Chapter 478
Chapter 470 Eight Changeable Women
Feng Yunyao tore off the cloth strips from her eyes, and what caught her eyes was blood everywhere.

They were in a dark room, and the corpses of seven young men were hung on the wall. They all died miserable, and they were all nailed to the wall. The blood had solidified on the ground, giving off a rotten stench.

"Ahhh!" Feng Yunyao seemed to be frightened, grabbed the clothes of the man in black, her face was pale and trembling, as if she was really frightened.

"Shut up!" The man in black was taken aback by her scream, and frowned angrily.

Feng Yunyao covered her mouth, and said cautiously: "How could they be nailed to the wall, they seem to be dead."

"Hehe." Seeing her frightened look, the man in black sneered, showing his white teeth eeriely at her, "If you are disobedient, I will nail you to it too."

"Ah, don't." Feng Yunyao squatted on the ground with her head in her hands in 'fright', looking pitiful.

A timid and gold-worshiping woman is nothing to mention, the man in black gave her a contemptuous look, and walked straight past her.

"Boss, don't leave me behind." Feng Yunyao hurriedly stood up from the ground, chasing after the man in black in panic.

Xiaobai silently covered his eyes again with the cloth strips, not because he was frightened by the tragic situation here, but because he couldn't bear to look directly at his current master, it was really shameless.

"Boss, where are we going?" Feng Yunyao quickly caught up to the leader of the man in black, still holding onto his clothes tightly, looking around in fear.

From time to time, you can meet a corpse here, and the picture is very eye-catching.

Judging by the clothes these people are wearing, they should be the people around them.

"Go away!" The leader of the man in black pulled his arm out impatiently, warning Feng Yunyao repeatedly, "If you touch me, believe it or not, I will beat you!"

Feng Yunyao tactfully put her hands away this time, but still followed the man in black closely, bent over and followed silently.

Soon we arrived at a huge room, it was very big, and there were many people inside.

There are also cages placed by the wall, and there are people in the cages, almost five or six cages each. They are all lying there in a coma, not knowing that they are about to die.

There are also a few cages where huge wolves are kept. These wolves bared their fangs, and their eyes revealed a fierce look.

In addition, there are a few monsters with a pair of fangs locked by iron chains. These people not only have a pair of fangs more than ordinary people, but also have jet black skin, and their eyes are the same color as those of the ghost wolf, glowing green. Cold light, it looks very intrusive.

They struggled in disobedience, opening their mouths with fangs wide, roaring.

"Master, these are all ghost wolves above the fifth level. They like to eat dead bodies, especially rotting corpses. The corpses nailed on the wall outside should be prepared for them, and their fighting power is extremely strong. A ghost wolf The devil wolf can tie with three or four spirit beasts of the same level." The little Wu Ling said to Feng Yunyao with his thoughts.

Xiaobai also wanted to tell her master, but if she opened her mouth, the man in black would be suspicious, so she could only use her paws to pull her clothes to signal her to be careful.

Feng Yunyao secretly patted her two little beasts, signaling that she understood, her eyes were still silently sizing up.

Here is a group of people dressed in white clothes. There are many old men with white beards and young people among these people. They are all men. They are healers at a glance.

Doctors are supposed to save lives, but now they are harming others. Of course, there are many people here who can't help themselves, and they are all caught. They choose to attack others in order to protect their own lives. How can I say this kind of person? Pitiful.

The most hateful thing is that the masters of these men in black, for their own selfishness, did such a cruel thing, turning people into monsters that were neither human nor beast.

"Boss, are we going to add the advantages of these wolves to humans to recreate stronger humans, right?" Feng Yunyao concealed the anger in her heart, her voice was still cautious.

"You are quite smart." The leader of the man in black was surprised by her guess, "We are indeed going to do a very great research, but the world doesn't understand, they think we are all demons, lunatics and cruel, we arrest them They came here and frantically resisted, cursed and feared, they are simply a group of ignorant troublemakers, we give them a thousand times and a hundred times of strength, they should be happy and grateful to us!"

Feng Yunyao pouted secretly, since being a half-orc has so many advantages, why don't you experiment on yourself and turn yourself into such a powerful half-orc.

"That's right, they are short-sighted and don't know your painstaking efforts." Feng Yunyao poked the flesh around her mouth, flattering her shamelessly.

The leader of the man in black glanced at her, and snorted, "Seeing that you are so money-worshipping and timid, I didn't expect you to be very knowledgeable."

Now he finds that this woman is not so annoying. If she can help these healers successfully develop half-orcs, he will beg for her life in front of his master, and save his subordinates to serve him in the future.

