Chapter 571 Master, I Want To Reward You
Chapter 570 Master, I Want to Reward You
The little boy licked his chapped mouth, lowered his head but did not speak.

"Did you give me your rations?" Feng Yunyao knew that he didn't eat when he saw him like this.

The little boy rubbed his little ears in embarrassment, "This steamed bun was given to me by Aunt Li next door to my house, but sister, don't worry, I can go dig some sweet grass roots in the field later, it's so sweet."

She spoke with sweet lips, as if longing for something delicious.

Listening to his words, Feng Yunyao frowned slightly and said, "Where are your parents?"

"They're on the back mountain." The little boy whispered, his voice obviously choked up when he said it.

At this time, a person who knew the little boy couldn't help but said: "His father passed away early, and his mother died of illness two days ago. We helped us to sweep it with grass and buried it on the back mountain. This child is very sad." Pitiful."

Feng Yunyao's nose was a little sore. Seeing such a young child's parents die early, he will have to rely on his fellow villagers for relief, or fend for himself.


"Master, I'm going to get him something to eat right now." Bai, who was listening as a certain saint, was already in tears, and ran away when he heard his master calling him.

He quickly brought back a large steamed bun of white flour and a bowl of vegetables from the cafeteria, "Little friend, please treat my master to eat, and we will treat you to eat too, here."

The little boy looked at the delicious bowl of food, swallowed his saliva, but did not take it, but looked at Feng Yunyao, "Sister, you can eat."

"Okay, let's eat together." Feng Yunyao broke off more than half of the steamed buns for him, stuffed the rest into her mouth, and continued to treat the patients.

The little boy knew that she was going to treat the patient again, so he obediently lay down on the table and started eating.

"Eat slowly, you may choke if you eat too fast." Seeing that he was devouring his food, Xiao Bai couldn't help reminding him aloud.

The little boy grinned sweetly at it and said, "This dish is so delicious. I haven't eaten such delicious food since my mother fell ill."

After his mother fell ill, he was the one who made food. Others couldn't do the hard work, so they had to go to the mountain to collect some dry firewood nearby, and go to the neighbor's house to exchange some food.

Everyone is sick these days, and others don't have anything for him to eat. When he is hungry, he goes to dig some sweet grass roots to eat. Aunt Li gave him a steamed bun today.

He cherishes this hard-won steamed bun. He has already eaten a lot of sweet grass roots in the morning. Although he is still very hungry, he can still bear it. He wants to eat some steamed buns when he is too hungry.

Hearing someone talking about the grimacing mask sister, he thought it would be great if she came earlier so that his mother wouldn't die.

However, her arrival cured many people, and all his neighbors were cured by her, so he couldn't help but come to see it out of curiosity, and it took him a day to see it.

This sister is so kind, she is even better than the Bodhisattva in the painting who is worshiped by people. After all, the Bodhisattva will not heal them when they are sick, nor will they give them delicious meals.

When he grows up, he will also be like his sister, a doctor who practices medicine and saves lives, helping those in need.

When the little boy was eating and thinking about his future plans, suddenly, there was a big chicken leg in front of him.

"Here, I'll treat you to eat." Xiaobai took out his private possessions, and brought out a bottle of elixir for the little boy, and added some fructose to the elixir, not all children like it Sweet.

I wanted to take a pot of medicinal wine, but thought that others were too young to drink, so I replaced it with a good-tasting elixir.

"Thank you." The little boy timidly took the chicken leg and the elixir from Xiaobai, took a bite of the chicken leg first, and then took a sip of the elixir, his eyes opened brightly, "Drink it well."

"Drink more if it tastes good, your brother Xiaobai still has plenty." As soon as Xiaobai said this, he was hit on the head by his master.

"This is a potion, you want it to explode, right?" Feng Yunyao rolled her eyes at it, and said angrily.

Xiaobai rubbed his head, thought for a while, and felt that what the master said was right, it was so happy just now, that it forgot that the little guy was a human baby, which was different from their dragon's stomach.

"Okay then, Brother Xiaobai will treat you to a drink later."

After eating, the little boy stood beside Feng Yunyao, staring at Feng Yunyao's hand with big eyes, full of curiosity.

Feng Yunyao quickly pulled out the needle from the patient, only to notice the little guy beside her, seeing him staring at her every move without blinking, "Are you interested in this?"

"Huh?" The little boy didn't expect her to talk to him suddenly, and was stunned.

"If you want to learn, I can teach you."

"Well, can my sister teach me? I also want to treat diseases and save lives like my sister." The little boy's face was full of determination and hope.

"Yes, yes, but, I need to see your talent, you go and learn medicine with Xiaobai first." Feng Yunyao patted his little shoulder lightly, but didn't finish her sentence.

The little boy clenched his fists, nodded excitedly and earnestly, "Don't worry, sister, Ah Hao will study hard."

"Your name is Ah Hao?" Feng Yunyao realized that she didn't seem to know the child's name yet.

"Well, sister, my surname is Lian, and my name is Lian Yihao. My sister calls me Ah Hao." The little boy introduced himself to her carefully.

