Chapter 278 This Woman Is Too Scary

Chapter 270: This Woman Is Too Scary

This woman should not be too cruel. Of course, she must not be soft-hearted towards her enemy.

"Master, why don't you bury some next to it? If you don't die from the explosion or poison, and someone escapes by luck, you can still carry out the second wave." look.

"Okay." Feng Yunyao threw a pack of bombs and two packs of poison to it.

Xiaobai pulled the iron egg, which was heavier than it, and ran not far from the woods to start digging pits and laying mines.

what are they doingThe guard looked a little ambiguous, but from their conversation, it was not difficult to hear that they did this to deal with the six people he mentioned.

After finishing it, Feng Yunyao walked up to the guards and ordered: "After you jump into that river, go back and tell them that I have seriously injured you. You pretended to be dead to deceive me first, and then you I escaped by accidentally jumping into the river, remember to tell them that you met me here."

"...Yes, miss." The guard said hastily, but he had to admire Feng Yunyao's thoughts in his heart, he was covered with injuries, and one arm was skinned, so it was obvious that he had been caught.

"Also, you'd better not step within five feet of these things I buried, or you will die a miserable death." Feng Yunyao reminded him again.

Hearing her words, the guard felt all sorts of feelings in his heart, "Thank you for reminding me, Miss, I'll go back right away."

It seems that the eldest lady really wants to let him go. If she really wants to kill him, she doesn't need to remind him, and let him die with those people.

People's hearts are fleshy, he is just afraid of death, and now he feels more and more sorry for the eldest lady and even more sorry for the Feng family.

This time, he must complete the task, and he must not disappoint the young lady's expectations.

Afterwards, Feng Yunyao gave him another antidote, and the guard stumbled away.

After the guard left, Feng Yunyao took Xiaobai and Mo Qingyan to hide.

Back at the gate of Feng's house, the guard looked like he was about to die, "Quick, help me in quickly, something serious has happened."

The guard at the door immediately supported him, and quickly walked towards the main courtyard of the Feng family.

When they reached the gate of the courtyard, the guards asked the two guards to go back, and walked inside with difficulty.

"My lord, something has happened, help..."

"what happened?"

Immediately, someone came out of the house and lifted the guard who was about to lie on the ground. It can be said to be very rude, and he didn't consider that doing so would hurt the other party.

"Ahem." The guard took a breath and said, "Ah Liu and I left when it was time to change shifts. We originally wanted to go back to rest, but Ah Liu wanted to go out to buy something and asked me to go there with him. Who knows, Cough cough cough..."

Having said that, there was another series of coughing.

"What happened, briefly." The man was impatient.

"We saw the eldest lady, no, it was Feng Yunyao, so we followed her secretly until we reached the woods behind the east wall, but she discovered her." Suffocated, took a few breaths, and continued, "Who knows, Feng Yunyao found out, she caught us, and tortured us in all kinds of ways. Look at my hands, she picked one of my hands. Layers of skin, ahem..."

The man frowned and glanced at his hand, it was indeed bloody and still bleeding, not even a bit of flesh, "Then how did you escape, maybe she let you go, hmph."

It was really the eldest lady who let him go, and the guard told this person exactly what Feng Yunyao had told him.

"Ah Liu is still in her hands, I don't know if it is dead or alive."

The man in black didn't look like he was fake, even if he was fake, so what, Feng Yunyao is just a girl, and he is a beginner Lingxuan master, and he is afraid that she will fail.

"Go, take me there." As he said, he was about to leave with the guards on hand.

"Master Heihu, ahem, please listen to your subordinates first." The guard was about to die after being raised, "Feng Yunyao is very cunning, otherwise Master Heilang would not have died at her hands, the subordinates think It’s better to bring more helpers.”

Although that person didn't take Feng Yunyao seriously, he could learn from Hei Lang's past. You must know that Hei Lang's cultivation level is a level higher than his.

If you go there rashly, maybe you will really be killed by that dead girl.

After thinking about it, he threw the guard on the ground roughly, and shouted into the room, "Come out."

As soon as he said this, five people immediately appeared in the yard like ghosts.

The guard looked at each of these masters, and couldn't help swallowing, secretly worried whether the eldest lady could handle it.

No matter what, he is still a big lady and just bring her there.

Afterwards, Heihu let a man with a guard fly towards the woods behind the east wall.

When they got there, they quickly found the dead bodyguard Ah Liu.

"Ahem, my lord, Ah Liu is there." The guard pointed to the guard not far away.

Heihu flew over immediately, and the others followed closely behind. The person who was carrying the guard also threw him to the ground and followed.

This is a good time to make meritorious deeds. If you miss it, it will be a big loss.

The six people moved to Ah Liu's side in an instant, and Heihu knelt down to test it out, but he was already dead.

Then, he stood up and looked around carefully, "Ah Liu just died, Feng Yunyao should not have gone far..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion under his feet, followed by smoke bombs, and the entire forest was filled with thick smoke.

The guards who had moved to a safe place were trembling when they saw the scene of thick smoke, thunder, and landslides.

This is simply ruinous, standing there smacking your tongue from afar.

After all, Hei Lang is a person with extremely high cultivation, and he escaped from the inside covered in blood, but what awaited him was another burst of bombardment, coupled with the highly poisonous smoke, he could no longer hold back the fainting past.

Mo Qingyan, who was hiding in the bushes, saw this scene and thought silently, he had experienced such a scene before, but compared to this, it seemed that this girl was a little softer on him.

The bomb that had blown him up was nothing compared to this.

After the thick smoke passed, Feng Yunyao came out from the bushes.

Five of these six people's bodies were incomplete. Hei Lang's cultivation base was high and he used profound strength to protect his body at the moment of the explosion. Poison gas, already fainted by the poison.

Feng Yunyao checked these people one by one, and in the end, three of them were still alive.

Cut off all the heads of these six people directly, regardless of whether they are dead or not, let's see how they live without their heads. After all, Sun Houzi is a legend.

(End of this chapter)

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