Chapter 289 Grandpa's Whereabouts

Chapter 280 IX The Whereabouts of Grandpa

Lin Shaoyang was sitting on the ground with disheveled hair, but the eyes hidden behind his hair were full of vicious hatred.

Whoever came to save him, he really didn't want to die, he hadn't taken revenge yet, let alone got what he wanted.

He wants to be the suzerain of the Poison Sect, and even more so, the overlord of the martial arts world!

But now that everything is shattered, Master will definitely not let him go, and then he will die in this drug prison, and no one will even collect his body.

Who is plotting against him and deliberately pouring sewage on him?

Lin Shaoyang couldn't think of this person even if he tried his best. His master would definitely not kill him and bury him with [-] disciples.

Bai Yuer?
It shouldn't be her, she has no reason to plot against him, plotting against him is of no benefit to her at all.

Like her master, it is impossible for her to use the lives of [-] disciples just to plot against him. What's more, if the master wants to kill him, he can do it directly, so why bother to take the lives of so many disciples.

Could it be that spies were mixed into their Poison Sect?

Lin Shaoyang pressed his head with his hands, carefully recalling that he left the master's residence with evil intentions and antidote, and then he went to the courtyard where he lived.

When he returned to the courtyard, he never left for half a step. The antidote was always on him, and he never left. How could someone secretly replace it without anyone noticing it?

He really couldn't figure out who had such a great ability to change the antidote without him being aware of it.

Also, once the malicious poison is ignited, it will be affected in a radius of ten miles, not to mention the besieged Wanshoumen, but the people of Wanshoumen are fine, and those who have problems are those who have taken the antidote.

Obviously, the person who framed him not only secretly replaced the antidote, but also gave the real antidote to Wanshoumen.

Could it be that this spy is a member of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect?

But since when there is such a powerful person in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, after all, he can replace the antidote without him noticing, how high this person's cultivation base must be, even his master can't do it.

Then what happened to the antidote under his bed, the same amount and even the same shape of the medicine, otherwise the master would not be so angry, so sure he did it.

After all, for the same antidote, even if the formula is the same, there will be differences in how much it is not made by the same person.

Just when he was racking his brains to figure out what happened here, someone suddenly came in.

"Master..." He thought it was Master who was coming, and was about to crawl over to intercede.

But what I saw was Bai Yu'er, her face was cold, there was a faint smile on the corner of her lips, those star-like eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, this is not the original arrogant Bai Yu'er can have.

Even her aura made people look a little higher, no matter from her demeanor or walking, there were obvious changes.

Lin Shaoyang looked at 'Bai Yu'er' who had already walked in, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"You, you are not Bai Yu'er, who are you!" Lin Shaoyang got up from the ground, holding the cage tightly with both hands, and stared at Feng Yunyao with scarlet eyes, as if he could see her face just by staring at her. itself.

The corners of Feng Yunyao's lips curled slightly, and she said with a faint smile, "It's not bad, it can be seen that I'm not really Bai Yu'er."

When she came here, she didn't imitate Bai Yu'er's demeanor and way of speaking, it was her real behavior.

Hearing the familiar voice, Lin Shaoyang's eyes widened suddenly, how could he not be familiar with this voice.

It's clear and light, but it can make the listener scratch their heads. How could he not hear the person he once pursued.

"Feng Yunyao? You are Feng Yunyao!"

"That's right, it's me." Feng Yunyao stood two steps away from the cage, her expression was indifferent, and her long body stood there straight, even though she was wearing Bai Yuer's not-so-beautiful Her face, but her aura exuding from the bones, all add a bit of charm to this relatively ordinary body, and people can't help but want to look at it more.

Lin Shaoyang understood everything now, and looked at Feng Yunyao with strong hatred, "Why did you harm me, I have no grievances with you, why did you frame me!"

He roared heart-piercingly, wishing to alarm everyone, it would be best if he could call Master over and let him see who the real murderer is!

How could Feng Yunyao not know his plan, she sneered and said: "I have dealt with all the people here, and this place is underground, no one will hear you even if you shout out your throat."

Well, shouting out my throat, why does it feel a bit dirty?

Lin Shaoyang originally thought this way, but he didn't expect that she would deal with all the disciples guarding here.

Moreover, his voice was so loud just now, if anyone was here, they must have heard it and ran over.

He thought clearly about the pros and cons, took a few deep breaths, and tried to calm himself down.

Then, he glared at Feng Yunyao viciously, "Where did I offend you? Why did you plot against me like this, and even let five thousand innocent disciples of the Poison Sect be buried with you? Why didn't I realize that you were so vicious before. "

There are five thousand people in one shot, such a method is too vicious.

