Chapter 572 Opening the Third Layer of the Holy Cauldron
Chapter 570 The Second Opening of the Third Floor of the Holy Cauldron
Di Jiushang couldn't guess what reward she was talking about, but seeing her smiling face with malicious intentions, he knew that she must have some bad idea again.

"I don't know."

Feng Yunyao grinned at him, showing a mouthful of small white teeth, and suddenly, she moved her head towards his ear, and blew on it.

The warm breath hit the white ear, and it turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Feng Yunyao pinched his red earlobes very satisfied, "I haven't seen Master's ears turn red for a long time."

In the past, when she hugged him, his ears would bleed red, but now it seems more and more difficult to see.

Hey, I miss it so much.

Di Jiushang froze there, his cold eyes stained with color.

"Haha, I'm just kidding you." Seeing the danger in his eyes, Feng Yunyao hurriedly rolled into the bed.

But still not faster than that powerful arm, her waist tightened, and she was taken back.

"Ahaha, Master, Ah Jiu, hahaha, don't tickle me, hahaha..."

"You, hahaha, you are too bad..."

Feng Yunyao's hands were imprisoned, and she couldn't get rid of them at all.

"Master, I'm hungry."

Sure enough, when he heard her cry of hunger, Di Jiushang immediately withdrew his hand and pulled her up from the bed, "I've already prepared food for you, let someone bring it here."

Afterwards, Di Jiushang asked someone to bring in the food, filled a bowl of rice and handed it to Feng Yunyao.

Feng Yunyao took the job, curled her lips and said, "Master, just wait, I will definitely defeat you in the future."

"I will never beat you, and if I can't beat you now, I won't be able to beat you later." Di Jiushang put a piece of spare ribs into her bowl, with rare doting in his eyes, "You are not hungry, eat quickly. "

Feng Yunyao pursed her lips and smiled.

As long as he was there, she felt very at ease.

"This is an inn?" Feng Yunyao swallowed the rice in her mouth, looking at the surrounding layout, she didn't feel like an inn, the rooms in the inn would not be so elegantly and comfortably furnished.

"No, it's my other courtyard in Qingcheng."

"Your other courtyard?" Feng Yunyao was a little puzzled, he just came back from the Sky Continent not long ago, when did he have the time to buy another courtyard here.

"I just bought it." Di Jiushang scooped up a bowl of soup and put it in her hand, and said with a light smile, "You should live here for the few days you're in Qingcheng, it's uncomfortable to live in the barracks."

"Oh." The corners of Feng Yunyao's lips raised involuntarily, it turned out that it was specially bought for her.

After eating, Di Jiushang took her for a stroll in the other courtyard. This courtyard is not big, but it is very elegant and beautiful after repairing. It is a good place to live.

"Your sixth dragon soul seal can be undone, and I will untie it for you later." Di Jiushang took her hand and walked to sit under a peach blossom tree.

"Okay." Feng Yunyao had long wanted to remove all the dragon soul seals, but Di Jiushang said that there seemed to be a power in her body, and if she removed them all at once, she might not be able to suppress her ability.

Now that Di Jiushang's cultivation has fully recovered, it is easy to undo a dragon soul seal without letting her suffer.

In less than an hour, Feng Yunyao's sixth dragon soul seal was completely dispelled by Di Jiushang's profound strength, and the whole person felt much more relaxed.

Sure enough, the dragon soul seal was here to suppress her.

Feng Yunyao still had to deal with the Qingcheng poisoners, so she didn't stay in the other hospital for long before going back.

Now the poison on the people of Qingcheng is almost under control, but it is inevitable that there will be leaks, so she will stay here for a few more days, and help General Lu with the aftermath.

As soon as she returned to the barracks, Di Jiushang followed.

When General Lu heard that he was coming, he quickly led all the officials and generals, as well as students from Xuanhuang Academy, to greet him.

"Please refer to Your Highness."

"There's no need to be too polite." Di Jiushang glanced at Feng Yunyao and walked straight over.

Seeing him walk up to Feng Yunyao, Jiang Mo couldn't help curling his lips. He always had a feeling that the main purpose of Di Jiushang's coming here was to see Feng Yunyao.

"I heard that Qingcheng has a genius doctor who is called a ghost doctor by the people because he is wearing a ghost mask. I don't know if this is the genius doctor they are talking about." Di Jiushang's face seemed cold, his eyes But there is a rare softness.

Listening to his words, Feng Yunyao's lips twitched slightly, this person wants to act.

However, he clasped his hands very cooperatively and said, "You can't be called a miracle doctor, you just have a little knowledge of medical skills."

Di Jiushang looked at her meaningfully, and walked away from her without saying anything.

What kind of drama is this?Feng Yunyao looked puzzled.

"Miss Feng, His Royal Highness Pluto has always been like this. He never likes to talk to people, especially women. It is an exception to be able to talk to the girl like this today. Don't take it to heart." General Lu was afraid that Emperor Jiushang's indifferent attitude would hurt him. This great hero, after all, a girl's family needs to save face, so being left out like this will not be in a good mood.

Feng Yunyao smiled, "I didn't take it to heart."

She and Di Jiushang had only separated not long ago, so how could she misunderstand him.

"That's good."

