Chapter 288 This Woman Is Too Ruthless
Chapter 280 Eighth, This Woman Is Too Ruthless
But her words were unintentionally acknowledging what Lin Shaoyang had done, and she made herself clear.

Looking at the innocent face of 'Bai Yu'er', Bai Zongzhu sighed helplessly, "Yu'er, it's dad who protected you so well that you couldn't tell the bad guys."

The reason why Lin Shaoyang saved Yu'er was to give himself an excuse to blame him, not to mention that Yu'er still liked him, and he would definitely be excused.

It's just that he couldn't figure out why his big apprentice would do this.

No matter what, he had to find enough evidence to deal with Lin Shaoyang, after all he had followed him for so many years.

Even in his heart, he held some hope for Lin Shaoyang, hoping that he was wronged.

"Come here, search Lin Shaoyang's yard." Since he changed the antidote, the replaced antidote might still be in his yard.

As soon as he said this, he immediately went to Lin Shaoyang's yard in a hurry, and soon brought back a bag of detoxification pills and handed it to Sect Master Bai.

"Sect Master, I found this under Senior Brother Lin's bed. I don't know if it is the antidote you are looking for."

Everyone in their Poison Sect has a lot of poison and antidote in their yard, and they will keep these things well, but this bag of pills was thrown under the bed, so I had an idea in my heart, to solve this bag. The medicine was brought back for the Sovereign to have a look at.

Sect Master Bai took the bag and looked at the black antidote inside, his face turned blue with anger and his eyes were scarlet.

Gritting his teeth with hatred, "Lin Shaoyang!"

Now that the evidence is solid, it is undoubtedly Lin Shaoyang.

Why did he do this!Although he didn't intend to pass on the Poison Sect to him, it was because he was not talented enough, and the Poison Sect would soon perish if handed over to him, but he didn't hide the slightest bit about teaching him the Poison Art.

He taught him so wholeheartedly, but he didn't expect to teach him a white-eyed wolf.

No, it's even scarier than the white-eyed wolf. He actually killed most of the Poison Sect's disciples for his own selfishness. Why on earth did he do this!
Sect Master Bai held the bag of antidote, and was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

After that, he detoxified the remaining ten disciples and Feng Yunyao, and then sent them back to rest.

Mo Qingyan nestled on the soft couch, laying lazily on it, looking at the woman lying on the bed with her eyes closed and meditating, "You woman is really black-hearted, first you killed five thousand disciples, and now you let her personally You really don't feel guilty about executing your beloved apprentice."

He knew about finding the antidote from Lin Shaoyang's yard, because he was the one who did it.

After getting the antidote, the woman did a lot of things according to the antidote. In fact, she made the antidote for Xiaobai and Xiaofeng by herself. After stealing the antidote, after Xiaobai and the others left, he quietly Put it back.

Originally wanted to find a hidden place to hide, but someone entered Lin Shaoyang's room, so he threw it under the bed, and then slipped away.

Of course, when he was going to deliver the antidote, he took an antidote for Lin Shaoyang by the way, which was what the woman told him to do.

At first, she was puzzled why she wanted to give Lin Shaoyang an antidote. It turned out that she wanted to frame her up, and by the way, cleared herself of the suspicion.

I have to say that this woman's head is really smart, but she's just too ruthless.

Feng Yunyao glanced at him sideways, and snorted, "They won't die, the ones who will die will be the Wanshou Sect and the Medicine Sect."

Compared with the innocent people of these two factions, the people she would rather die were the scum of the martial arts like the Poison Sect.

What's more, Poison Sect has hooked up with that group of people now, they captured grandpa, if she can still be soft-hearted to them, then she is not Feng Yunyao.

"..." Mo Qing was speechless, and Shan had to admit that what she said was right, after all, between the innocent and the villain, he would definitely choose to protect the former.

"What are you going to do next?" Now I find that following this woman is getting more and more interesting, and the boredom of coming to this continent has also been swept away.

"Of course there is a good show going on." Feng Yunyao rested her head on her arms, the light in her eyes was shining brightly.

Seeing her look like this, Mo Qingyan knew that someone was going to be in trouble again.

Soon Xiaobai and Xiaofeng arrived at the Poison Sect. Outside the Poison Sect, Xiaobai put Xiaofeng into the beast bracelet and slipped in quietly.

After entering the house, he began to yell about all kinds of things about Master Ruan.

"Master, you don't know how stingy that old man Ruan is. Let alone a big meal, he doesn't even have a cup of tea. The crisis has been resolved, but he actually asked us to come back, and he didn't treat me and Xiaofeng well."

Xiaobai gnawed on the chicken leg vigorously, turning his grief and anger into food.

It's really unlucky, not only do they not have a big meal, but they don't even have a bowl of gruel, and at least there will be a steamed bun and a bowl of gruel to pass the begging.

Feng Yunyao ignored it, but took a pen and wrote a letter, put the letter in front of Xiaobai, "Send this letter to Master Ruan."

"No, I still have to give it away." Xiaobai's whole beast was bad, so he quickly gnawed on two more chicken legs, for fear that his master would take it back.

"Don't worry, Sect Master Ruan will definitely prepare a big meal for you this time, hurry up, it's hard to leave after dawn."

Xiaobai chewed hard on the delicious chicken drumstick in his mouth, and snorted, obviously not believing what his master said.

However, I took the letter without complaint and went to deliver it.

There is no way who makes it a guardian beast of others, only obedient.

As for the big meal that the master said, it is all nothingness. It was cheated once, so it will not believe it this time.

Holding the letter, Xiaobai left the Poison Sect again with all kinds of depression in his heart.

After leaving the Poison Sect, he immediately got out the Fire Phoenix and flew towards the Wanshou Gate.

After old man Ruan read the letter, he immediately asked someone to prepare a big meal for Xiaobai and Xiaofeng.

That straightforward appearance made Xiaobai seriously doubt whether he was someone else pretending to be.

So, Xiaobai and Xiaofeng ate a big meal at Wanshoumen, all of which were game from the mountains, and the roast taste was very good, not to mention more enjoyable.

After Xiaobai left, Feng Yunyao did not continue to lie down, but took Mo Qingyan out.

Relying on the memories from last time, Feng Yunyao quickly found the location of the drug prison.

The poisonous gas is pervasive here, but the poison will not kill people immediately, it will only slowly torment people's body and mind until the moment of death.

Lin Shaoyang was locked in an iron prison, curled up in a corner, his eyes full of hatred and fear.

Why did the master treat him like this? He didn't do it at all. He even put him in a drug prison regardless of the relationship between master and apprentice for many years.

If he can get out alive, he will find a way to destroy the entire Poison Sect!
However, he had to blame himself first, otherwise, let alone revenge, it would be impossible to even survive.

He felt that someone here must have deliberately framed him.

Why is this person doing this, and who is this person?
(End of this chapter)

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