"Okay, Xiaohao, go and learn how to catch with Xiaobai."

Hearing his fairy-like elder sister call him 'Xiao Hao', the little boy's nose couldn't help but his nose was sour. That's what his mother called him, and he became more and more determined in his own mind. He must study hard and heal diseases and save lives like his elder sister when he grows up.

After assigning Lian Yihao to Xiaobai, Feng Yunyao continued to treat the patient.

It took four days in a row to stabilize the toxicity of all the poisoned patients, and the next step is to slowly recuperate, and the rest can be done by other doctors.

In the four days, Feng Yunyao's rest time did not add up to an hour. As soon as she relaxed, she felt tired and sleepy.

After arranging the work done by the doctors, I went to rest.

This time I fell into a deep sleep and never woke up.

Feng Yunyao didn't know how long she had been asleep, she closed her eyes and stretched, then slowly opened them, but what she saw was not the tent she was familiar with.

Those bloodshot eyes instantly became sharp, and there was still a little bit of confusion just now.

She is not sleeping on the hard and small bed in the tent, but in a very simple and comfortable room. The bed is also an antique wooden carved bed. The lavender bed curtain sways slightly with her movements. As if made of fine thick yarn, this bed is also very soft and comfortable.

How could she be here, shouldn't she be in the camp?
And when she was brought out of the barracks, she didn't even notice it. Could it be because she was too tired?

No, when I was on a mission before, I had to concentrate for a few days without closing my eyes, and I was able to be alert to the surrounding situation even when I was sleeping.

So there is only one possibility, this person's cultivation is far higher than hers, or it is the breath of someone she is familiar with, because he is close to her so she has no instinctive vigilance.


Feng Yunyao looked at the furnishings in the house, and the soft bed, and suddenly guessed who it was.


Di Jiushang was the only one who could make her relax her vigilance in her sleep, so he must be the one who brought her out.

Just as Feng Yunyao was about to get off the bed, the door opened, and when she saw a familiar person, the corners of her lips raised sharply.

"I knew it was you."

Looking at the smiling person on the bed, Di Jiushang's indifferent and handsome face instantly softened a lot.

"My Yao'er is still so smart."

Di Jiushang walked over and sat on the bed, pamperingly scratching the bridge of her nose.

"Master, how do you know I'm in the Qingcheng military camp?" Feng Yunyao held the hand that was scraping her nose to prevent him from scratching her nose again, "I was thinking of going to you after I finished my work."

Di Jiushang held her hand instead, and put his other hand around her shoulder in his arms, "Yesterday I was ordered to go to Qingcheng to investigate the situation. I saw Luo Li and the others were there, and I thought you came over too. After that, I knew where you were, so I brought you here."

He saw her sleeping on a hard and small bed yesterday. She was always alert, but she didn't respond when he went in, as if she was exhausted these days.

The bed was too narrow and uncomfortable to sleep on, so he tapped her acupuncture points and brought her here to rest.

"Oh." Feng Yunyao leaned against his arms, looking very lazy.

Suddenly, she thought of someone, she sat up straight immediately, and said seriously, "By the way, where is Master Meng Xixing? Have you seen him?"

"Yeah." Di Jiushang frowned slightly, apparently not wanting to mention others, "Because he didn't meet the admission standard for privileged students of Xuanhuang Academy, so he couldn't enter Xuanhuang Academy."

Feng Yunyao can also understand, after all, when Meng Xixing came here, his cultivation was only Lingxuan, and his age seemed to exceed the admission standard of Xuanhuang Academy. Xuanhuang Academy will leave the academy when he is over 24 years old. Meng Xixing seems to have just passed this year. 24 years old.

"Then where is he now?"

"At Lanxuan Academy."

"Lanxuan Academy? Isn't this the National Academy of the Holy Kingdom?"

"Well, a teacher from Lanxuan College once owed me a favor, which was Meng Xixing left behind by him. Although Meng Xixing's cultivation level is low, his aptitude is not bad."

Feng Yunyao knew that, after all, people in their 20s who can break through the Lingxuan in the Sky Continent are very rare.

No matter where Meng Xixing goes to practice, it's the same. His purpose of coming here is to increase his cultivation and make a breakthrough, as long as there is a suitable place for him to practice.

"By the way, Ah Jiu, I have something to ask you."

"what's up?"

"When I was treating the people in Qingcheng, I took in a child whose parents died. I planned to help him find a good family to adopt, but seeing his talent in medicine is very good, I planned to take him in as a child. It’s just that there is no way to teach him in Xuanhuang Academy now, can you help me take care of him first.”

"Yes." Di Jiushang agreed without thinking, "When I leave today, I will take him away."

Feng Yunyao hugged his waist and lay in his arms, showing a rare girly look, "I knew that Master is the best."

"Tell me, master, what kind of reward do you need?" Feng Yunyao got up and said to him with a smile.

"Reward?" Di Jiushang chuckled and asked back, "What reward can you give me?"

"let me see."

Feng Yunyao rested her index finger on her chin, brushed his pure white earlobe inadvertently, and then revealed a sly smile, "Master, I know how to reward you."

(End of this chapter)

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