Chapter 480

Chapter 480

In the center of the dark room was a stone platform, on which stood a strong man, who was in a coma.

Standing beside the stone platform was a man wearing a black robe and a mask covering his entire face, even his ears were covered, making it impossible to see his appearance at all.

"National teacher." The leader of the man in black put away his arrogance outside, and respectfully saluted Ouyang Guoshi.

"En." Ouyang Guoshi responded, his eyes did not move away from the strong man on the stone platform, and he continued to concentrate on the experiment.

The leader of the man in black waved his hands, signaling his subordinates to carry Xu Feng in.

"National teacher, this subordinate has caught a good one this time, let's see how he is doing."

"What good stuff?" Ouyang Guoshi just stopped what he was doing this time, and looked up.

"He is." The leader of the man in black asked his subordinates to turn Xu Feng's face to Master Ouyang.

"Xu Feng?" Ouyang Guoshi was very surprised. He couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry in his cold voice. It was as cold as ever, "Why did you arrest him?"

The leader of the man in black briefly explained how he mistakenly captured Xu Feng.

"Forget it, since you have captured him, let him become a high-quality product in my hands. His physique is indeed top-grade. Maybe he can make a perfect half-orc this time." When Ouyang Guoshi said "half-orc" , There was obviously more excitement in the voice.

Even such a small fluctuation was observed by the leader of the man in black, and he was secretly relieved.

Fortunately, he was not blamed. After all, once the second-rank generals of the Profound Sky Kingdom found out that he was missing, it would definitely attract the attention of many people.

Glancing at Feng Yunyao, she lowered her eyes and thought about her words, before she cautiously said to Ouyang Guoshi: "National teacher, this is a very good doctor found by my subordinates. She is proficient in poison techniques. I have already tested her ability, just smelled the potion, and told all the ingredients in it. The subordinates think she is okay, and you are always alone here, the national teacher, so you want to let her come over for your order."

"Little girl pays homage to Master Guoshi." Feng Yunyao bowed her hands to Ouyang Guoshi pretendingly, and then stood quietly aside, her very well-behaved appearance surprised the leader of the man in black.

Ouyang Guoshi did not treat Feng Yunyao because of the words of the leader in black, but raised his chin coldly at her, "Come here."

"Yes." Feng Yunyao walked over very cleverly, and when she walked in, she saw a few silver needles pierced into the body of the man lying on the stone platform. The method used to make this person unconscious will prevent the anesthetic from mixing with the potion and change the properties of the potion, which is really powerful."

While showing off his abilities, he also didn't forget to flatter him.

This time Ouyang Guoshi gave her a very surprised look, and his attitude changed obviously, "You are a smart person, come and see what is different here."

Feng Yunyao followed the position he pointed at, her eyes narrowed slightly.

The place he was pointing at was the left chest of the person, which is around the heart. There were strips of very thin blood vessels protruding out there, and almost all of them were gathered under the outer skin. This man's body was very strong and his skin was dark. Those who work outside, his skin is very rough, and under normal circumstances, no blood vessels can be seen here, but this person's heart is very clearly visible.

"Eh? His heart stopped, but why is there a pulse?"

Feng Yunyao put her hand on the man's heart, and felt the man's pulse, with doubts on her face, "Did a poison called Uroguo be used to cause the heart to stop?"

"Very good, you can even tell if you know this." Ouyang Guoshi praised Feng Yunyao this time, obviously already approving Feng Yunyao.

"Master, why did you suspend his heart? Could it be to protect his heart?"

As soon as Feng Yunyao said this, the leader of the man in black couldn't understand, "Since the uro fruit poison can stop the heart, it is obviously harmful to the heart, how can it protect it?"

Why did this girl start talking nonsense after being praised a few times, don't annoy Ouyang Guoshi.

"What do you know?" Ouyang Guoshi coldly reprimanded the leader of the man in black, "What this girl said is completely correct. I did this to protect this person's heart. The reason why the half-orcs we developed in the past could not survive It is not because the heart is not beating, if we can make them become half-orcs while ensuring that the heart is beating, it may prolong their lifespan."

After all, the heart is the life of a person, and if it stops beating, there is still life to speak of.

The leader of the man in black was taught a lesson, but he didn't dare to get angry, and quickly apologized, "It's because the subordinates are stupid."

After finishing speaking, he took a secret look at Feng Yunyao, just in time to see her making faces at him.

"..." Damn girl, he was reprimanded and she was still gloating on the sidelines, she really deserved a beating, but why did he think she was cute.

Bah, what a cute fart, he is clearly a cowardly money fanatic who is afraid of death.

He glared at her angrily, then quickly lowered his head again.

Ouyang Guoshi impatiently waved his hands at him, "Go down, this girl stay."

"Yes, I will take my leave."

The leader of the man in black stood up straight, frowned slightly and taught Feng Yunyao in a cold voice, "Listen to the teacher's words carefully, otherwise I will not spare you."

"Get out." Ouyang Guoshi scared the leader of the man in black who was trying to save face on Feng Yunyao, and hurriedly retreated.

Looking at his back, Feng Yunyao gloated and said, "See, I'm covered by a national teacher now, so be careful when you talk to me in the future."

