Chapter 428 Poisoning
Chapter 420 Poisoning
She has always been honest about people she doesn't like before, but now she clearly doesn't like this pretentious Shangguan Qingxue, but she still has to endure it, and only hopes that it will end soon.

Feng Yunyao lowered her eyes slightly, but her gaze was on Meng Mianmian's head, her eyes narrowed involuntarily.

There is something wrong with this hairpin, this Shangguan Qingxue is going to attack even a stranger, she is really a femme fatale with double appearance.

At this moment, a servant from Shangguan's family came in with a plate, and there were many head ornaments, large and small, in it.

The "Shangguan Patriarch" introduced to Meng Mianmian one by one how to use the headgear.

"Miss, this tiara is really beautiful. There are more than 100 silver needles shot out, which can be used many times. It's really good. Why don't you help Miss put it on and have a try."

Feng Yunyao took a set of jewelry from the plate and asked Meng Mianmian.

"Okay, okay, Xiaocui has the most discerning eyes, so she must choose the best one." Meng Mianmian urged impatiently.

Sister Feng has agreed, then this set of jewelry must be good.


Feng Yunyao gestured on her head with the tiara, and frowned in embarrassment, "Miss, this set of jewelry doesn't seem to match the hairpin that Miss Qingxue gave you."

"Just take off the hairpin." Meng Mianmian said indifferently, anyway, she will sell this hairpin in the future, so it doesn't matter whether she wears it or not, she asked sister Dai Feng to choose it for her.

Seeing Feng Yunyao take off the hairpin, Shangguan Qingxue's face suddenly changed, and her hands hidden in her sleeves also tightened suddenly.

Seeing that her complexion was not good, Meng Mianmian thought she was angry by taking off the hairpin, but she didn't bother to pay attention, and still urged Feng Yunyao, "Xiao Cui, put it on for me quickly."

Feng Yunyao shook the hairpin that Shangguan Qingxue gave her, and then handed the hairpin to Meng Mianmian, "Miss, this hairpin is very precious, you should keep it away."

"You..." Meng Mianmian wanted to say, 'you can just hold it', but seeing Feng Yunyao's wink, she quickly took the hairpin and put it in her sleeve.

Seeing her put the hairpin into the sleeve, Shangguan lightly snowed his face slightly loose.

Whether it was worn on the head or in the sleeves, as long as it was on her body, within two days, Meng Mianmian would definitely get poisoned.

At that time, she will go to the Han family to detoxify Meng Mianmian as a direct disciple of the Poison Sect Master, so that she will become a great benefactor of the Han family and the Meng family.

Thinking of this, the corners of Shangguan Qingxue's lips lifted up again, and a smug look flashed across her eyes.

Feng Yunyao saw her expression, lowered her head and put on the tiara for Meng Mianmian as if nothing had happened.

After finishing it, Feng Yunyao stood behind Meng Mianmian in an orderly manner, and said to her through voice transmission through the air: "Let's talk later, you and Shangguan Qingxue hit it off right away, and you want to play with her at Shangguan's house for a few minutes." sky."

As soon as she said this, Meng Mianmian couldn't help but frown.

She hit it off with Shangguan Qingxue?Haha, what she hates the most is this kind of contrived girl who looks kind and evil, okay? Shangguan Qingxue is like the big white lotus that Xiaobai said, pretending to be holy.

I don't understand why Xiaobai would use such a beautiful lotus flower as a metaphor for a woman like Shangguan Qingxue.

"We need to stay to facilitate our next actions." Feng Yunyao said again.

Meng Mianmian had no choice but to follow her arrangement.

Seeing her frowning and sighing, the 'Shangguan Patriarch' couldn't help asking: "Do you not like the headgear, if you don't like it, I'll ask someone to bring some over."

"No, no." Meng Mianmian rolled her eyes and took Shangguan Qingxue's hand, her small face was full of sorrow, "I sigh because I will leave Shangguan's house later, and I don't know when I will see you again." Seeing Sister Qingxue, I really want to stay with Sister Qingxue for a few more days."

Mrs. Han thought she really liked Shangguan Qingxue, touched her head, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I like your sister Qingxue so much, so I will stay at Han's house for a while, anyway, Han's house is far away from Shangguan's house." It’s not too far away, it’s only two hours’ journey in a carriage, and it’s only an hour’s time if you ride a roc, and then you can visit each other as guests.”

"That's quite troublesome, how about I stay at Uncle Shangguan's house?" Meng Mianmian did not forget to wink at Shangguan Qingxue as she spoke, as if begging her to help her speak.

Mrs. Han was speechless, "You really are a girl."

The 'Shangguan Patriarch' glanced at Meng Mianmian thoughtfully, then smiled and said, "Since Mianmian likes Qingxue, Mrs. Han, please let her live here for a few days, anyway, there are many yards in the mansion."

"Uncle Shangguan is the best." Meng Mianmian was very excited, like a child who loves candies suddenly got a big bag of candies.

However, Shangguan Qingxue's face darkened slightly.

The poison she gave Meng Mianmian will only take two days. If she lives in Shangguan's house, the Han family and the Meng family will definitely blame them if the poison occurs. Even if she saves Meng Mianmian, the Han family and the Meng family Nor will she be grateful.

It seems that the poisoning needs to be delayed.

However, it is also a good choice to have a good relationship with Meng Mianmian.

Then he smiled softly and said: "The yard next to mine is empty, let the servants clean it later, Mianmian won't leave tonight."

"That's great." Meng Mianmian endured the depression in her heart and was extremely happy.

Having said all this, Mrs. Han naturally didn't say anything, and told Meng Mianmian a few words that she wanted to keep a few hidden guards, but Meng Mianmian refused directly, and even said "Shangguan Father and Daughter" She said that Shangguan's house didn't need any guards at all, only her two guards and Xiaocui would be fine.

If she forced people around Mianmian again, wouldn't it make the Shangguan's family overwhelmed, thinking that she was guarding against them.

It was getting late, and Mrs. Han left without staying at Shangguan's house.

"Sister Qingxue, I heard that Shangguan's family is very big, can you show me around tomorrow." Meng Mianmian held Shangguan Qingxue's arm, looking like two good brothers.

"Of course, my mansion is really big, I haven't figured it out yet." Shangguan Qingxue pursed her lips and said with a charming smile.

Soon we arrived at the yard prepared for Meng Mianmian. Since it was already dark, the 'Shangguan Patriarch' had to go out again. As for Shangguan Qingxue, he didn't bother to pay attention to Meng Mianmian, an idiot, so he found an excuse and went back to his own yard.

However, fortunately, he ordered his servants to get her some food.

It's just that the food is not enough, two big men and two women, plus three food beasts to eat.

There was no other way, Feng Yunyao went to the Shangguan's kitchen for a stroll, took a lot of food along the way, and moved all the food into the holy cauldron for the three of them to eat.

After Shangguan Qingxue left, Feng Yunyao took out the hairpin that Shangguan Qingxue had given to Meng Mianmian from her sleeve.

"Sister Feng, is there something wrong with this hairpin?" Meng Mianmian noticed something strange when she saw that she had been looking at the hairpin.

"Well, there is heart-burning poison in the hairpin. If you wear it on your head within two days, you will be poisoned. If you don't have the antidote for ten days, you will die from the poison."

(End of this chapter)

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