Chapter 440 Worry Free
Chapter 440 Worry Free
Feng Wuyou frowned aggrievedly, she really didn't want to agree, but Father Cheap said that once he hugged his mother, it would hurt her reputation.

After thinking about it, I think it's better not to hug my mother, because I can't harm my mother because of my own selfishness.


"That's great, let's go eat." Di Jiushang ignored him, took Feng Yunyao, who was still in a mess, to the table and sat down.

He placed Feng Yunyao on his left and right hands, patted his other side, and said with Feng Wuyou: "Come here, sit here."

"I want to sit next to my mother." Feng Wuyou pointed to the empty seat on the other side of Feng Yunyao, with a look of longing.



"Because you are a man, a man will stick to a man." Di Jiushang said nonsense in a serious manner.

Feng Wuyou raised her eyes to glance at Feng Yunyao, and muttered softly, "Can I not be a man?"

Hearing his words, Feng Yunyao couldn't help but twitched, seeing how the child was being forced.

Di Jiushang was still as indifferent as before, he picked up a prawn and began to peel it, "As a man, you can protect your mother, but as a woman, you need your mother to protect you. Whether you want to be a man or a woman is up to you."

"I'd better be a man." Feng Wuyou chose the gender without hesitation. He wanted to protect his mother, and he must not let her protect him.

Afterwards, he sat down on the other side of Di Jiushang, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Feng Yunyao was stunned as she watched from the sidelines, she couldn't even sit next to her without worry.

I usually see him cold and taciturn, but I didn't expect Huyou to be so good at fooling people.

Di Jiushang handed the peeled shrimp to her mouth, "The shrimp cooked by Chef Liu is very good, try it and see how it goes."

Feng Yunyao ate the prawns with his hands, the prawns were very firm and tasty.

"It's delicious. The prawns peeled by master are the best prawns I've ever eaten."

Seeing the happy smile on her bright face, Di Jiushang raised the corners of his lips, and took another shrimp, and slowly detached the shrimp from the shell with his handsome hands, which was very pleasing to the eye.

"Master, you are so graceful even when peeling shrimp." Feng Yunyao rested her chin, waiting to be fed.

Feng Wuyou watched them peel and eat one by one, then removed Di Jiushang's clothes with his hands, pointed to his mouth, "Father, I want to eat too."

"If it's a man, peel it yourself."

Well, he is a man and can only peel it by himself, Feng Wuyou took a shrimp and peeled it by himself.

After peeling it off, he was about to send it to his mouth. He glanced at Feng Yunyao, swallowed his saliva and resolutely handed the pitted shrimp meat he had peeled to her, "Mother, eat."

Dad is a man who can peel shrimps for mother, and so is he, he also wants to peel shrimp for mother.

"It's nice to be worry-free." Feng Yunyao reached out to catch the shrimp, but a big hand grabbed her in front of her.

Di Jiushang took away the shrimp that Feng Wuyou had peeled, threw it into his mouth, and chewed gracefully, "The shrimp is not peeled well, I will practice more in the future."

I didn't forget to comment a few words while eating.

Feng Wuyou stared accusingly at the man who robbed his shrimp meat, it was too much, the shrimp meat was peeled for mother.

Forget it, it seems that he is his cheap father, so don't bother with him, he is a magnanimous and good boy.

Feng Wuyou took another one and began to peel it, but every time the peeled shrimp was eaten by herself, Di Jiushang snatched all the shrimps that were sent to Feng Yunyao's mouth.

Finally, Feng Wuyou couldn't bear it anymore, "Father, why do you always grab the shrimp I peeled for mother?"

Di Jiushang scooped up a bowl of soup for Feng Yunyao, put it in front of her, wiped his hands with a handkerchief, and said, "You didn't wash your hands, the peeled prawns are not clean, your mother will have a stomachache after eating it."

"Then why are you okay?" Feng Wuyou is innocent, but this point can still be analyzed clearly.

"I have rough skin and thick flesh, so I'm not afraid of getting dirty."

Feng Yunyao: "..."

Is this still her clean freak and furry god?

The meal ended with a battle of wits between the 'father and son'.

After eating, Emperor Jiushang took care of the internal affairs of Jiuxiao Pavilion, and Feng Yunyao released the four monsters.

"Try to see if you can sense Si Er's specific whereabouts."

Since the four monsters have become her soul slaves, she usually takes them into her soul. Of course, they also like to stay in her soul, because it is the most helpful for their souls.

"Try it, subordinate." Si Wu lifted his robe and sat cross-legged on a chair, closed his eyes and began to sense.

Shaoqing opened his eyes again, and said, "Brother, he is in the north, about two thousand kilometers away, and he cannot be sensed otherwise."

Feng Yunyao didn't expect him to tell the specific address, according to the information he said, this is the imperial capital of the Canghai Kingdom.

It seems that this Sier is really in the Canghai Kingdom.

"Master, I'm going to the Canghai Kingdom."

Meng Mianmian and the others don't know what's going on in Shangguan's family, and Xiaobai and Xiaomi are also there, so she has to go there no matter what.

"I'll go with you." Di Jiushang put away the ledger.

