The genius doctor is all over the city, the emperor is very fond of the little poisonous concubine

Chapter 481 If You Can't Kill You, She Wouldn't Be Called Feng Yunyao

Chapter 481 If You Can't Kill You, She Wouldn't Be Called Feng Yunyao
Chapter 480 If she can't kill you, she won't be called Feng Yunyao
After the leader in black went out, he reprimanded the doctors in the big room and vented his grievances at Ouyang Guoshi and Feng Yunyao.

Suddenly, I sneezed, and my spine felt a chill.

Why does he feel a little gloomy? Maybe it's because too many people died here.

Thinking of this, the man in black couldn't help rubbing his arms.

Upon hearing her absurd suggestion, Ouyang Guoshi smiled coldly, "Tell me in front of Leng Qing, and see if he will directly remove your head."

"Hehe, just kidding, Master National Teacher, are we really going to move Xu Feng now?" Feng Yunyao immediately changed the subject, looking at Xu Feng who was unconscious on the ground and said.

Ouyang Guoshi pressed on Xu Feng's heart, and withdrew his hand, "You are right, a vigorous and strong physique like Xu Feng's is really rare, and you must not make any mistakes, and continue to treat ordinary people. Research, wait until it's almost done, and then use Xu Feng's body."

"National teacher is wise." Feng Yunyao breathed a sigh of relief, and kept Xu Feng temporarily, but there was nothing she could do about the others.

Surrounded by masters, especially this national teacher, the leader of the man in black who is the peak of the Xuansheng was completely suppressed in front of him, probably at the Xuanzun level.

Given that her current strength is not enough for someone to poke her with a finger, all she can do now is keep a low profile.

"What are you thinking?" The cold and hoarse voice drew Feng Yunyao's attention back.

"My lord, I'm thinking about how to prolong the lifespan of a half-orc. Although Uroguo can stop the heart for a short period of time and won't completely kill it, it is a deadly poison after all. Even if it achieves its purpose, it will also damage the heart It will cause great harm, and it may even stop the heart completely."

Regarding Feng Yunyao's analysis, Ouyang Guoshi also agreed, "I don't know that the poison of Wuluoguo is very harmful to the heart. Alas, this is unavoidable."

What Feng Yunyao was waiting for was his words, and she raised her eyebrows and said confidently: "To tell you the truth, I have a set of acupuncture that can stop the heartbeat for a short time. If my set of acupuncture is suitable, it can replace Wu Luoguo to treat you." Heart injury, wouldn't our chances of success be greater."

"There is such an acupuncture method?" Ouyang Guoshi was very surprised, "Girl, hurry up and give me the acupuncture."

If acupuncture can be used instead of uro fruit, the damage to the human body will indeed be greatly reduced, and the chance of success will be greater.

"Yes, but I need someone who is awake. When a comatose person administers a needle, the strength of his hand cannot be accurately judged, and it is easy to make mistakes. Also, we need a powerful half-orc to handle the affairs. It is best to find someone with a high cultivation base. Strong and good spirits come."

"Why do you want to find someone with a good spirit?" Ouyang Guoshi originally wanted her to try Xu Feng, but she gave up her original idea after saying this, but he was not so easy to fool.

Feng Yunyao said without changing her face: "It's like this. When a person is in good spirits, the heart beats the strongest. If the heart is blocked at this time, it will definitely reach the best state."

"A good spirit means a strong heartbeat? I haven't heard of it before." Apparently Ouyang Guoshi still had some doubts about her words.

"Actually, my grandfather has done similar experiments. He has done many experiments of the same type on monsters. The final conclusion is that the heart of monsters is indeed like this, and it should be similar to humans."

It turned out that the experiment was done on monsters, but Ouyang Guoshi still did not believe her statement, "The structure of the human body is far from that of monsters. Even if it is the case of monsters, people may be different."

Feng Yunyao closed her eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "National teacher, you have already said that it may be different, why don't you let me use a person with a very good spirit to perform acupuncture, anyway, I have to demonstrate it to you."

"What you said is not bad. In your opinion, you still need to find one outside." Xu Feng has been in a coma. The original is even more impossible, there are ecstasy drugs in the body, and the cultivation base is very low.

Feng Yunyao smiled at Ouyang Guoshi mysteriously and said: "My acupuncture method will not hurt people, let alone their lives, and there is no need to bother to catch them from the outside. Don't we have a very suitable one here?" the candidate."

Hearing her words, Ouyang Guoshi immediately understood her intentions, his eyes narrowed slowly, he couldn't tell if he was angry or something, "I understand, you stinky girl still don't intend to let go of the coldness, just want to Take it out on him, right?"

Feng Yunyao was not flustered when her little trick was exposed, she admitted frankly, "Master Guoshi is wise, he guessed right, and my subordinates really want to take revenge on him, who made him look at me coldly on the way here? Hmph, see if I don't scare him to death."