"You are here to help them well in the future, and strive to make perfect half-orcs as soon as possible. Although the current half-orcs are many times stronger, their lifespan is very short. The longest half-orcs live less than a month. Others basically hang up in a day or two."

And even though the strength has been achieved, they still haven't reached what they want, and there is still a long way to go before becoming a half-orc.

Feng Yunyao looked thoughtfully at the finished half-orcs, and said in a puzzled tone: "Boss, I am a little puzzled. Since these half-orcs live so short, our original goods should be in short supply. Why? If you want to kill them and nail them to the wall, why not develop them?"

"No need." The leader of the man in black sighed, "In fact, they are half-finished products that died after being turned into half-orcs. Although it is a pity, they cannot be sacrificed in vain. Nail it to the wall to rot, and when it reaches a certain level, use them to feed ghost wolves, so it can be regarded as letting them have endless things.”

Feeding the rotting human body to ghost wolves is such a vicious practice that he said it was like doing a good deed. This group of people can be both evil and disgusting. Feng Yunyao cursed secretly in her heart, and continued to ask: "This is quite useful. It’s just that half-orcs shouldn’t have dark skin and a pair of fangs, so why did they return to their original appearance?”

Perhaps because Feng Yunyao was pleasing to the eye, the leader of the man in black explained to her patiently for the first time, "I can't explain this, once the half-orc dies, the original dark skin will recover, and even the long fangs that grow out will be gone." Then they fell down, but fortunately, they returned to their human form after death, otherwise I don’t know if the ghost wolf likes to eat it or not.”

After the leader of the man in black finished speaking, he looked at Xu Feng who was still being carried, "Go and hand him over to Master Ouyang."

"Yes." The subordinate immediately turned around carrying Xu Feng on his shoulders and walked outside.

Master Ouyang?It seems that not only these healers but also others are developing orcs, Feng Yunyao hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute."

"Why, could it be that you are reluctant to part with this man, huh?" The face of the leader of the man in black suddenly darkened, and there was danger in his cold eyes.

How could he have forgotten that this woman was with this man.

"How could it be?" Feng Yunyao immediately waved her hand and said, "I haven't known this person for a few days, so I still have grudges against him."

"Oh, how should I say it?" The leader of the man in black softened his expression, and looked at her with a smile of interest.

"Boss, you don't know how hateful this person is." Feng Yunyao said indignantly, "Originally I had an amethyst pass card, but it happened that he saw my pass card at the city gate, and not only confiscated my pass card card, you insist on arresting me and taking me to the Yamen for interrogation, Boss, do you think I will not hate him?"

"How come you have an amethyst pass card." The leader of the man in black squinted his eyes and looked at Feng Yunyao secretly, "Amethyst pass cards are only available to the royal family. Could it be that you are a member of the royal family?"

"No, no." Feng Yunyao hurriedly waved her hands, "I stole this amethyst pass card from a person, and he seems to be a member of the royal family."

"Hehe, you actually stole the quick amethyst pass card. Who is this person? Why is he so careless?" The leader of the man in black obviously didn't believe her words. You must know that valuables are usually placed in Qiankun bag or In the storage ring, this kind of storage space contracted with the owner cannot be taken out without the owner's permission. Even if the universe bag is stolen, it is still a waste.

Feng Yunyao touched her face in embarrassment, "Isn't it because that person fell in love with me? In order to capture my heart, he let me play the amethyst pass card. I saw this pass card It is made of amethyst, such a large piece of amethyst should be able to sell for a good price, so I became possessive, and while the man was not paying attention, I secretly ran away with the amethyst clearance card."

" want to sell it?" The leader of the man in black couldn't laugh or cry, not knowing what to say.

This woman really got into the eyes of money, she only wanted to sell such a valuable thing for money, "You are really a money addict."

"Hey, money is such a good thing. You can buy a lot of things. How can you not need money when you go out?" Feng Yunyao looked like a money fan, and then she changed her voice, "By the way, boss, when the time comes When I pay the reward, can I give more amethyst, my favorite is amethyst, it would be better if there are white crystals."


The leader of the man in black was very speechless, took out a bag from his waist and threw it to him, "Here you are, there are more than 20 amethyst stones here."

Feng Yunyao quickly caught it, opened the bag and looked, her eyes lit up, "Wow, there are so many, I can buy a lot of things."

"Hehe." The leader of the man in black sneered speechlessly, and cast a disgusted look at Feng Yunyao, "I really don't know which son of the royal family fell in love with you, do you still remember his appearance?"

(End of this chapter)

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