Chapter 279

Chapter 270 Nine Shameless Foxes

Afterwards, he took out corpse-transforming water and sprinkled it on them, and it quickly turned into thick water. Now even the monkey grandson would not be able to live if he was reincarnated.

Mo Qingyan looked very puzzled, "Since you used corpse-resolving water, why did you cut off their heads? It's not superfluous."

Feng Yunyao threw the used bottle on the ground, wiped her hands with a handkerchief, and said in a cold voice, "Cutting off their heads is to avenge my elder brother and grandpa, destroying their corpses It’s for the sake of not polluting the environment, don’t you think there are so many corpses in this forest that will affect the beauty of it?”

"..." He accepted the reason.

He gave the guard a bottle of medicine to treat trauma, and then went directly to the Medicine Sect in the Xuanling Boat.

The guard looked at the small porcelain bottle in his hand, and then at the pitted ground and the puddles of blood remaining on it.

Then, he used soil to cover up the blood, and returned to Feng's house after finishing.

He wants to be a good internal response for the eldest lady, and hopes to continue to do things for the eldest lady in the future.

Soon after arriving at the Medicine Sect, Feng Yunyao put Mo Qingyan into the Qiankun bag, after all he was too ostentatious.

Mo Qingyan was very unhappy about this, but couldn't bear her threats, so he could only temporarily hide in the universe bag.

Once again, I experienced the feeling of being bullied by dogs in Pingyang.

"Sect Master, someone wants to deal with the Medicine Sect." Feng Yunyao said directly after finding He Xiao.

He Xiao's face darkened when he heard this.

He knew that something had happened to the Feng family, and he knew about those masters, but he didn't expect that it would be their turn to the Medicine Sect so soon.

"Is it the group of people who dealt with your Feng family?" Even though he guessed it, He Xiao couldn't help but ask.

"En." Feng Yunyao nodded, and said with a solemn expression, "There is also the Poison Sect, they and the Poison Sect are planning to attack the Medicine Sect in three days, these people's cultivation is too powerful, and the Medicine Sect cannot deal with them, let alone the Poison Sect. There is also a despicable and shameless sect called the Poison Sect, I think it is better for the disciples of the Medicine Sect to hide quickly."

The disciples of the Medicine Sect mainly practice alchemy, but they are far inferior to those sects that specialize in cultivating profound strength in terms of cultivation, and most of their cultivation bases are accumulated by the accumulation of pills, but their cultivation bases at the same level cannot beat their opponents .

Moreover, the Medicine Sect has a large number of people. Once they fight, they may suffer heavy casualties, and they may be wiped out. At this time, the best way is to find a hidden place to hide.

"I understand." He Xiao also knew the power of it, thought for a while and said, "The Black Demon Forest is the best place to hide at present, but it must be in the enchantment above the eighth floor."

Not everyone can crack the barrier of the Dark Demon Forest, and it is still possible to dodge it for a short time.

With him and a few elders around, there is no need to be too afraid of the monsters inside.

"Well, I have some poison here. You should take it for self-defense, and you'd better bring some food in." Feng Yunyao took out hundreds of packets of poison from the Qiankun bag and piled them into He Xiao's room.

They also gave him a lot of antidotes, these poisons are for dealing with the Poison Sect and those people, of course, the most important thing is to deal with the monsters inside, they will have some effect.

He Xiao looked at the poison bag that was about to become a hill, and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely a few times.

He really wanted to ask her, are you from the Poison Sect or the Medicine Sect, that you carry so much poison with you.

However, I am very grateful to her.

Now that the Feng family is in danger, this girl can still come to advise for the disciples of the Medicine Sect. It is his pride in his life to accept such a disciple. Although she is not his apprentice, she is also a disciple of the Medicine Sect.

Feng Yunyao gave He Xiao two more bottles of life-saving pills, and then hurriedly left the Medicine Sect.

For the rest, He Xiao knew what to do, she had to go to the Poison Sect now.

Grandpa's whereabouts are unknown now, the only thing that can be done is to solve some problems, or find out Grandpa's whereabouts from these populations.

This time she did not enter the Poison Sect, but stopped in a small town near the Poison Sect.

In advance, she disguised herself a bit.

"It's so ugly, you can't even turn into a pretty look." Mo Qingyan looked at Feng Yunyao who turned into a bit ugly, his fox eyes were full of disgust.

Feng Yunyao touched the hairy pockmarks on her face, but she didn't take it seriously, "I think it looks pretty."

" are blind."

It was already ugly enough, and he even put a few hairy pockmarks on it. Now that he saw her face, his appetite was reduced by half.

After eating Xiaobai who changed Rongdan into a white rabbit, he also disliked his master very much, "Master, I think I will get anorexia if I face your face every day."

"That's not right, anyway, you are fat enough to lose weight."

Xiaobai scratched the wall, he didn't want to lose weight, he also wanted to eat more delicious food.

Then, a carrot was thrown in front of it.

Seeing this carrot, Xiaobai became even more depressed.

Not only do I have to face the host’s disgusting face every day, but I also have to look at carrots and green vegetable leaves. I can only look at those delicious foods, but I can’t live a life like this.

Xiaobai took a small bite of the carrot, raised his head and stared straight at the fat and delicious big chicken drumstick on the table, and an unknown liquid came out of his mouth.

It wants to eat big chicken legs, it wants to eat fat and delicious big chicken legs, it wants to eat meat, it only eats meat, so it doesn't want to eat vegetables and radishes.

Especially seeing the stinky fox with its head exposed and gnawing on a chicken leg, it made me feel even more upset.

He secretly glanced at his master, then quietly put the rabbit's leg on the table, and moved it to the chicken leg little by little.

Seeing that it was about to touch it, as long as it moved a little further, it could eat a delicious big chicken leg, but at this moment, a red fox tail directly swept away the chicken leg, leaving an empty plate alone on the table.

Xiaobai waited angrily for Mo Qingyan who would take the chicken leg away, the dead fox, the stinky fox, obviously caught one in its paws, and wanted to take another one, shameless, ah, shameless.

I really want to swear at the street, I really want to point at the stinky fox's nose and swear, but the owner has explained that it is not allowed to speak in places where there are people.

The resentment in his stomach finally turned into strength, and he took a bite of the carrot hard, chewing it crunchily.

Feng Yunyao ate slowly, but her eyes were quietly watching the people coming in and out.

This small town is not far from the Poison Sect, and disciples of the Poison Sect often come out to eat.

Not long after, a woman entered the restaurant. Seeing the woman's appearance, the corners of her lips raised slowly.

Finally waited.

Originally, she just wanted to find a female disciple of the Poison Sect, no matter how much a male disciple was, but she didn't expect to find such an important person.

(End of this chapter)

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