Chapter 218 Shameless Woman
Chapter 210 Eighth Shameless Woman
Feng Yunyao looked at the stack of bank notes in her hand, and the corners of her lips twitched slightly.

He is really the stupid son of the landlord's family, and he is tens of millions of taels when he makes a move.

"Okay, for the sake of your sincerity, I'll accept you as an apprentice." Feng Yunyao put away the banknote, so there was just one more apprentice.

Mu Yan immediately danced excitedly, and bowed to her, "Master, the disciple is polite."

"Don't be too polite."

Mu Yan straightened his waist, leaned in front of Feng Yunyao, rubbed his hands, and said with a smile: "Master, please teach me how to teach Mo Yicheng brothers just now."

"...This thing can't be learned in a day or two, and you can learn it slowly in the future." Neither medicine nor poison can be learned overnight.

It is because she has liked to study these things since she was a child, because medical skills can save lives, and poison skills can kill people, and they are also weapons to protect herself.

"Okay, you must teach me from that day on." No matter how idiotic Mu Yan was, he knew that this kind of thing couldn't be rushed, so he just let it go.

However, recognizing a master is still worth celebrating.

So, the silly son of the landlord's family patted his chest proudly and said, "To celebrate my successful apprenticeship, I'm going to put on a big banquet for a month."

Feng Yunyao: "..."

Can she get a refund? I really want to get in touch with the master-student relationship with this bastard.

Luo Li looked at Feng Yunyao sympathetically, it was not easy to accept such an apprentice.

'Master, why don't you return the silver ticket to him. "Xiaobai tugged at his master's clothes.

"Master, you don't need to take out the money. I still have a lot of private money in my family, which is enough to hold a banquet for half a year." Mu Yan thought that Xiaobai asked him to return the money because he was afraid that he didn't have money for the banquet, so he immediately refused. How could he use Master's money?

Two people and one beast turned around collectively, not wanting to look at this bastard.

Since they were going to the foot of Tianshen Mountain tomorrow, a fierce battle with the monsters there would be inevitable, so Feng Yunyao asked Luo Li and Mu Yan to go back to their room to rest.

Before Mu Yan left, he specifically asked Feng Yunyao, "By the way, Master, the Poison Sect is not far from here. We offended them today, and they will probably come to seek revenge at night. Don't sleep too deeply."

"Understood, you and Luo Li are also careful." Feng Yunyao nodded, very satisfied with Mu Yan's words.

Thinking of this, it is obvious that he is not really stupid, whether he is pretending to be wise or stupid, we will see the result after a long time.

After Mu Yan and Luo Li left, Feng Yunyao simply washed up, then went to bed and fell asleep.

This small town is near Tianshen Mountain. It is very quiet around midnight. However, the calls of wild animals can be heard from time to time, and they can be heard far away here.

At this moment, a few black-clothed figures suddenly appeared in the dark night, and they quickly flew away in the night.

"Senior Brother Lin, they are at this inn." The woman deliberately lowered her voice and said to the man beside her.

This woman is exactly Bai Yu'er who clashed with Feng Yunyao and the others during the day.

Shangguan Qingxue and Bai Yu'er brought the two poisoned Mo brothers back to the door, and told their elder brother Lin Shaoyang what happened.

In order to avenge the Mo brothers, he came to this inn in the middle of the night.

"Is it these few houses?"

"Well, according to our informants, that woman is in the third room from the east." Bai Yu'er said.

What I hate the most is not the two men, but the woman. If it wasn't for her, they wouldn't be in such a mess.

"She was the one who secretly poisoned Brother Mo. This woman is very cunning. We have to be careful later." Bai Yu'er added later.

"Yu'er, are you sure you've never seen them?" Lin Shaoyang pointed to her room and said.

Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, from what Yu'er and the others said, he can also guess that this woman's poisonous skills are absolutely amazing.

Shangguan Qingxue's drug had no effect on her at all, and at the same time, she was able to silently poison Brother Mo Yicheng.

If she puts it on ordinary people, it won't show how powerful her poison art is, but it can be used on the disciples of the Poison Sect, and it is still unknowingly. Such poisoning methods are probably among the best in the Poison Sect.

Moreover, her method of poisoning was very special, so special that even their master had difficulty detoxifying Mo Yicheng and the others for a while.

"No." Bai Yu'er shook his head, "These two men and one woman look very ordinary, and their clothes don't look like people of status, so we are so confident. We never thought that woman's poison art is so powerful."

They have never seen or heard of it, and most of these people are disciples of the Hermit Master.

Whatever they are, there's no way they're going to get out of here alive tonight.

Lin Shaoyang secretly checked the surroundings and made sure that no one was guarding him. He leaned down and squatted on the window of Feng Yunyao's room in an instant.

He poked a hole lightly in the window and looked in.

There was no light in the house, so I couldn't see the situation inside clearly, but I could vaguely see that there was a bed curtain covering it.

Obviously the people inside were sleeping, and they were not awakened by the slight movement outside.

