Chapter 494: Envoy of Heavenly Holy Kingdom

Chapter 490 Four Envoys of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom

Feng Yunyao sighed infinitely, if she wanted to think of a way to pinch off the peach blossoms around Di Jiushang, it would be best to uproot them, so that they would bloom again next year.

"The second emperor's wife has been gone for so many years, and the second elder brother has not yet married a wife. How about second elder brother marrying her, and he will heal the father's concern." Di Jiushang said indifferently, and directly threw this hot potato to him. Emperor Xingmo.

Di Xingmo obviously didn't expect him to retort like this. He was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "How can a widower of this king be worthy of King Tuoba's daughter? Ninth brother, stop teasing second brother."

"Second brother, you are too self-deprecating. You are just passing through. No matter your appearance or talent, you are the best among our brothers. How can you not be worthy of that Tuoba Lian'er?"

Just then, a familiar voice broke in.

Di Xingrui came out of nowhere, ran to Di Jiushang's table and sat down, and said hello to Di Jiushang, "Jiu Ge, you don't mind if I sit with you today."

Regardless of whether Di Jiushang agreed or not, seeing Feng Yunyao who was sitting on the other side of Di Jiushang, he hurriedly greeted with a smile, "Little Huofeng, why did you come out today, why don't you practice in Jiuge Shenyuan. "

His voice was clear and clear, as if he had met an acquaintance.

Feng Yunyao imitated Xiaofeng's appearance, with a sullen handsome face, she nodded politely at Di Xingrui, and ignored her.

"Xiaofeng, your temper is still the same as eight years ago." Di Xingrui was not angry at being left out in the slightest. Brother has been staying for a long time, and his temperament is so similar."

Feng Yunyao directly ignored his words.

Di Xingrui wanted to tease her, but seeing her expression indifferent and unmoved at all, he felt bored and turned to Di Xingmo, continuing the topic just now, "Second brother, I also think you should find a second sister-in-law, single Haven't you been alone for so many years?"

Di Xingmo didn't answer this time, but just slightly pulled the corner of his lower lip and smiled, then fell silent, obviously not wanting to continue this topic.

Feng Yunyao didn't seem to listen to anything, and kept eating the fruit on the plate in front of her.

The size of this fruit is about the same as cherry tomatoes, and it is red, but it tastes very good, refreshing and sweet.

There was only half of a plate of fruit left, and I wanted to take it, but my hand was held by a big hand.

"Eat less, the red cherry fruit is very cold, and eating too much will make your stomach uncomfortable." Di Jiushang took the plate of fruit away, and put a plate of green fruit in front of her, "Eat this, this is the green spirit fruit , belongs to the fourth-level elixir, eating it is good for cultivation."

Feng Yunyao took one and looked at it and threw it into her mouth. This fruit was sweet and sour. Although the taste was not as good as the red cherry fruit just now, it was still acceptable.

However, it feels warm and comfortable when you eat it in your stomach.

Di Xingmo saw the interaction between them in his eyes, and there was a trace of inquiry in his eyes, "I didn't expect the ninth brother to be so kind to Xiao Huofeng."

"Little Huofeng is Ninth Brother's guardian beast. It's normal for Ninth Brother to be kind to him, and I'm also very kind to Xiaohu." Di Xingrui continued his words.

Feng Yunyao couldn't help twitching her lips a few times when she thought of Longhu who had been scolded by him because of Xiaobai.

People entered the hall one after another, and all the people who came would come to their side to greet the princes.

Di Jiushang also kept introducing to her that there were five princes present, besides Di Jiushang and the others, there were also the third prince Di Xingze and the fifth prince Di Xingren.

Not to mention that the princes of Tianxuan Kingdom all have top-notch looks, even Di Xinghong's looks are top-notch.

Di Xingze and Di Xingren were obviously not on good terms with Di Jiushang, they only came in to say hello, and then went to circle among the courtiers.

Just then, an acquaintance came in.

It was Xu Feng who came. He came in with a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man's eyes were shrewd and wise. He should be his father, Prime Minister Xu.

She and Xu Feng have been separated for a few days, and she doesn't know how to deal with the half-orc's affairs, and what will happen to her indifference.

However, Lengqing is a leader of the orcs, and he will definitely not survive.

"My minister pays homage to the princes." Prime Minister Xu walked up to them and greeted the brothers Di Jiushang one by one, while Xu Feng followed his father to salute.

"His Royal Highness Pluto..." Xu Feng didn't know that Di Jiushang was alive until he returned to the imperial city. However, he only knew that he was alive and had never seen him.

Xu Feng couldn't help but feel distressed when he thought of the girl Yunyao who was thinking of him obsessively outside.

I don't know where Miss Yunyao went. If she knew that His Royal Highness Pluto was still alive, she would be very happy.

Ever since he learned that Emperor Jiushang was still alive, he sent people outside to look for Feng Yunyao's whereabouts, but unfortunately they didn't find anything, and he went out once to no avail.

Di Jiushang raised his head and looked at him indifferently, waiting for him to speak.

"Do you still remember..." Before Xu Feng finished speaking, he heard his father calling him over.

After thinking about it, it's better not to say it in front of so many people, after all, Yunyao girl is just an ordinary citizen, wouldn't it involve her in the war between the princes.

"Um, congratulations on your Highness coming back, Your Highness, my father is calling for my ministers to come over and take my leave."

"Okay." Di Jiushang nodded.

After Xu Feng left, Feng Yunyao secretly poked Emperor Jiushang, and said in a low voice, "Do you know why Big Brother Xu is looking for you?"

Di Jiushang saw her smiling strangely, obviously she had guessed Xu Feng's intentions, thinking that she had been staying with Xu Feng all these days, he felt inexplicably unhappy.

Also Brother Xu, you are really kind.

"Do not want to know."

Feng Yunyao rubbed her nose bored, still unwilling to give up, "I really don't want to know why Big Brother Xu is looking for you?"

"Okay, don't mention other men anymore." Di Jiushang gave her a slanted glance, expressing that he was already angry.

"Okay." Although Feng Yunyao wanted to say it very much, but someone didn't want to hear it, so she had no choice but to give up.

Most likely Xu Feng approached Di Jiushang to tell him that there was an infatuated woman waiting for him outside.

Not long after, the lord of Xuantian Kingdom came in, this was Di Jiushang's father, he looked majestic and had good facial features, he must have been a handsome guy when he was young.

However, he is majestic and majestic, and he has been in a high position for many years, and the coercion of the king comes with him, making him unable to help but want to submit to him.

She couldn't see his cultivation, and the coercion emanating from the outside, he was probably far above her.

When the people saw him coming in, they immediately stood up and worshiped him.

Di Jiushang took Feng Yunyao and followed them out, saluting with everyone.

"Stay flat." The Lord of Xuantian Kingdom raised his hand, motioning everyone to get up, then lifted his dragon robe and sat on the dragon chair.

After thanking everyone, they went back to their seats.

After waiting for the people to sit down, the ruler of Tianxuan Kingdom's sharp eyes glanced casually at the people in the main hall, and finally fixed his gaze on Di Jiushang, the light in his eyes deepened a little.

(End of this chapter)

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