Chapter 439 Master, You Sleep With Me

Chapter 430 Master, You Sleep With Me

Feng Yunyao turned sideways, looked at the man reading a book with her plain hands resting her chin, her eyes were filled with a deep smile, "Master, you brought me back to let me read with you."

"It's me who sleeps with you." Di Jiushang looked away from the book to look at her, and pulled up the quilt that had slipped from her waist, "It's cold, don't catch a cold, I'm here with you , go to bed quickly."

This girl probably hasn't slept for several days, her eyes are black and blue, and she won't take care of herself if he is not by her side.

Feng Yunyao put her arms around his waist, and rubbed herself into his arms, "It's too cold, I want to hug you to sleep."

It was rare to see such a young girl's posture. Di Jiushang put down the book in his hand, and pulled the quilt to cover her body, "If you don't feel uncomfortable lying like this, then you can hold it."

After covering Feng Yunyao with a quilt, he picked up the book and continued to read.

When she falls asleep, carry her to the bed and lie down.

"..." I thought he would take off his shoes and sleep with her, but I didn't expect...

Sure enough, the great master is still the same great master. Even though he has made great progress these days, he is still so straightforward emotionally.

Depressedly, Feng Yunyao stuffed her hand into his skirt, and touched his firm and smooth skin.

Feeling that someone's body was visibly stiff, Feng Yunyao hugged his waist in satisfaction, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Di Jiushang looked down at the little woman who had closed her eyes, feeling a little helpless.

Fearing that she would slip down, he put one hand around her back, and leaned against the bed rail with a book in his other hand to watch quietly.

As the night grew darker, feeling that the person in his arms had fallen asleep, Di Jiushang carefully placed her on the bed.

He was about to get up, but Feng Yunyao wrapped his arms around him, so he had no choice but to return to the bed.

He half sat there, letting her hold his arm.

It's just that this posture can't be maintained for a cup of tea, and one leg is on his waist.

If she still kept this posture, she would definitely not be able to sleep comfortably, so Di Jiushang took off his shoes and lay down beside her.

Feng Yunyao, who was sleeping, seemed to feel someone lying down, so she got into his arms naturally, and wrapped her arms around his waist.

The soft body touched his body in a large area, and Di Jiushang only felt that his throat was a little dry, and there was a warm current rippling in his lower abdomen.

He still underestimated her attraction to him. If he hugged her like this, he couldn't bear not to touch her, but he couldn't bear to let her go.

"What an annoying little girl."

Di Jiushang stuffed her head into his arms, resting his chin on top of her head, so that it would be better not to look at her.

But still unable to ignore her existence, he simply closed his eyes and tried to make himself fall asleep.

After a good night's sleep, Feng Yunyao woke up and saw Di Jiushang lying beside her.

He frowned slightly, obviously not sleeping very well.

Feng Yunyao raised her index finger and pressed gently on the center of his brow, and rubbed it.

What kind of dream did you have, and you frowned even when you slept.

I really hope that I can enter his dream and change his unpleasant dream for him.

Light white and slender fingers gently slid down from between his brows, across the bridge of his nose, and finally reached his lips.

His lips are very soft, very different from his indifferent and cold temperament.

At this moment, Di Jiushang, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his mouth to enclose her finger, and Feng Yunyao pulled her finger back hastily, frightened by the sudden numbness.

Then, the person beside her turned over and pressed her under him, the eyes that had been closed just now opened at some point, the deep eyes sucked people in like a deep pool.

"Yao'er, I eat tofu from my teacher early in the morning, huh?" Di Jiushang had a smile on his lips, and there was some teasing in his eyes.

Being caught, Feng Yunyao was a little embarrassed, her little face blushed, but she still bit the bullet and said: "Whoever made you so attractive, I can't help but want to take advantage of you."

"Since Yao'er wants to take advantage of me, how can I not satisfy you."

As the words fell, Di Jiushang's kiss landed on the center of her eyebrows, slowly moving down, kissing her eyebrows, the bridge of her nose...

The gentle and shallow kiss left behind strings of numbness, which made Feng Yunyao's whole body tense up.

A slightly cool hand penetrated through the skirt, and stuck to her soft waist, the smooth and tender skin made him unable to put it down.

At this moment, Di Jiushang really didn't want to wait any longer, he wanted to make her completely his own.

The clothes were slowly stripped off, and the kiss spread down.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Emperor, my subordinates have something to report."

Di Jiushang suddenly came to his senses, all movements stopped completely, and his unstained handsome face was full of passion and dissatisfaction.

Seeing his mortal expression, Feng Yunyao was immediately amused, and couldn't help laughing.

"Still laughing." Di Jiushang glared at the laughing little woman, got up helplessly, helped her pull up her clothes briefly, and then covered her with the quilt, then got up and got out of bed.