Lin Shaoyang took out a bottle, pulled out the cork on the bottle, and put the mouth of the bottle facing the hole.

After a while, the bottle was taken down.

"Brother Lin, how is it?" Bai Yu'er asked in a low voice.

"Okay." Lin Shaoyang nodded, speaking flatly but with some pride, this is his newly developed poison.

Just a little bit can stun people, and if there is no antidote, they will sleep to death.

Then, several people opened the window from the outside and got in.

Bai Yu'er was confident in the efficacy of her brother Lin's medicine. After entering, she walked directly to the bed and lifted the bed curtain.

I was shocked to see what was inside.

There was nothing but a quilt and a pillow, and there was no one in there.

"Where is the person?" Maybe that woman doesn't live here, but the informant who stayed behind clearly saw her entering this room with his own eyes and never went out again.

Lin Shaoyang also found no one here, and said in a deep voice, "My medicine was wasted."

"She doesn't live here, so we came here in vain." Bai Yu'er said depressingly, she thought she could get revenge, but she didn't know that she was not there at all, and she couldn't find anyone, so how could she take revenge.

Lin Shaoyang pondered for a while and said, "Where are the two men, have they left?"

"No way, the informant said that he never saw the three of them go out." Bai Yu'er said so, but she was not sure in her heart. The woman was gone, and the two men who were with her might also leave together. up.

Lin Shaoyang inspected the room, and finally fixed the realization on a woman's blouse beside the bed, "They must have not left the inn. As for why this woman suddenly disappeared, I don't know."

Things are still proving that people have not left.

"Let's go and kidnap those two men. With her friends around, we're afraid she won't show up."

"Senior brother is right, then let's catch those two people quickly." Bai Yu'er raised her foot and was about to walk outside.

At this moment, something hit his head and it hurts.

"Someone hit me." Bai Yu'er covered her painful head and stared at it angrily, but she didn't see anything.

Then, she was hit on the head again, and when she looked closely, it turned out that it was a peanut that hit her.

"Who, get out of here!"

As soon as she said this, her head hit again, and her head was in pain, and the other party hit it hard, it hurt like a stone.

Lin Shaoyang looked up coldly, then he jumped up, wanting to jump up and catch the people above.

Before he could fly up, a lot of peanuts were thrown towards his face.

The speed is very fast, plus he flies up, trying to catch the people on the roof with lightning speed.

In this way, there was no time to dodge, and almost all of those peanuts fell on him.

"It's not a gentleman to hide in the dark, come out if you have the ability." Bai Yu'er gritted her teeth and shouted towards the top.

Damn woman, I didn't expect that she was not poisoned, but still stayed on top and attacked them, it was extremely hateful.

"Gentleman? Heh, your Poison Sect drugged secretly, this is not what a gentleman does." Hearing the cold words, people's hearts turned cold.

Afterwards, Feng Yunyao jumped off the roof.

She was wearing a snow-white tunic, which floated down from above, like a female ghost with fluttering hair.

"Who are you? Why did you attack my juniors?" Lin Shaoyang looked at the woman in front of him. Just as Bai Yu'er and the others said, she looked very ordinary, but the temperament of her body seemed to be buried for hundreds of years. wine, pure fragrance /
Feng Yunyao sat down on the chair, holding a snow-white rabbit in her arms, she said slowly in quiet and decisive words, "I'm treating their illnesses, so why bother talking about poisoning them."

"Cure a disease?" Bai Yu'er laughed suddenly, with a very sarcastic smile, "Is there anyone like you who can cure a disease? It's almost poisoning people to death."

What nonsense to cure a disease is simply to kill, and the method is extremely special, so special that you can't find a little bit of it.

The corners of Feng Yunyao's lips raised slightly, revealing a faint smile, "All of you Poison Sect disciples have a lot of poison in their bodies, and I was kind enough to help them get rid of the poison. grateful."

Thank you sister, even though Lin Shaoyang doesn't like to speak, he couldn't help but swear.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, he said to Feng Yunyao in a friendly voice: "As long as you take out the antidote from Junior Brother Mo and the others, our Poison Sect will not make things difficult for you."

The implication is that if you don't give the antidote, you will be killed in minutes.

"No antidote."

"You're looking for death!" As soon as she said this, Bai Yu'er was immediately dissatisfied.

How can there be no antidote to the poison made by oneself.

Regarding her anger, Feng Yunyao was not affected at all, and then, she looked at her like an idiot, "Didn't I say that, I was helping them detoxify, how can we detoxify them without poisoning."

"You..." Bai Yu'er didn't expect her to be so shameless, she drew out her sword and pointed it at her face, and said in a ruthless voice, "Stop talking nonsense, quickly take out the antidote, or don't blame me for being rude."

Feng Yunyao raised her eyebrows, as if hearing a big joke, she chuckled softly and said: "They don't have the antidote, but you do."

As soon as she said this, Lin Shaoyang quickly realized that something was wrong with his body.

And Bai Yu'er fell directly to the ground, obviously without Lin Shaoyang's concentration.

(End of this chapter)

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