Chapter 465
Chapter 460 The fifth seal is opened
As time went by, cracks began to appear in the originally immobile seal, and the cracks were slowly expanding.

"Feng girl, it's already cracked, hold on." Nan Fengjue saw a crack in the space of Tianshen Mountain, his dark eyes were full of excitement.

Soon, soon, he will be able to return to that space. With Feng girl's intelligence, her cultivation base will increase rapidly, and the higher her cultivation base, the faster he can recover his body.

When he was alive, he went to find Yuexi, and he didn't know that she was still...

Thinking that Yuexi might be gone, Nan Fengjue's originally excited eyes dimmed instantly.

Feng Yunyao also saw the crack, she was almost out of strength, but she aroused her strength again.

"Come on, master!" Xiaobai held the Qiankun bag in his paws, his soybean-sized eyes fixed on the crack, and kept cheering Feng Yunyao up.

Di Jiushang glanced at the cracked gap, and looked down at Feng Yunyao, seeing that her expression was very bad, and her cultivation was almost exhausted, if she continued like this, her life might be in danger.

His eyes dimmed, his plain hand moved slightly, and a black compass appeared in his hand.

When Xiaobai saw the compass, he jumped over in a hurry, "Master, master, what do you want to do, you can't..."

"Shut up!" Before it could say a word, it was yelled at by Di Jiushang.

Xiaobai was very conflicted, looking at his master and looking at Di Jiushang.

What to do, it seems that the master is dying, but if the master master uses the Tianxuan compass, he will definitely suffer backlash, and with his current body, it may be more or less auspicious.

Just when it was struggling, the Tianxuan compass in Di Jiushang's hand had already flown into the sky and started to rotate rapidly.

Di Jiushang kept sending profound energy into the compass, and at this moment, a powerful force hit the crack directly.

In an instant, the fissure, which was originally only one finger wide, opened to a width of more than one meter in an instant.

Then a strong light came from inside, Feng Yunyao fainted directly, Di Jiushang hurriedly caught Feng Yunyao's body.

The other seven people were also bounced away one after another, but they were not hurt, but their bodies were weaker.

"It's open!" Nan Fengjue said excitedly, "Stop quickly, girl Feng, go in quickly."

Judging from the crack, it probably won't last long, so I have to go in quickly.

Di Jiushang glanced at the sky, and said to Xiao Bai: "Hurry up and take your master in."

Saying that, he threw out Feng Yunyao who was already unconscious.

Seeing this, Xiaobai immediately transformed into his real body, wrapping Feng Yunyao around and quickly flew in, disappearing instantly.

Mu Yan, Luo Li and Lin Lang followed in without hesitation.

"I'll go, Lin Lang, why did you follow in?" Mu Yan looked at Lin Lang beside him, very surprised.

Looking at the golden light in front of him, Lin Lang smiled and said, "I have decided that from now on, I will follow Junior Sister Feng and be her right and left hand."

"Luo Li, he competes with you for favor." Mu Yan poked Luo Li beside him, and teased.

Luo Li rolled his eyes at him, his expression indifferent, "Why not have one more person to help Junior Sister Feng."

As soon as he said this, a strong suction came out from inside, directly sucking them in, and then all three of them passed out.

Then there was Meng Xixing, who plopped and knelt on the ground towards Patriarch Meng, and kowtowed a few times, "Father, the child is unfilial, I'm leaving." Without hesitation, he entered the sealed world.

"Father, I'm going too." Meng Mianmian raised her foot and was about to follow, but before she could take a step, her eyes darkened and she passed out.

Patriarch Meng hugged Meng Mianmian, bowed to Emperor Jiushang and bowed, "Di Zun, please."

He knows Emperor Zun's ability, and he will take care of him to some extent.

Di Jiushang didn't respond to him, but looked up at the sky that was already thundering, and said coldly: "You all get out of here quickly."

Although everyone didn't know why they wanted to retreat, but after he said so, he also noticed the strangeness in the sky, and immediately flew aside as he said.

However, Ruan Chengyu didn't. He stood there hesitating for a while, and then jumped into the crack.

He also wanted to see what it was like outside this world, and if he accidentally died, it was his fate.

The moment the thunder struck, Di Jiushang flashed into the sealed world.

At the moment he entered, thunder struck the seal, and the originally open seal instantly closed.

Those who only stayed outside looked at the completely closed seal in disbelief, and a big hole was blown out on the ground by thunder, and they were even more frightened.

No wonder Di Jiushang just asked them to leave. It turned out that he had already predicted that thunder would strike.

However, what will happen after they enter, I am afraid that only those who enter will know.

Everyone left one by one, and finally only Shangguan Juechen was left.

He bowed in the direction of Tianshen Mountain, and said solemnly and solemnly: "Yunyao, I owe you too much in this life. From now on, my Shangguan family and Feng family will be forever relatives. As long as I am here, I will not let anyone People can move the Feng family even a tiny bit."

Now he only has friendship and gratitude to Feng Yunyao, without Feng Yunyao, there would be no him, let alone revenge.

