Chapter 495 Where Is That Pure God of Hers?

Chapter 490 Where is that pure God of hers?

"Because the envoys of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom came quite suddenly, this palace banquet is a bit rushed. You don't have to be too cautious, just treat it as an ordinary family banquet."

As soon as he said this, it was another compliment from the courtiers.

The lord of the Tianxuan Kingdom said to the palace people beside him, "You can announce that the envoys of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom have come in."

"Xuan, the envoys of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom are here." The palace man shouted loudly.

Then, a group of people walked in.

Walking in the front was a five or six-year-old child. The child's small face was carved with jade, like a crystal porcelain doll.

Such a cute and beautiful child, but with a calm face, the calm expression is not what he should have at his age.

He was dressed in fine clothes, and he walked with his head held high, and he didn't feel the slightest bit flustered by such a huge palace banquet.

Behind him is a young girl, wearing a red veil and a red veil, only revealing her smooth forehead and a pair of watery almond eyes.

She has a slender figure, and the red gauze dress rises gradually as she walks, becoming more and more enchanting and slender.

Behind them came some ministers in similar clothes.

The little boy walked to the center of the main hall, and bowed to the Lord of Tianxuan Kingdom in a dignified manner, "Lan Yunxuan pays homage to the Lord of Tianxuan Kingdom, and wishes the Lord a long life and good health."

"Tuoba Lian'er pays homage to the Lord Tianxuan."

The envoy followed Tuoba Lian'er and knelt down to salute, "See the Lord of Tianxuan Kingdom."

"Okay, everyone, let's get down, come and watch the seats, and the little prince Yunxuan sits next to me."

As soon as he said this, someone from the palace immediately placed a table seat at his lower position.

"Yes, Lord Tianxuan." Lan Yunxuan walked towards the high position like a little adult, without any nervousness because the position was too far ahead.

Sure enough, as expected of a successor trained by the royal family, he was so calm at such a young age.

However, a child is still a child, no matter how much he looks like an adult, it is somewhat ridiculous.

Feng Yunyao didn't know why, she thought this child was cute, and she quite liked it.

Well, as a face control girl, it's no wonder that she doesn't like such a finely crafted milk doll that looks like jade.

"What are you laughing at?" Seeing her staring at Lan Yunxuan, Di Jiushang smiled and tugged her hand under the table.

Feng Yunyao looked away, and said: "I think this child is very cute, he is delicate and beautiful, and he is very pleasing to look at."

"You like children very much?" Di Jiushang's deep eyes flashed with an unknown meaning.

"Yeah, who doesn't like a beautiful child, and this child is too sensible, and he went to other countries for his own country at a young age." Most of the children still cannot do without their parents.

Di Jiushang took her hand and wrote a few words on her palm.

After feeling the words he wrote, Feng Yunyao's originally indifferent face instantly turned red, and she hastily withdrew her hand.

He even said that he would have ten children with her!

Ten, if she is a sow, then she can give birth.

"Just kidding with you, we just need one, it's too hard to have a baby, so it's okay if you don't want it." Di Jiushang said with profound strength and secret words.

"Who said I don't want children anymore, I plan to have three children in the future, two boys and one daughter, the boy can protect the younger sister."

Di Jiushang raised his eyebrows, "It seems that I will work harder in the future."


"Try hard to make you have a baby."


I really miss her big god who blushes when hugged, and now this old driver really wants to shoot him away.

Tuoba Lian'er sat at the lower position of Lan Yunxuan, and her position could see everyone present.

Because the purpose of her coming here was to choose a husband and son-in-law, her eyes swept over several princes one by one, and finally fixed on Di Jiushang, her eyes lit up a little bit, revealing a touch of joy.

Obviously, he is very satisfied with Di Jiushang.

"Sister Lian'er, the man in the purple robe should be His Highness Hades." Lan Yunxuan whispered to Tuoba Lian'er.

The purpose of his coming here is mainly to prevent Tuoba Lian'er from marrying Emperor Jiushang, which is a task entrusted to him by his parents.

Tuoba Qing married his daughter to Emperor Jiushang because he wanted to cooperate with Xuantian Kingdom and plan for his ambition.

Half of the power in the Heavenly Holy Kingdom is in the hands of Tuobaqing. If there is another future Emperor of the Tianxuan Kingdom like Di Jiushang as his son-in-law, I am afraid that the Heavenly Holy Kingdom will change its dynasty before he grows up.

In any case, he couldn't make his purpose come true.

How to stop it, he also took a look at the princes, because before he came, he had seen the portraits of the princes of Tianxuan Kingdom, and recognized who was Emperor Jiushang.

Except for Di Jiushang, the other princes are also outstanding, but staying with Di Jiushang is much bleak.

If he was a woman, he would also choose Emperor Jiushang. Looking at Tuoba Lian'er's eyes, he obviously liked him very much.

It is really difficult for Tuoba Lian'er to dispel her thoughts about Emperor Jiushang.

If there is really no way to make Tuoba Lian'er give up, then the only way to do it is from Di Jiushang's side, telling him not to agree to marry Tuoba Lian'er.

Lan Yunxuan looked at Di Jiushang and pondered for a while, then said, "Huh? Sister Lian'er, look how Pluto is holding a man's hand, it seems very intimate."

He said so, but he was very puzzled in his heart.

Could it be that Di Jiushang likes men?

If so, it would be in his favor.

Tuoba Lian'er also saw Di Jiushang holding the hand of the handsome young man next to him under the table, the two seemed to be talking about something, somehow felt that there was some ambiguity between him and this beautiful young man.

Don't really like men.

Tuoba Lianer thumped in her heart, this was not what she wanted to see, although many dignitaries like to find some beautiful boys to serve them, but she absolutely does not allow her future husband to have such a habit.

But if she doesn't choose Emperor Jiushang, she won't be able to complete the task entrusted to her by her father.

Before coming here, her father had told her that Di Jiushang was deeply loved by the ruler of the Xuantian Kingdom, and he was very likely to be the next ruler of the Xuantian Kingdom. As long as she married him, she would be the queen of the Xuantian Kingdom in the future.

Not only that, but it will also be of great help to the father in seizing power in the future.

After thinking about it, Tuoba Lian'er finally decided to choose Emperor Jiushang, and said with a sneer: "The prince is too worried, Lian'er thinks that they should not have that kind of relationship, I guess this beautiful boy should be his guardian beast, listen It is said that the guardian beast of His Highness Pluto is a fire phoenix that can only transform into a human form, but judging by the red feathers on his forehead, it should be a fire phoenix."

Regardless of whether Di Jiushang likes men or not now, when she marries him in the future, she will let him stop this habit.

"Really, really." Lan Yunxuan glanced at Feng Yunyao, and kept calculating in his heart.

This fire phoenix is ​​the guardian beast of Pluto, and it stays with him all day long. It should be the person who knows Pluto best. Why don't you start with Huofeng first?
(End of this chapter)

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