Casually, he picked up the clothes thrown on the ground and put them on, and quickly returned to his usual cool and abstinent appearance, except for the blush on his face.

He opened the door, walked out, and closed the door behind him.

Yun Lie wanted to enter the hall to talk about things, but he didn't expect to be pushed out without even stepping on the threshold.

Curiously, he glanced inside, and then a cold gaze came, and Yun Lie hurriedly moved his eyes away in fright.

There is no need to guess who it is, it must be Miss Feng, and only when she is there, the master will have more expressions on his face.

The master came out early this morning. If Miss Feng was inside, did they already...

Emma, ​​the one behind is too shy, he is still a pure and beautiful boy, so he shouldn't think about it.

Di Jiushang saw that his expression was erratic and strange, and there was a hint of danger in his narrowed eyes, "Hurry up, what's the matter."

Frightened by the cold voice, Yun Lie woke up from the coma, and hurriedly saluted Emperor Jiushang respectfully, "My lord, Young Master Feng has woken up."

Young Master Feng is the godson Feng Yunyao recognizes.

As soon as he said this, he heard movement inside, and in an instant, the closed door opened again, Feng Yunyao walked out from inside, she asked excitedly: "Has Wuyou woke up?"

The child has slept for so long, half a year.

"Back to the girl, the worry-free young master has woken up. He said he wanted to find you, but his subordinates were worried about his health and didn't let him go."

"Wuyou is really awake, I'll go and see him." Feng Yunyao said, then ran towards Feng Wuyou's residence.

Seeing her anxious appearance, Di Jiushang felt a little apprehensive, "What's there to see? They're all so big."

He said so, but walked towards Feng Wuyou's residence.

Yun Lie was a little baffled by his master's sudden arrival, but he followed along.

"No worries."

Feng Yunyao pushed open the door, and saw Feng Wuyou sitting there, and there was a lot of delicious food in front of him, but he didn't move a single chopstick.

Wuyou is a foodie like Xiaobai, but he didn't touch the food inside at all. Could it be that he is not feeling well?

Thinking of this, Feng Yunyao walked over quickly.

Feng Wuyou was sad for not being able to find her mother. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice and hurriedly looked towards the door. Seeing Feng Yunyao who came in, she quickly got up. Because she was too excited, she got up violently and directly moved the stool. overturned.


Feng Wuyou immediately ran over to give Feng Yunyao a big hug, but the moment he hugged her, a crimson figure flashed in, hugging a tall body just like that.

Seeing the person she was holding, Feng Wuyou let go dissatisfied, with a grievance on her face.

What he wants to hug is mother, how could it be this cheap father.

"You blocked me from hugging my mother." Feng Wuyou was very dissatisfied with accusing Di Jiushang's behavior, her small face wrinkled into a ball of grievance.

Di Jiushang said disapprovingly: "You are already an older child, you need to know how to defend men and women."

"Why do you need to understand the defense between men and women? I am hugging my mother and not someone else." Feng Wuyou's pronunciation is obviously much better than before he fell into a coma. strenuous.

"She's not your mother." Di Jiushang took Feng Yunyao's hand and walked inside, keeping her and Feng Wuyou's body between her and the vat full of vinegar overflowing.

"But she is my mother." Feng Wuyou stubbornly insisted on her cognition.

A mother is a mother, regardless of whether she is a mother or not.

Di Jiushang opened a chair for Feng Yunyao, and still educated Feng Wuyou in a strict father's tone, "Even if it is your mother, you are already 13 years old, if you are a man who still hugs your mother, You will definitely be laughed at by others."

"You are also a man, why can you hug your mother, why can't I."

"She is my future wife. It's normal for me to hug her. If you want to hug her, you can find a wife to hug her."

Hearing Emperor Jiushang fool Feng Wuyou's words, Feng Yunyao was very surprised, her master was so childishly reasoning with others, such a scene is really hard to see.

Feng Wuyou frowned and thought for a while, "Then I won't be called mother anymore, I'll call her wife, so I can hug her."

Although he really wanted his mother, he also wanted to hug her. If he had to choose one of the two, then he would choose the latter.

After all, it doesn't matter what it's called, but if he can't hug his mother, it's really hard for him to bear it.

Now Di Jiushang's face could not help but sink, and his voice was a little cold, "She is my wife, if you don't want to be called mother, then leave her."

"You asked me to leave mother?" Feng Wuyou pouted with wet eyes like a little lamb being bullied by his companions, "I don't want to leave mother, forget it, I'll call you mother."

If he left his mother, let alone holding his mother, it would not be so easy to even meet her.

In the future, it will be a big deal for him to secretly hug his mother when the cheap father is not around.

Di Jiushang was quite satisfied with his answer, his expression softened a bit, but his tone was still indifferent: "Since you regard her as your mother, you must be responsible for her reputation, and you must never hug her in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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