After Shangguan Juechen left, except for a huge pit at the foot of Tianshen Mountain, everything seemed to be back to the way it was before.

"Master, master, wake up quickly."

Xiaobai's immature and anxious voice lingered in Feng Yunyao's ears, she tried to open her eyes, and what caught her eyes was Xiaobai's enlarged round face.

"Master, you're finally awake!" Seeing Feng Yunyao open her eyes, Xiao Bai jumped up excitedly.

Because of being too excited, saliva sprayed on Feng Yunyao's face.

Feng Yunyao wiped her face in disgust, pushed Xiao Bai who was jumping on her shoulders, and sat up on the ground.

Looking at the strange environment around her, she looked at a loss, "Where is this place, have we succeeded, where is Master?"

They are now at the seaside, the waves are surging, and there is only the sound of the waves around them. The sky is very blue and the distance of the sea meets, and finally they seem to become one.

"This is the Tongtian Continent. After you fainted, Master Master asked me to bring you in. As for him, he should be behind, but when I wake up, there is only you by my side, and even Mu Yan and the others are gone. Don’t even dare to look elsewhere.”

Feng Yunyao stood up from the ground, although she was very tired, she recovered a lot.

You can see very far here at a glance, let alone people around, not even a reptile.

It seems that she and the master got separated.

"Can you sense Xiaofeng's whereabouts?"

"We can't sense it, we should be far away." Xiaobai was very helpless, but it had already sensed it.

Feng Yunyao didn't say anything, just patrolled around.

Since Master asked Xiaobai to bring her in, he would definitely follow her in.

As for Mu Yan, Luo Li, and Meng Xixing, they had agreed before, and I believe they will definitely come in too.

Just don't know where it fell.

"Master, should we wait here, or go looking for it?" Xiao Bai jumped on her shoulder and looked towards the endless ocean.

"Look here for two days first, if you can't find them, it means they fell somewhere else."

As long as they are on this continent, I believe they will meet one day.

Fortunately, Mianmian didn't follow, after all, she was a girl with poor cultivation, so it would be dangerous to stray away from them.

What she is most worried about now is Mu Yan. Luo Li and Meng Xixing are both smarter, and I believe they can survive in a strange environment. As for Mu Yan, sometimes he is smart, and sometimes he is very stupid. .

As for the master, he should have no problem. After all, this is the Tongtian Continent, and he is most familiar with it. However, he is afraid that he will encounter enemies.

Hey, it's useless to worry about it now, the only point is to find them as soon as possible.

"Master, do you think they will fall into the sea and be eaten by big fish?" Xiaobai put his paw on his forehead and searched anxiously, "Probably not, that stinky man Muyan, Farting from time to time may kill the fish."


Feng Yunyao searched in the distant coconut grove, but she couldn't find anyone, and even shouted a lot with profound strength, as long as she was within a radius of ten miles, her voice would definitely be heard.

"Master, I'm so hungry." Xiaobai covered his fat belly, licked his mouth, and really wanted to eat something.

Feng Yunyao also walked out of the coconut grove with her chest stuck to her back.

"I went to the sea to catch some fish, and we ate grilled fish."

When he heard grilled fish, Xiaobai's whole face collapsed, "I don't like to spit spines."

Feng Yunyao remembered that Xiaobai is a big foodie but he doesn't like fish, so she turned back to the coconut grove and looked for it.

"Master, what are you looking for?"

Seeing her staring at the ground and searching all the time, Xiao Bai asked in puzzlement.

"I'll find you something to eat."

"Ah?" Xiaobai said quickly, "Master, I don't like eating bugs."

"I know." Feng Yunyao hit it on the head with the stick in her hand, "I'm looking for crabs."

"There are crabs here?" Xiaobai was about to salivate when he heard the crabs, but he was a little confused. Shouldn't the crabs be in the water? How could they be in the coconut grove.

"There's one here." Feng Yunyao bent down and directly caught the coconut crab's leg with a stick, and quickly pulled it out of the nest.

A big crab weighing seven or eight catties.

"Wow, there are really crabs." The foodie Bai grabbed the leg of the big crab with one paw, and barely lifted the big crab that was similar to it, "This crab looks a bit weird, and the taste should not be too bad. "

"Eat what you have, and pick and choose."

"Hey, don't pick, don't pick, the big crab grilled by the master is the most delicious in the world."

Afterwards, Feng Yunyao caught two more crabs and returned to the beach.

She simply cleaned the crabs at the beach and took out the black cauldron.

"What kind of crab do you want to eat?" Feng Yunyao asked Xiao Bai who was squatting aside and picking up the seasoning.

"It's braised in soy sauce. The meat of this crab is a bit woody. It shouldn't taste good when steamed." Xiaobai knew how to eat it very well, and found a lot of seasonings from the Qiankun bag.

Feng Yunyao used the black cauldron to cook braised crabs for it, and even used profound energy to ignite the black cauldron.

(End of this chapter)

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