Chapter 466 Master, let's show some face

Chapter 460 Master, let's show some face

After one man and one beast ate crabs, they picked a few coconuts to quench their thirst. After eating and getting drunk, they began to search for distant places again.

But after searching for a day and a night, they couldn't find any traces of them, and there wasn't even a single person here.

"Master, I think they fell somewhere else." Sitting on Feng Yunyao's shoulders, Xiaobai meditated with his legs drooping and his paws resting on his chin.

Feng Yunyao also agreed with what it said, and took a deep breath. The aura here is indeed much richer than that in the Sky Continent. In just one day, the profound energy in her body began to swell.

Because of opening the seal, her fifth seal was broken directly.

Feng Yunyao felt that she was about to be promoted, so she sat down on the ground and began to absorb and exhale, converting the spiritual energy from the outside into her own profound strength.

The profound energy in the body accumulated more and more, and soon reached saturation.

The dantian began to heat up, and that heat made her feel refreshed all over, and then the power in her body suddenly surged, and she rushed away from the Xuanwang Intermediate Stage in an instant.

Feng Yunyao opened her eyes, feeling that the exhaustion of the past two days had disappeared.

She has been promoted to the first level, but, as the master said, there are Xuanzong level people all over the street here, and she is just an ordinary person now.

Thinking of this, Feng Yunyao felt a bit of a headache. Her cultivation had reached the best in the world in the Sky Continent, but she became an ordinary person here.

"Master, as long as you work hard enough, you will definitely become an upper-middle expert." Seeing her frustration, Xiao Bai stretched out his paw and patted her on the shoulder, kindly comforting her.

Upper-middle level expert...

Forget it, she has to do another thing for now.

The ghost king's soul is still trapped in the spirit ring, and she must smash it as soon as possible.

He took out the spirit ring and removed the corpse inside.

Because the corpse was hidden in the spirit ring, it still looked like it was when it died. The ghost king's soul was trapped in the corpse, and there was a faint tendency to come out.

Feng Yunyao quickly slapped the corpse, and a semicircular white mask covered the corpse.

Afterwards, she sat cross-legged next to the corpse and began to perform Soul Breaking.

No one can disturb at this time, once interrupted, the ghost king may escape.

However, they haven't seen a single living beast after staying here for so long, let alone Xiaobai guarding them, so there won't be any problems.

But just as she had this idea, a man rushed out of the coconut grove riding a tiger with dragon horns.

They came straight towards Feng Yunyao.

The man didn't expect that there were still people here, and hurriedly shouted, "Get out of the way, Xiaohu is going crazy, I can't control it!"

Feng Yunyao really wanted to scold the street, so she said in a deep voice, "Xiaobai."

"Understood, master." Xiaobai immediately transformed into a real body, directly intercepting a tiger and a man who were galloping towards Feng Yunyao.

But it only caught the crazy tiger, but because of inertia, the man flew out from the tiger's back, falling in the direction where Feng Yunyao was.


Feng Yunyao stared at the man who fell on the corpse, and couldn't help but swear.

The broken soul was interrupted, and the ghost king's soul immediately slipped down from the corpse, and it was impossible to collect the soul again.

In an instant, the ghost king's soul body disappeared.

The man didn't know that he had caused trouble, but felt that someone was under him, so he hurriedly jumped up.

Looking at He Lianchen, who had already died on the ground, with a look of astonishment, "No, isn't it, dead?"

He actually crushed people to death.

At that time, the ghost king went directly to He Lianchen's body, and even devoured He Lianchen's soul body. After the ghost king died, Feng Yunyao immediately put the body into the spirit ring, so He Lianchen's body remained intact all the time. in fresh condition.

It's normal for this person to think that he was the one who killed him.

The man didn't need to look to know that the person on the ground whose body was deformed by him was dead, and then looked at Feng Yunyao standing beside her, seeing her eyes full of anger.

Thinking that he killed her relatives, she quickly apologized: "Yes, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, I didn't know you were here, this is your husband-in-law?"

It was fine if he didn't say this, but Feng Yunyao's face turned darker when he said that, "Who do you say he is, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!"

She couldn't find Master and the others, and now that the ghost king's soul body has also escaped, she was already in a bad mood, and this bastard even said that this scumbag He Lianchen was her husband-in-law.

What should I do, I really want to beat someone up!

"..." Seeing him so angry, the man suddenly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, he is your brother."


What a fierce woman, the man couldn't help shrinking back from the fierceness, this time he didn't say a word, and looked at Feng Yunyao cautiously.

Feng Yunyao looked at him thoughtfully, he was handsome, and the clothes on his body were also high-quality silk, so he should be a son of a rich family.

"He is my domestic slave, and he is still a first-class slave. If you beat him to death now, you will pay me."

"Compensation..." The man was a little embarrassed, "He is already dead, how can I compensate you?"

Feng Yunyao embraced her arms, raised her eyebrows and said, "You can exchange it for something of equal value."

Hearing what she said, the man immediately understood that he wanted money.