Those words were so arrogant that people wanted to beat her up.

Hearing her arrogant words, the leader of the man in black couldn't help slipping, almost slipping and falling.

Now he finally understands the meaning of the idiom 'little man succeeds', look at the face of this stinky girl.

After the leader of the man in black left, Feng Yunyao put away her smug expression, and said to Ouyang Guoshi with a smile: "Master Guoshi, please don't mind, I just borrowed your prestige just now."

Ouyang Guoshi had some scruples about Feng Yunyao at first, after all, such a formidable person suddenly appeared, she was afraid that she might have motives, but now she found that this girl is a very simple girl at all, but she is quite accomplished in medical skills deep.

"Who taught you medical skills?"

"Oh, my grandpa."

"Your grandfather?" Ouyang Guoshi's eyes moved slightly, "Where is he?"

If someone can teach such a good medical skill, then his medical skill must be even better. If her grandfather can also be brought here, I believe it will be of great help in the development of half-orcs.

How could Feng Yunyao not know what he wanted to do, sighed lightly, wrinkled her small face and said sadly: "I don't know where he is, in fact, I went down the mountain this time to find Grandpa, I separated from him Almost a year."

"What about your parents?" No wonder they are so innocent despite their high IQ. They have lived in the mountains all year round.

"They have never been by my side since I was a child, and I don't know where they have gone." Feng Yunyao said casually, even shrugging her shoulders indifferently, obviously she has no affection for her parents.

Ouyang Guoshi was a little disappointed after hearing her words, and his voice changed back to the usual coldness, "You will follow me well in the future, and if you behave well, I will accept you as a righteous daughter."

This girl's appearance can be said to be very beautiful. In fact, her mind is very flexible. It's just that she has too little contact with the outside world, so she seems a little innocent. After a good training in the future, she may be a very good chess piece as a gift to those noble people.

"Really, that's great." Feng Yunyao was very excited, and she clenched her fists and said firmly, "Don't worry, Master National Teacher, I will definitely work hard and strive to be your adopted daughter."

Speaking of this, she changed her voice, tilted her head and smiled cheaply, "That national teacher, is it good to be your adopted daughter, for example, crystal stones, can you give me some crystal stones, amethyst is the best Well, you don’t know, it was only a few days after I went down the mountain that I realized that crystals are needed in exchange for food.”

Seeing her appearance as a money fan, Ouyang Guoshi frowned suddenly, and began to doubt that such virtues can really be trained to be those gentle ladies that nobles like?
However, I still dealt with her, "As long as you do things well, there will definitely be many crystals in the future, not to mention amethyst, even white crystals."

"White spar!" Feng Yunyao was shocked, "I've never seen white spar before. I heard that white spar can not only be exchanged for many things, but also can directly absorb the aura of cultivation from it."

"Heh, what you said is pretty good." Ouyang Guoshi was rarely interested, and took out a bag from the Qiankun bag, "This is white crystal, take a look, one white crystal is equivalent to ten amethysts However, because it contains spiritual energy that can be absorbed by the human body, there are few white crystals in circulation on the market. Most people will keep white crystals for their own use, and the used white crystals will become ordinary stones. , worthless."

Feng Yunyao took the bag, and took one from inside. This white crystal was crystal clear, and looked very beautiful. Holding it, she could faintly feel the power surging inside.

It really is a good thing.

In front of Master Ouyang, she deliberately hid one in her sleeve, and then handed the bag over, "This white crystal is really good, here it is."

Ouyang Guoshi glanced at her sleeve, and the corners of his lips hidden in the mask unconsciously twitched, wondering if he should 'steal' it so openly.

"Heh, here it is. After working hard, there will be more white crystals." Ouyang Guoshi gave her an angry look, then walked to Xu Feng who was put aside.

"National teacher, do you really want to give me the white crystal stone? Can I call you foster father now?"

Ouyang Guoshi: "..."

With his back turned to her, he simply ignored this idiot and focused on observing Xu Feng's body.

Afterwards, he nodded in satisfaction, "It's better to have a high cultivation base, and Xu Feng is a general who has been fighting on the battlefield all year round. This physique is really rare."

Feng Yunyao put the bag away, and moved over, imitating Master Ouyang's pat on Xu Feng's body here and pinching there, "This muscle is quite strong, it should have eight-pack abs."

"..." It seemed to kick this stinky girl out.

Ouyang Guoshi said angrily: "Go and move the one on the stone platform down, we will start to develop Xu Feng, but I should be more careful, this body is too rare to be sloppy."

"Okay." Feng Yunyao stood up straight, but did not follow his instructions, but stood there and said in a confused tone, "Since Xu Feng is so rare, why not wait until the development is almost successful If we use him again, if there is a mistake in the middle, wouldn't it be a waste of such a good 'raw material'."

Master Ouyang thought for a while, then nodded, "What you said is reasonable, but nothing else has been successfully developed. I want to try Xu Feng's and see if it works."

"Then in case we are going to fail, do we have to find someone above Xuansheng?" Feng Yunyao thought for a while and said, "If this is the case, I think the boss is not bad, it is the one who brought me in just now. Man, his cultivation should be similar to Xu Feng's."

(End of this chapter)

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