"I'm going too." Feng Wuyou immediately stood up when she heard this, and even raised her hands to increase her sense of presence.

Feng Yunyao looked at the two 'father and son' in front of her, and shook her head directly, "I don't plan to reveal my identity, you two are not good at disguising, and it won't be of much help if you follow the past, it's better to stay here and help me take care of Medicine Sect The people here, especially He Wenfei, she was seriously injured."

This time, she took Shangguan Juechen away, but it was better for He Wenfei to stay in Jiuxiao Pavilion.

Di Jiushang knew her character, and since she said it, he didn't want them to follow.

He didn't force it, and said aloud: "Be careful in everything, and send a signal if something happens."

He took two flares and stuffed them into Feng Yunyao's hands, "The yellow one is to summon the people around Jiuxiao Pavilion, and the red one is for me to go over."

Feng Yunyao didn't refuse, she put the signal bomb into the Qiankun bag, and looked at Feng Wuyou again, "Your father is not going, you should stay here too."

"Okay." Feng Wuyou glared gloomily at the man who had compromised so quickly, and had no choice but to agree.

At this time, he suddenly remembered something, hurried to the bed, and went directly to the bed.

"Mother, let me help you see if there are any disasters these days."

Dad said that his ghost eyes have been completely opened now, and he can see the important events that will happen to the person who wants to see in the next ten days.

Hearing this, Feng Yunyao suddenly guessed what he was going to do, and quickly stopped him, "Worriless."

Once he opens ghost eyes, his lifespan will be shortened.

She has her own life, she only believes that everything depends on herself, instead of letting him spend his life to check herself.

"It's late." Di Jiushang pulled back and wanted to wake up Feng Wuyou, who was already in samadhi, "If you wake him up now, it will hurt him even more, and maybe it will also affect his mind."

This is similar to being interrupted suddenly while practicing, it is easy to go crazy, and it is even worse for him to open the ghost eye, which will also affect his mind.

Feng Yunyao also knew the severity of the consequences, so she didn't stop her anymore, she could only wait quietly.

After a while, Feng Wuyou suddenly opened her eyes, and a layer of coldness oozes from her forehead.

He looked very weak, leaning weakly on the bed rail, panting slightly, "Mother, all I see are very vague shadows, and I can't see what happened, but after seven days, I will die." I can't even see the shadow."

What he was looking at was what happened in the next ten days of my mother, and the shadow that appeared must be my mother, but why did it disappear after seven days, not to mention, he could see what happened within ten days.

The more Feng Wuyou thought about it, the more strange she felt, and she always felt that something important happened seven days later.

"If you can't see it, you can't see it. Maybe someone killed me." Feng Yunyao wiped Feng Wuyou's sweat with a handkerchief, and said warmly.

Di Jiushang's eyes were deep, as if he was thinking about something.

disappear?Instead of being injured or dead, could it be that Yao'er and him went to Tongtian Continent seven days later?

But that layer of sealing is difficult to open.

Feng Yunyao appeased Xia Feng Wuyou, said goodbye to Di Jiushang, then went to bring Shangguan Juechen out, put it in the Qiankun bag, and then went to Canghai Kingdom.

It was already night when we arrived at Canghai Country.

Feng Yunyao changed her clothes, changed her appearance again, and then went in directly through the gate.

Just when he arrived at the gate, he was blocked by someone, "Who is it?"

"Master Jun, I'm Miss Meng's servant girl. Yesterday my lady asked me to get some things for Miss Shangguan." Feng Yunyao said with a low eyebrow, just like a little maid.

The guard guarding the gate would definitely not let her in because of what she said, and sent someone in to ask.

Feng Yunyao stood there silently waiting, and soon, someone hurried over.

"This is indeed Miss Meng's maid. Miss happened to be in Miss Meng's yard. After hearing about this, she asked her subordinates to bring her in."

The guard looked Feng Yunyao up and down again, and waved his hand inside, indicating that she could go in.

"Thank you, Master."

Feng Yunyao nodded at them and walked in quickly.

Relying on memory, he quickly found the courtyard where Meng Mianmian lived.

Seeing her coming in, Meng Mianmian suddenly wanted to stand up to greet her, but seeing the look Feng Yunyao gave her, her expression became dignified again.

"Miss, this is the medicine you asked your servant to bring." Feng Yunyao handed the medicine bottle to Meng Mianmian.

Meng Mianmian took the medicine bottle with a dazed expression. She didn't ask Sister Feng to buy anything.

However, he was just confused for a while, and quickly guessed the reason, and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

Turning around, he handed the medicine bottle to Shangguan Qingxue, "Sister Qingxue, I heard that you seemed to be very unwell last night, so I asked someone to bring a bottle of medicine from Han's house. Great help."

Shangguan Qingxue's mouth was extremely dry from drinking water the day before yesterday, and now her throat is very uncomfortable, as if there is a barbed wire scraping inside it.

From the night before to now, she has been drinking water non-stop, going to the toilet after drinking water, and now she has not closed her eyes for two days.

"Can this really cure my thirst?" Shangguan Qingxue asked uncertainly.

(End of this chapter)

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