Feng Yunyao couldn't help laughing when she heard his questioning from the White Lotus Trial, "You Poison Sect disciples are innocent, but what about the Ten Thousand Beast Sect disciples, aren't they innocent?"

It's funny how some people always feel superior and think their lives are supreme and everyone else's are straws.

"I..." Lin Shaoyang was a little hard to say. What she said was the truth. The Ten Thousand Beasts are more innocent than them, but they have to accompany the whole sect. But this is a world where the strong are respected. Swallowed portion.

"You have nothing to do with Wanshoumen, why do you help them deal with our Poison Sect?"

Feng Yunyao explained to him this time, "It is true that I have nothing to do with the Wanshou Sect, but the Medicine Sect you are going to attack has something to do with me. For all the disciples of the Medicine Sect, you say I am helping you Or help the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect."

An enemy's enemy is a friend, not to mention that she still has a good impression of Wanshoumen. After all, they didn't do anything harmful to nature, and they didn't care about disputes in the world, and they were more Buddhist than Medicine Sect.

Lin Shaoyang didn't expect that she would know their plan, and that's right, she can pretend to be Bai Yu'er and sneak into the innermost layer of the Poison Sect, so there's nothing else she doesn't know.

However, he was curious, "Since when did you replace Bai Yu'er?"

If he wants to die, he also wants to die to understand.

"After you enter the mountain."

After entering the mountain?Lin Shaoyang suddenly remembered that Bai Yu'er had a stomachache in the middle of the journey, and then he went alone for convenience, maybe this is the time.

Judging by her expression, it was obvious that she had guessed right.

What happened after that was all directed and acted by herself.

Thinking of it this way, Lin Shaoyang hated him even more, "Obviously you asked Master to attack the Ten Thousand Beasts Gate, and what you are doing here now is clearly what you want to achieve."

"That's right, I really want to do something." Feng Yunyao put her hands behind her back, and chatted with him here a little leisurely, "If you don't attack the Wanshoumen, how can I weaken the strength of your Poison Sect? Wouldn't it be more pleasant to see you killed by your own poison."

She said it lightly, but Lin Shaoyang was terrified when he heard it. Looking at the woman in front of him, it was like seeing an evil spirit from the eighteenth hell, which made people tremble.

"Okay, now you understand, I have something to ask you next." Feng Yunyao pulled up a chair and sat down, she wasn't worried that someone would come in suddenly.

It is night now, and here is the poison prison, which can be said to be the most terrifying place of the Poison Sect. Except for those guards who have been specially treated, even Sect Master Bai will not come in at night, because the poisonous gas here is heavier at night.

"How did you sneak out the antidote, and since the antidote is under my bed, why are the people from the Wanshou Sect safe after being poisoned?" Lin Shaoyang was still questioning, he was too confused, even Even if you die, you have to die to understand.

Feng Yunyao said a little impatiently: "The antidote for Wanshoumen is prepared by myself, and the antidote for you is also made by my side, as for how to do it, you don't need to know .”

"..." I didn't expect this woman to be able to prepare so many antidotes in such a short period of time. He really underestimated her before.

However, thinking of what she said just now, it seemed that she had something to ask him, so she felt a little more at ease.

"I know what you want to ask, and I can tell you, but I have a request that you must clarify this matter in front of my master, return my innocence, and don't hurt me, let alone kill me, otherwise even if I leave this matter If it's rotten to the stomach, I won't tell you."

If she doesn't help him survive, then he is dead anyway, why would he tell someone who murdered him.

"Well, you have backbone." Feng Yunyao nodded appreciatively, then her voice changed slightly, and she said coldly, "If you tell me the truth, I can spare your life and save you from here. Don’t think about it, if you don’t say it, I have a lot of ways to torture you, so that you can’t live or die, don’t doubt whether I have this ability.”

Lin Shaoyang shivered, her voice was too cold, especially the fierceness in her eyes, he was actually frightened by a girl who was several years younger than her.

However, he still understood one thing, how could she prove his innocence in front of the master, it was enough not to kill him.

If she could save him from here, he would be able to live. Although the crime of murdering his fellow sect was fulfilled by escaping, it was better than death.

Thinking quickly, Lin Shaoyang quickly compromised, "I know you want to ask about old Patriarch Feng, but I know very little."

Feng Yunyao had already expected his compromise, despite his great ambition, he was also very afraid of death, "Do you know where he is now?"

"I don't know." Since Lin Shaoyang wants to break with his master, there is no need to lie, and he said truthfully, "Although I don't know the whereabouts of the old Patriarch Feng, I do know the whereabouts of those people with extremely strong cultivation bases."

(End of this chapter)

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