Chapter 429 Conspiracy
Chapter 420 Conspiracy
"Shangguan Qingxue!" Meng Mianmian gritted her teeth angrily, slapped her palm on the table and said fiercely, "I have no grievances with her, why did she poison me!"

She is dead, what good is it to Shangguan Qingxue, she is really a vicious woman.

Feng Yunyao threw the hairpin on the table, wiped her hands with a handkerchief, and said with a sneer, "If you are poisoned by her and there is no cure for you, she can take the initiative to ask Ying to heal you. Both the Han family and the Meng family will treat her as a benefactor, and the Han family and the Meng family owe her a great favor."

"Scheming, hateful woman." The more Meng Mianmian thought about it, the more she hated Shangguan Qingxue, she had never seen such a brazen woman.

Not to mention poisoning her, but still thinking of making her a benefactor, it's really shameless.

"Indeed, I hate that woman even when I look at it." Mu Yan followed her words, it was too shameless to use such a method.

Luo Li sat on the side with an indifferent face, quietly listening to the conversation between them, rarely speaking.

"No, I'm going to teach her a lesson." Meng Mianmian stood up, rolled up her sleeves, and was about to fight with Shangguan Qingxue.

Feng Yunyao pressed her shoulders, pressed down lightly, and pushed her to sit on the chair.

"You can't deal with this kind of person clearly."

"Oh, I get it." Meng Mianmian said with a dazed expression, "Sister Feng, are you planning to wait for midnight while we sneak into her room in black clothes and put her in a sack and beat her up?"

"……You think too much."

Feng Yunyao gave her a blank look, took out a bottle of potion and handed it to Xiao Bai, "Wait a while, you pour this bottle of potion into Shangguan Qingxue's teacup, and watch her drink it before coming back."

"Sister Feng, are you going to give her laxatives?" Meng Mianmian laughed wickedly, and made up for Shangguan Qingxue's embarrassment when she pulled her pants.

Doesn't she care about her image? Let her wait a few days to see if she still has an image at all.

"What are you thinking?" Feng Yunyao tapped her on the head lightly, and said with a smile, "Shangguan Qingxue is proficient in poison techniques, if you give her laxatives, she will definitely be suspicious, what I gave is not laxatives , but beauty drunk."

"The beauty is drunk? Alcohol?" Meng Mianmian asked in a daze.

Mu Yan also looked at Feng Yunyao with a ignorant face, "Will you become beautiful after drinking beauty drunk?"

"Of course not." Feng Yunyao raised her eyebrows, "After a beauty is drunk, her body will gradually become tired, and she will be mentally weak at first, making people mistakenly think that she didn't sleep well, but she just can't fall asleep."

"There is such a medicine, so why is it called Beauty Drunk?" Mu Yan understood the effect of the medicine, but the name was too far-fetched.

"Under the condition of being weak and lacking energy, every gesture is limp, just like a drunken beauty walking crookedly. Of course, this is the condition manifested after the poison has completely flared up."

"It seems to be the case, but sister Feng, why did you poison her like this? It didn't make her suffer at all." At most, it was just a drowsy appearance, which seems to be harmless to the body, right? .

Feng Yunyao smiled mysteriously: "How can you not be punished? This is worse than physical torture. Try not to sleep for a few days and see how it feels."

One or two days can still last, if it is three or four days, the brain is obviously very sleepy, but I just can't fall asleep, that kind of feeling is simply worse than death.

Meng Mianmian's eyes brightened when she heard the words, "Sister Feng is the best."

If she didn't sleep for a day, she would feel uncomfortable all over, not to mention that she couldn't sleep all the time, and Shangguan Qingxue would be tortured badly after a few days.

Feng Yunyao smiled, "I gave her the Beauty Drunk, not only to make her suffer, but when a person's spirit is very low, it is easy to be hypnotized, and then she will spit out all the news we want .”

"It's still like this." Meng Mianmian couldn't help but rubbed her arms. Fortunately, she and Feng Yunyao were on the same side. If it was her hostile side, she wouldn't know how she died. Sister Feng is too smart to harm someone. It's as simple as raising your hand, and people who still do it don't know it.

"Okay, Xiaobai, you can go." Feng Yunyao carried Xiaobai and put it on the window, "Go early and come back early."

Xiaobai looked bitterly at the bottle in his paws, why is it always the one who does sneaky things, it will ruin its tall image, okay?

"Xiao Mi, you go with me."

Xiaobai lifted Xiaomi out of the Qiankun bag with one paw, hugged her in his arms, and went out with a grunt.

Because both it and Xiaomi are white, in order to cover up their bodies.

Xiaobai continued the previous method and wrapped a black cloth around him and Xiaomi.

Most of the people in Shangguan's house are not asleep now, the lights are brightly lit, and there are guards patrolling the roads, if you don't pay attention, your whereabouts will be exposed.

Xiaobai was wrapped in a black cloth, and quietly moved towards Shangguan Qingxue's yard.

Fortunately, the two yards are relatively close, and they arrived at the place soon.

The light in Shangguan Qingxue's room was still on, obviously she was still asleep.

"Master told you not to touch Meng Mianmian." A woman dressed as a maid stood in front of Shangguan Qingxue and told Shangguan Qingxue coldly, her tone did not treat her as the eldest lady of Shangguan's family.

Miss Shangguan is just a counterfeit, so what if she is the real Miss Shangguan, the owner of the Shangguan family has died in the hands of their master, so there is no Miss Shangguan.

Shangguan Qingxue was dissatisfied with her tone, but she didn't show it in the slightest, she was obviously used to it, "Okay, tell my godfather to let him send someone to pay attention to Feng Yunyao's movements, I heard that a few days ago She is at Han's house in Canghai country and healed Patriarch Han's illness, if we find her whereabouts, we'd better find a way to entangle her."

Huh?Why is she pestering the master?

Xiao Bai, who was squatting in the corner, was full of doubts. Could it be that she wanted to attack the master?
"Okay, I will tell the master about this."

Shangguan Qingxue pursed her lower lips, and said: "The people you send to the Feng family must be more careful. The old man of the Feng family is at the level of Xuanzong, and he is not as easy to deal with as Patriarch Han. I hope to deal with the Feng family in the end and deal with it first." Mu Family and Ruan Family of Canglan Country."

"This master has also considered it. If he can leave the Feng family, he will leave. Feng Yunyao is too powerful a woman, and there is Emperor Zun behind her." The maid calmly analyzed.

"Okay, you go down."

The maid turned around and left without even saying hello to Shangguan Qingxue, let alone saluting and walking away.

After the maid left, Shangguan angrily swept the tea set on the table to the ground.

Gritting his teeth, he said angrily, "You're just a lowly servant girl, what a good show, just wait, wait until I finish the Meng family and the Han family, and see how I deal with you."

(End of this chapter)

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