Chapter 477
Chapter 470: Any Master, Any Beast
"Brother Xu, I'll go with you." Feng Yunyao also wanted to know what was causing the trouble.

"No, your cultivation level is too low and you're a girl. It's definitely not safe to go, so you can stay here and rest." Xu Feng thought she was worried about his safety, and was very moved. Men must protect sister Yunyao.

"You are a timid girl, what if you see something unclean and get frightened, what should you do if you rest here and don't light the lamp, I will be back soon."

Feng Yunyao: "..."

Why didn't she realize that she was timid.

Regardless of Feng Yunyao's willingness or not, Xu Feng strode out of her room, returned to his own room, removed the wooden board nailed to the window, and jumped directly from the window.

Feng Yunyao looked at Xu Feng who had disappeared into the night from the window, tore down a wooden board, opened the window and jumped down, and quickly chased in the direction where Xu Feng disappeared.

Although Tiantian had just entered the night, the whole street was quiet, and the doors and windows of every house were tightly closed, and even the watchman couldn't see it.

Feng Yunyao followed Xu Feng far away.

"Master, why do you think he keeps running forward?" Xiaobai stood on her shoulder, looking at Xu Feng who was running forward in confusion.

"I guess I want to use myself as a bait." Feng Yunyao said lightly.

Xu Feng did have this plan. His purpose of doing this was to lure those strange things out. After all, he was the only one out in the whole town now, so if he came to arrest him, who else could he arrest.

After galloping for a while, he stopped and looked warily at the dark night.

He looked cold, apparently found something.

At this moment, there was more light fragrance in the air. This fragrance is very light but very attractive, and people can't help but want to smell more.

"Xu Feng, it's poisonous!"

Feng Yunyao, who was following behind him, also smelled a scent, shouted at Xu Feng, and quickly held her breath.

He quickly took another detoxification pill, quickly took out the silver needles and pricked several acupuncture points on his body.

The numbness in her body subsided, but Xu Feng didn't have her medical skills. Although she heard Feng Yunyao's cry and wanted to hold her breath, it was still a step too late. The whole body seemed to be not her own, and her whole body was numb.

He wanted to open his hand to let Feng Yunyao escape, but he couldn't make a sound, and just stared helplessly at Feng Yunyao who was walking towards him.

There was no way to wink at her vigorously, but Feng Yunyao seemed to have not seen it, and flew over.

At this time, several black shadows flashed out from the darkness, their speed was extremely fast, like several black lightning bolts, quickly surrounded them.

"Master, their cultivation base is higher than yours, I think we should run away quickly." Xiao Bai quickly detected the other party's strength and suggested to Feng Yunyao.

Xu Feng couldn't move and couldn't speak, but he was awake. He agreed with Xiao Bai's words very much, and kept blinking, telling Feng Yunyao to run away quickly.

"It's really surprising that you didn't get poisoned by the incense of the soul. However, a little Xuan Wang is not worth mentioning. I advise you to catch it obediently and save yourself from the pain of flesh and blood." One of the black-clothed men was sinister. laughed.

When Feng Yunyao heard his words, she couldn't help but roll her eyes secretly, it was the little Xuan Wang who was hit again.

He turned his head and asked Xiaobai on his shoulder, "What kind of cultivation do they have?"

"Speaking of which, this is the peak of the Profound Sage, there are three middle-level Profound Sages, and four elementary-level Profound Sages, and the rest are all Profound Sages. Master, after my careful consideration, I think we need to adopt a strategy that we can't beat now. strategy of running."

Xu Feng blinked quickly, agreeing to Xiaobai's proposal very much, but he didn't expect this little beast to be quite intelligent.

"I also think your proposal is not very good."



Xiaobai and Xu Feng stared at her with incredulous faces. The other party was so powerful and didn't run away, so he stayed here and was beaten by the group.

Feng Yunyao ignored them, changed her expression in an instant, and smiled obsequiously towards the man in black on the opposite side: "I don't know what you are doing to arrest us, can you let me know before I die."

Seeing her smile was an embarrassment, Xiaobai suddenly didn't worry, the master was going to plot against someone again, so he just had to watch the fun quietly from the sidelines.

Emma, ​​it would be great if there was half a watermelon at this time, it can eat the melon and watch the excitement.

The man in black didn't expect her to take the initiative to compromise, and he didn't even resist. Although he was surprised, he accepted it. After all, their strengths are very different. A fight will only make her suffer more. It's better to just give up. it is good.

"You're smart, but in fact we don't arrest women, but since your medical skills are so good, arresting you back should be of some help." The black-clothed man at the peak of the Profound Sage opened his mouth, and was immediately greeted by his companions. be opposed to.

"Boss, is it wrong for us to do this? If the master is offended, he will kill us. After all, the origin of this woman is unknown."

The man in black said disapprovingly: "Don't worry, she entered that place like King Xuan. Without our permission, she couldn't make any waves. Those quack doctors have studied for so long and haven't made any progress. It's okay to add one more."

