so much pain that they were lying on the ground shaking non-stop, and even the veins on their necks wanted to burst out.

"I'll go, what's wrong with them, maybe they're suffering from epilepsy." Luo Li stood beside Feng Yunyao, tsk-tsk sarcasm.

"It's probably possible." Luo Li echoed what he said with great interest.

Shangguan Qingxue saw that the more they took the antidote, the worse the pain became. She must have discovered the problem at this point.

He didn't dare to feed them any more antidote, so he turned to look at Feng Yunyao and the other three, frowned and said, "Girl, we have no grievances with you, how could you give such a conscienceless poison? Aren't you afraid that others will say that you are vicious?"

She was blaming Feng Yunyao every word, but she didn't mention anything about how she poisoned Luo Li and the others just now.

It's really like a white lotus flower in the pool, don't want the "holy" ones.

"Obviously you were the ones who poisoned first, okay?" Mu Yan glared at her angrily.

They were the ones who were injured. Although he was the only one who was recruited, it was also because of their poison.

"Poisoning?" Shangguan Qingxue's charming face showed doubts, so she shook her head and vetoed, "No, Senior Brother Mo and Junior Brother Mo will definitely not do such a thing, do you have a misunderstanding?"

This is obviously not going to be admitted.

"Why not? I was poisoned and fell to the ground just now." Mu Yan was immediately overwhelmed by her shamelessness. Why didn't he think this woman was so shameless before? You know, the first time he saw her, he was so shameless. I fell in love with her, but now that I think about it, I feel my stomach churns, and all the slightest affection for her is gone.

"Really, but how did I see that it was Brother Mo who knocked you down." Shangguan Qingxue looked unwilling to believe it.

Feng Yunyao hated dealing with that kind of duplicity and affectation woman the most, so she turned and went into the house.

"Fengfeng, why did you go in?"

Seeing that she and Luo Li had entered the room, Mu Yan quickly walked over, "I'm not proud enough yet."

"You guys stop." They dared to ignore her, Shangguan Qingxue was full of anger, because the image couldn't explode.

Feng Yunyao walked into the house, and seeing Shangguan Qingxue coming in, she 'kindly' reminded: "I have opened all the meridians of the two of them, and now the antidote is a deadly poison to them, hello?" After taking so many antidotes, they won’t be cured in two hours, so let’s wait for their corpses to be collected.”

Her voice was flat, but convincingly penetrating.

At this moment, Shangguan Qingxue had no choice but to believe what she said.

With this woman's prejudice against them, she will undoubtedly not help Senior Brother Mo and the others detoxify.

Of course, he didn't dare to procrastinate, after all, these two brothers were the sons of the third elder, and if something happened, even the Patriarch of the Poison Sect would not be able to explain it to the third elder.

Thinking of this, he and Bai Yu'er took Mo Yicheng and his brothers away, as for the inn where there is so much leisure to fight for the house.

"It's finally ours."

After Shangguan Qingxue and the others left, Mu Yan sat down and poured a cup of tea, and poured another cup for Feng Yunyao by the way.

"Fengfeng, how did you poison them just now, and made the two brothers suffer so much?"

Originally it was just unable to move, but after taking the antidote, it started to hurt, and the pain became worse the more the moon.

It was the first time he had seen such a poison, and it was simply amazing.

Feng Yunyao patiently explained to him: "They have been soaked in various poisons since they were young, and they clearly say that all poisons are invulnerable, but in fact, their bodies are already riddled with holes, and I just removed the outer membrane. .”

"What film?" Mu Yan felt that his brain capacity couldn't keep up, and what he heard was even more foggy.

However, he also saw how powerful Feng Yunyao was, not only his alchemy skills were superb, but also his use of poison was as good as fire.

Even the disciples of the Poison Sect who mainly focus on poison are not her opponents, no, it should be said that they were crushed into scum.

"Fengfeng, just accept me as your apprentice. Don't worry, I won't ask you for too expensive apprentice gifts. Just give me some pills above the sixth grade every now and then. As for the two mysterious spirit boats, if you play If you get bored, you can imitate Master and give me the Profound Spirit Boat."

Xiaobai was speechless immediately, and said angrily, "You haven't even learned from a teacher yet, and the lion opened his mouth to ask for gifts, and you didn't even feel that your face was so fat that you couldn't even respond to a big punch."

For Xiaobai's daily ridicule, Mu Yan seemed to be used to it, and just ignored this little thing.

"Master, please drink tea." Mu Yan didn't care whether Feng Yunyao agreed or not, poured a cup of tea, and handed the cup to Feng Yunyao very courteously.

The corners of Feng Yunyao's lips twitched slightly, when did she agree to him being her disciple?

"As a disciple, shouldn't you show something? If you want to exchange a cup of tea for a master, I'll blush for you." Xiao Bai criticized Mu Yan unceremoniously.

"How to behave?" Mu Yan was very puzzled, didn't apprentices always offer a cup of tea, and what kind of expression was needed.

Mu Yan thought for a while, and quickly figured it out. He took out a thick stack of bank notes from his body, and stuffed them all into Feng Yunyao's arms.

"This is all my money, and it's all for you."

(End of this chapter)

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