He took out a bag and handed it to Feng Yunyao, "There are more than 20 topaz stones here, enough for you to buy ten or twenty slaves, I'll give them all to you."

After all, it was he who killed someone else's servant, and if the animal pet beside the woman hadn't used his real body to block Xiaohu in time, even she would have been killed by him.

It is also appropriate to take out some topaz as compensation.

Topaz?Feng Yunyao took the bag of crystals and opened it to have a look.

This is the first time she has seen this kind of spar. It looks the same as citrine, but it is different. This spar is not as smooth as the cut surface of crystal, just like a citrine stone that has not been polished.

What can this thing do?

Although Feng Yunyao was very puzzled, she still put away the spar calmly. This person said that he could exchange twenty slaves, which is obviously a huge fortune.

"No, my little beast was also injured by your strange-looking tiger, so you have to accompany me."

When Xiao Bai heard her words, he immediately tilted his body and fainted, and even exposed his tongue. No matter how he looked at it, he thought he had hanged himself.

Feng Yunyao was speechless as she saw several black lines drawn down between its 'dizzy' forehead, but she continued to blackmail the young man in front of her with a cheeky face.

If he hadn't hit him suddenly, she would have shattered the Ghost King's soul body. After being interrupted by him like this, the good Ghost King would have gone now.

No matter what, let him bleed profusely, otherwise it will be difficult to dispel the anger in his heart.

The man looked at Xiaobai who was really pretending to be dizzy, and finally understood that this girl was clearly trying to blackmail him.

"If it wasn't for my little beast to block you in time, I would have died by now. You just gave me such a few topaz stones, shouldn't it be more compensation for mental damage?" Seeing that he saw Xiaobai's pretense, Feng Yunyao preempted , put yourself on the best side.

What is mental damages?Mentally damaged?The man was puzzled, but she also said that he was very ashamed, and knew that he was at fault first, "But I only have so many topaz on my body, how about I give you this jade pendant."

He untied a piece of jade pendant with a very good water head from his waist, and handed it over, but his eyes were full of reluctance, "This is my ancestral jade pendant, please give me an address, and I will bring you some crystal stones in exchange for it." Jade pendant."

It was spar again, Feng Yunyao heard something tricky from his words, could it be that the currency circulating here is spar, not silver?

"Since the jade pendant is so important to you, I definitely can't accept it."

When the man heard this, he was very grateful. This girl is not bad, "Thank you, Miss Haihan."

"I don't need to accept your jade pendant, but my mental damage fee is also necessary, or you can take out a few stalks of spiritual grass to compensate." Xiaobai has said that the spiritual grass is very precious to the people here. It's not bad if there are one or two plants on this person's body, but if he doesn't have one, forget it.

Anyway, exchanging He Lianchen's corpse for so many topaz is enough.

Upon hearing this, Xiaobai immediately opened one eyelid and stretched out a dragon claw towards Feng Yunyao.

It's still the master who is smart and knows what he wants, all he needs to do is lie down quietly.

The man's expression darkened slightly when he heard that she wanted the spirit grass, but he still took out three spirit herbs from the Qiankun bag, "These are three second-level spirit herbs, and they should be used as an atonement for the girl."

Feng Yunyao glanced at the purple Qiankun bag in his hand, it seems that this time he met a fat sheep.

Of course, she also knows what is enough and not to be insatiable.

He took the spirit grass and looked at it, and sure enough, the spirit grass of the second level is much richer than the spirit grass of the first level, and the difference is also very big.

She put it away, nodded to the man and said: "You and I are also considered clean, so we leave."

Feng Yunyao mentioned Xiaobai who was still pretending to be dizzy, hugged her in her arms and was about to leave.

"Wait, girl, what about your slave?" The man hurriedly called to stop her.

She is so seeking justice for the 'house slave', this 'house slave' must be very important to her, she should take the corpse away no matter what.

Feng Yunyao glanced at the discarded corpse, and kicked He Lianchen's corpse away.

The corpse drew an arc in the air, and finally fell into the sea. Soon, many sharks rushed over and tore the corpse clean.


The man looked incredulously at the corpse being looted by the sharks, and then at the girl who had turned around and left, "Don't you care about him, why did you throw his body into the sea?"

Even if you don't take it away, you have to bury it where it is. A simple tombstone can be regarded as safe in the ground. Why shouldn't you kick the corpse into the sea to feed the fish?

Feng Yunyao stopped in her tracks, and smiled wickedly at the man, "Did I ever say that I cared about him?"

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked away quickly.


Longhu, who had regained his mind, walked up to his master and poked the man standing there with the dragon horn on his head, with a look of disgust on his face, "Master, you were cheated by her."

If it could choose, it felt that it wouldn't contract with this stupid master, it would be a disgrace to it.

Hey, there's no way someone made it eat a twelfth-order phantom spider inner alchemy by mistake, which caused frequent mental problems.

Once when it was mentally abnormal, it happened to meet its owner who had just turned 15 years old, and became his guardian animal in a daze.

This dark history is simply a shame that it has lived for tens of thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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