Maybe the master will reward him.

Feng Yunyao originally wanted to find a breakthrough to escape, but she didn't expect that the other party wanted to take her back to do those unknown experiments.

So good, she went over to see what they had done.

When he was in the Sky Continent, the Ghost King used children to make ghost babies, so he wants to create something here.

"Do you want to hire me to study something for you, and how much will I be paid?" Feng Yunyao looked at the leader in black with a greedy expression on her face, "I have no other skills, and I can still do it with medical skills. , as long as you pay me enough, I will definitely develop it for you.”

He was still excited when he spoke, so he almost slapped his chest to assure him.

Xu Feng was stunned when he heard her words.

The woman in front of him who was discussing pay with the demons was really the innocent and lovely Yunyao girl he knew, how could she become greedy.

No, she must still be that innocent Yunyao girl, and the reason why she did this must be to save him, so she had to confuse him like this.

Thinking of it this way, Xu Feng felt even more ashamed, and even more moved in his heart.

They had only known each other for a few days, and in order to save him, sister Yunyao asked to enter the den of tigers and wolves, putting herself in danger.

Such kindness, Xu Feng will definitely remember it in his heart.

If he can get out alive, he will repay her kindness well. If he dies this time, he will wait for the next life.

He will find her and protect her well.

Feng Yunyao has been dealing with the man in black, deliberately pretending to be a money-loving and greedy person, so that the other party will lower their guard against her.

It never occurred to her that her temporary curiosity would become a great benefactor in Xu Feng's place.

Seeing her greedy for money, the leader of the man in black snorted disdainfully, "If you can help, the master will definitely not treat you badly. If you can't help with anything, watch your head carefully, and someone will bring them away." Walk."

Immediately, someone came out to carry Xu Feng directly, and another person came to carry Feng Yunyao.

Feng Yunyao immediately took a step back, "I will walk by myself, don't worry, I will definitely be able to keep up with you."

Then, he took the initiative to tear off a piece of cloth from his clothes and covered his eyes.

"..." Seeing her being so witty, the leader of the man in black didn't know what to say.

However, he looked at Xiaobai again.

Before he could speak, Xiaobai followed his example and tore off a piece of cloth from his owner to cover his eyes.

Don't be too witty.

All the people present who watched were speechless, and they really answered the sentence, there is such a beast as there is a master.

Although Feng Yunyao was blindfolded, her speed did not slow down at all. Originally, the leader of the man in black was worried that she would not be able to keep up, but he did not expect her speed to be so fast.

"I can't see that you, a little Xuan Wang, can catch up with us at a speed, and you are blindfolded." The leader of the man in black looked thoughtfully at the woman behind him.

Feng Yunyao said with a dry smile: "Boss doesn't know, my major is escape technique, if not, I wouldn't be so bad with my aptitude."

"Then why didn't you run away just now?"

"I want to make money. Didn't you say that you encountered a difficult problem, and your doctor couldn't solve it. I went to help you solve it. Why don't you pay me a lot of money? With this reward, I don't need to see a doctor anymore, I can be free and unrestrained to my heart's content, that's great."

Hearing what she said freely, the man in black was speechless again, gave her a blank look, ignored this money-grubbing woman, and walked a little faster.

At first, I was worried that she would slip away while they were not paying attention, but I didn't expect that she would not escape even if she had the chance, as long as she had money, she would follow.

It's best to control such a gold digger, anyway, the master's most indispensable thing is spar.

"Hey, boss, can you slow down, I still have something to ask you, how much do you plan to pay me, preferably amethyst, the more the better..."

"To shut up!"

With a roar from the leader of the man in black, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their ears immediately became clear.

When they got to the place, Feng Yunyao transferred the little witch spirit nestled in the holy cauldron into the Qiankun bag, so that he could pay attention to the situation outside.

Although she and Xiaobai could remember something even if they were blindfolded, it was not as good as having a pair of eyes.

"Master, we arrived at a mountain, and the man in black pressed the switch, and a cave appeared..."

Along the way, the little Wu Ling lay on the edge of the Qiankun bag, showing a small head, and kept talking to Feng Yunyao about the terrain with his thoughts.

After entering the cave, Feng Yunyao smelled a strong smell of medicine, which was not very pleasant, and there was a smell of blood and rancidity in the smell of medicine.

"Oh my God, there are still a few dead people hanging on the stone wall. They died in a miserable state. Their bodies were covered with nails, and all their seven orifices were destroyed by external forces. These bad people are too hateful."

Looking at the blood in front of her eyes, the little Wu Ling held her little paw and said angrily.

Feng Yunyao had an idea, and when Xu Feng came in, he was knocked out by the man in black.

"Boss, we are already in now, why don't I remove the cloth."

"Whatever you want." A woman who can be bought with money doesn't need to be too defensive.

Anyway, when her use value is used up, the master will not let these doctors live.

(End of this chapter)

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