Then he said: "However, don't worry, my lord, I also have a sense of proportion, and the coldness doesn't hurt me. I will definitely not hurt him. Besides, you are still here. If I have any unruly intentions, I will Isn't it going to be buried with Leng Qing, ah bah, who wants to be buried with him, anyway, I cherish my little life very much."

Ouyang Guoshi didn't answer immediately and she didn't object. She lowered her eyes and pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement, "I can agree, but you have to ensure that his body must be intact after the needle is given. Lengqing is also a useful talent. This seat does not want him to fold here."

He agreed to use the coldness not to vent the anger of this stinky girl, but the coldness is indeed suitable for such a candidate. With him watching, forgive her for not daring to play tricks unless she doesn't want to live anymore.

"National teacher, don't worry, I will never let him suffer any harm. I will guarantee my life. If Lengqing is injured during the acupuncture, I, Feng Yunyao, will compensate him by chopping off my hands." Feng Yunyao solemnly swears, but of course she has another plan in mind.

"Okay, I believe you." Ouyang Guoshi waved his hands at her angrily, "Hurry up and ask him to come in."

"Yes, this subordinate obeys." Feng Yunyao immediately cupped her hands and ran out happily.

"Lengqing, come here." When she arrived at the big room, Feng Yunyao very forcefully shouted at Lengqing who was sitting there directing.

Listening to her arrogant yelling coldly, she felt that her brows were twitching, and her face darkened again and again.

This stinky girl became more and more in need of beatings, and began to flatter and flatter him one by one as the "boss". After getting close to Ouyang Guoshi, she yelled at him and even called his name. Anyone who dares to call his name is really a villain who adapts to the wind.

"Leng Qing, I heard that you didn't come over quickly, Master Ouyang called you something." Seeing him sitting there motionless, Feng Yunyao raised her voice suddenly.

Except for those timid doctors who didn't dare to look up, everyone else looked sideways at Feng Yunyao, and some even showed a little bit of sympathy.

This wild girl is going to die, if she shouts so coldly, she will definitely be slapped to death by him later, and she will die miserably.

But just when everyone thought that Leng Qing would rush over to give Feng Yunyao a slap, Leng Qing stood up from the chair and walked away with her...

Everyone was suddenly fanciful, everyone knew what kind of person Leng Qing was, if he got angry, he would definitely be beaten to death directly, and he wouldn't even be given a chance to explain.

But he can tolerate this girl to such an extent, it must be because he likes other girls.

People outside were guessing wildly, and they followed Feng Yunyao coldly into the darkroom where Master Ouyang was.

Walking to the door, he gritted his teeth coldly and threatened Feng Yunyao in a low voice, "Smelly girl, you'd better be more honest, and stop yelling at me. Believe it or not, I'll cut your head off."

Feng Yunyao immediately distanced herself from him by two steps, and put on a frightened look, but that expression was a bit artificial, "Oh, I'm so scared."

Afterwards, she blushed, and snorted arrogantly: "Believe it or not, I will tell the national teacher what you threatened me. Now I am a famous person by his side. Be careful when you threaten me, hmph."

After finishing speaking, he raised his chin arrogantly and entered the dark room defiantly.

"You..." He gritted his teeth coldly, and slowly closed his hands.

Taking a deep breath, he comforted himself secretly, because women and villains are difficult to raise, he doesn't care about villains.

After entering the dark room, Feng Yunyao said to Leng Qing naturally: "Leng Qing, get the people on the stone platform off."

"You ordered me?" He pointed at himself incredulously, choking with anger.

Feng Yunyao acted as if she didn't see his darkened face, she raised her chin, and said arrogantly: "Could it be possible to let the national teacher carry it, I'm a girl, how can I do heavy work, here is the most important job The person is you, hurry up."

"..." God damn logic.

After seeing the gaze cast by Ouyang Guoshi, Leng Qing reluctantly went over and kicked the people on the stone platform down.

"All right."

Feng Yunyao had the urge to beat him up, and glanced at the man kicked on the ground by him, but luckily nothing went wrong.

Then, pointing to the stone platform, he said coldly, "You lie on it."

The cold feeling suddenly puzzled, "Why should I lie on it."

He is not the original half-orc, why let him lie down.

Feng Yunyao didn't explain to him, but looked at Ouyang Guoshi, "Guoshi, I'm too humble, you should let him go up."

Does this have anything to do with being humble? With a puzzled look on his face, he still stood aside and refused to lie on the stage.

Especially the number of people who died on this stone platform made him feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Ouyang Guoshi raised his jaw towards the stone platform, and directly ordered in a cold voice, "Lengqing, lie down."

"Yes." Leng Qing hurriedly restrained her breath, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, resisting the churning in her stomach and lying down.

Feng Yunyao took out a silver needle from the Qiankun bag, and also brought out a jar of medicinal wine.

Then he took out Xiaobai who was watching the excitement in the Qiankun bag, and let him stand aside.

Seeing her coldly standing next to him holding a silver needle, he immediately became alert, but because Ouyang Guoshi was there, he didn't dare to sit up immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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