Chapter 467 The Identity of Emperor Jiushang
Chapter 460 Seventh Emperor Jiushang's Identity
"Xiaobai, do you know which country my master is from?" Feng Yunyao rubbed the soft short hair on Xiaobai's body.

"I don't know. Not long after I broke my shell, I went to the Sky Continent with my master and master. I don't know much about this place. I only know that there were many people chasing and killing the master back then. Among them, the five monsters were the most vicious."

"Yes, the five monsters must know." Feng Yunyao released the five soul slaves who were cultivating in Shenyuan.

"Master, what is there... Tongtian Continent?"

An Yi and the others were saluting to Feng Yunyao, suddenly, they felt something different, looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar sky in disbelief, and deeply sucked in the rich aura around them.

It has been many years since they have breathed such a rich and pure aura, as well as the intimacy from their hometown.

I thought that in this life, I would end up in the sky continent where the birds don't shit.

"San, hurry up and let me pinch you to see if I'm dreaming." Cang Si grabbed Huang San's arm and twisted it hard.

"Oh, why didn't you pinch yourself." Huang San said angrily, clutching his painful arm.

Physical soul slaves like them feel pain and feel the same as their physical bodies.

"I'm afraid of pain."

"..." Said as if no one is afraid of pain.

However, the slight pain in the arm did not cause the intense excitement of returning to Tongtian Continent, "Great, we are finally back."

Brothers Si Er and Si Wu were also very happy, but their minds were calmer than the other three, and they guessed that the master must have a mission to let them out.

"Master, what are your orders?" No matter how happy they are, they can't neglect their masters. There are many ways to punish soul slaves, and there are even more ways to make their lives worse than death.

"Do you know who my master Di Jiushang is?" Feng Yunyao asked directly.

"Di Jiushang? Who is he?" Cang Si didn't react for a while, Huang San slapped his head as soon as the words came out, "Stupid, isn't Di Jiushang the one we hunted down? He shut us up in the Forbidden Temple."

"Oh, I got it, it's the master's girlfriend." Cang Si suddenly understood, and even smiled ambiguously at Feng Yunyao.

Feng Yunyao had a bit of a headache, ignored the two hundred and five, but looked at Si Wu, who was the calmest and youngest, "What is Di Jiushang's real identity, do you know where he is from?"

"Returning to Master, he is the Ninth Prince of Xuantian Kingdom. Back then, someone bought his head with [-] amethyst stones. No one could refuse [-] amethyst stones. The five of us took this order." It is precisely because of this single tempting task that they have been driven into the abyss of eternal doom.

If they didn't take this order, they must be happy somewhere by now.

"One hundred thousand amethyst stones?" Feng Yunyao took out the topaz stones given by the dragon and tiger master, "Amethyst stones are more expensive than topaz stones."

"Of course it's amethyst." Cang Si looked at the small bag of topaz in Feng Yunyao's hand with disgust on his face, "Master, your bag of topaz is not enough for me to buy a box of rouge."

These topaz stones can't be exchanged for a box of rouge, and the discounted silver is only a few taels of silver at most.

Feng Yunyao's face couldn't help turning dark, and she only gave her a few taels of silver, and when she met that guy later, she had to beat him up.

Looking silly, I didn't expect to be so stingy.

The man who was riding back on the dragon and tiger couldn't help but sneezed, "Ah, why do I feel like someone is scolding me?"

"It should be that girl." Longhu walked leisurely with his master on his back, "Master, it's strange that you gave her such a little topaz, so how could such a shrewd girl accept it?"

"I don't know, I can't help it. Who let us meet a liar halfway and cheated me of all my belongings." At that time, when he took out the topaz, he saw that the girl's eyes were obviously confused, and he thought it should be An ignorant girl who didn't know the value of things, just made a few nonsense.

Who would have thought that she would ask him for spiritual herbs, so she had no choice but to give her the three second-level spiritual herbs she was carrying, so that the guilt in her heart would be relieved.

Longhu turned his head and gave his master a contemptuous look, "The acting skills of those fake disaster victims are so clumsy, you're the only one who believed it, and gave them all the valuable things on your body."

Yesterday, they passed through a place and met more than 20 "refugees" in tattered clothes. They all had fat heads and big faces, but they said that they hadn't eaten for more than ten days, and they could still live without eating for more than ten days ?That group of people's cultivation base is not high, and they don't know how to bigu at all.

Hearing the complaints of those people, the silly master of his family suddenly showed kindness, and kept all the crystals and even some treasures on his body.

Originally, he kept a few amethyst stones for himself as money, because the remaining belongings were not much, so he didn't put them in the Qiankun bag. On the road, a group of children surrounded the owner. After they ran away, the few remaining amethysts The amethyst is gone too.

As for why the more than 20 topaz stones are still there, it is not because the group of children are too small and too lazy to start.

Feng Yunyao finally put away the topaz, a few taels of silver is also silver, if you can't buy rouge, you can buy buns.

"Master, there are four types of crystal stones. Citrine is the lowest, then white crystal, then red crystal, and the most valuable is amethyst. They are all converted in tens." Si Wu explained to her. .

That is to say, one thousand topaz is equivalent to one amethyst.

Feng Yunyao roughly calculated that the head of Di Jiushang was worth tens of millions of taels of silver, or even higher.

The Ninth Prince of Tianxuan Kingdom, it turns out that he is a member of the royal family. In fact, she guessed his identity early in the morning. Who would be assassinated by this level of ordinary people.

One hundred thousand amethyst stones, the opponent's handwriting is really unusually large, so many amethyst stones are enough to buy several cities.

"Is it far from here to Xuantian Kingdom?" If Master hadn't found her, would he have looked around like her?Or go back to your own country first?
There are five monsters around her, and he can find out his identity from the five monsters. I believe Master can think of this too.

If he can't find her, he will most likely return to Xuantian Kingdom to wait for her, so it's better for her to go to Xuantian Kingdom first, so that it's easier to meet.

"It's very far away." An Yi looked at the sea in the distance, and sighed, "If I'm not mistaken, this should be the northernmost of the land boundary, while the Tianxuan Kingdom is in the south, and there is a distance of thousands of miles in between. My green eagle is estimated to take one and a half months."

"Master, his green eagle's speed is about the same as that of Xiao Jiao's." Xiao Bai then added.

Feng Yunyao: "..."

With such a far distance, how long will it take to reach Tianxuan Kingdom?

It takes one and a half months to travel thousands of miles per day at the speed of a lone dragon, and half a month with the Xuanlingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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