Seeing that she was really fine, General Lu didn't say anything, and hurriedly chased after Di Jiushang.

Looking at the people who left one after the other, Jiang Mo was confused.

Why is his cousin so indifferent to Feng Yunyao? Could it be that his cousin doesn't like her at all, but has another conspiracy?

Luo Li and the others didn't think there was anything wrong, it was clear that Di Jiushang deliberately didn't recognize Feng Yunyao, it must be because of concerns, he didn't say anything, and followed into the barracks.

"Hey, Mu Yan, do you think A Yao is compatible with that Pluto, or am I compatible with A Yao?" Jiang Mo tapped Mu Yan's arm with a fan and asked with raised eyebrows.

"You?" Mu Yan looked at him up and down with a look of disgust, and said mockingly, "Don't think about it, you are not worthy of my master at all, as for that Pluto, you can barely be worthy."

After speaking, he looked up proudly and left.

"Hey, who do you think is not worthy?" Jiang Mo couldn't help being annoyed.

"Of course it's you." Mu Yan pinched the corners of his eyes and made a face at him.

"Mu Yan, I think you are looking for a fight."

"Come, come, grandson who is afraid of someone else." Mu Yan rolled up his sleeves as if fighting.

"Go, the small forest ahead."

Therefore, the two bastards did not participate in the meeting, and went directly to the small woods for an appointment.

After entering the tent, General Lu took the initiative to give up his position to Di Jiushang.

"Your Highness, the Qingcheng thugs' rebellion and the common people's plague were all done by Leng Qing, and Li Boda and others were accomplices. Because the matter was revealed, Leng Qing killed Li Boda and others to protect himself, and fled by himself. His subordinates failed to catch them. Stop him." General Lu reported back the original reason.

"Length?" Di Jiushang's eyes narrowed slightly, "Isn't he someone close to Brother Sanhuang?"

"Exactly, but Miss Feng said that the coldness was not instigated by the third prince."

Di Jiushang looked at Feng Yunyao, as if he was asking her.

"Destroying the people in a city in Qingcheng, what is the benefit of His Highness the Third Prince doing this, so I think the cold master is someone else." Feng Yunyao said softly.

Di Jiushang lowered his head slightly, "You are right, I will investigate this matter, how many people are still poisoned in Qingcheng?"

"Returning to Your Highness, there are about three to four hundred people. Their poisoning is too deep and it is not easy to remove the poison at once. However, Miss Feng has helped them completely control the poison. The rest only need to slowly remove the remaining poison. These things are ordinary. Your doctor will do." General Lu replied respectfully.

Di Jiushang put his eyes on Feng Yunyao again, and showed a slightly strange expression, which meant that my girl was the best, but it disappeared soon.

"That's very good. This king will report this matter to the lord of the country, and we will reward you for your merits at that time."

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately stood up and saluted, "Thank you, Your Highness Pluto."

Di Jiushang didn't stay here too long, left the charity money and relief food he brought, and left Qingcheng with Xiaohao.

"Miss Feng, do you know His Highness Pluto?" General Lu saw that Feng Yunyao's gaze had been following Di Jiushang who had left, and her appearance was completely different from the one she had known these days, as if she had become much gentler. It seems to have a good temper, but it gives people a feeling that strangers should not get close.

Feng Yunyao withdrew her gaze, neither denied nor admitted, but asked him with a light smile: "Don't tell me General Lu doesn't know Hades?"

"..." Who doesn't know His Highness Pluto, let alone he has been working with him these two days, but he is not familiar with him.

Feng Yunyao glanced into Qingcheng, and said: "Now the situation in Qingcheng has stabilized, we should go back to the academy, and leave the rest to you, General Lu, to deal with the aftermath."

"Yes, we have been in Qingcheng for a few days, and we should go back to report. General Lu is leaving." Zhao Qin followed Feng Yunyao's words.

General Lu pondered for a moment, then said: "Alright, then, I will report your help to the lord, and I will give credit to everyone, especially Miss Feng."

"I'm sorry." Feng Yunyao cupped her hands towards him.

Afterwards, he led all the students from Xuanhuang Academy to leave Qingcheng and returned to Xuanhuang Academy.

When they arrived at Xuanhuang Academy, Zhao Qin went to find the dean and they returned their orders. Feng Yunyao and the others dispersed and went back to their respective academies.

Feng Yunyao returned to the Yuling Branch College, first went to Lin Daoyuan to briefly explain the situation, and then returned to her own residence.

After returning to the house, he entered the holy cauldron.

Now that she has unlocked the sixth dragon soul seal, she wonders if she can open the third layer of the Holy Cauldron.

"Guji Guji." Seeing her coming in, the little Wu Ling hurried over, jumped onto her arm and pointed at the medicine field and called excitedly.

Master, there are a lot of second-level spiritual herbs that have been upgraded to third-level, and many third-level spiritual herbs have been upgraded to fourth-level.

Feng Yunyao picked a fourth-level spirit grass from it and looked at it. The quality is high-quality, and this medicine field is really good.

"If you want to eat, just eat it."

The little witch spirit's eyes lit up when she heard her words. It worked so hard to maintain the spirit grass just to have a good time.

Now it's finally time, it can finally have a big meal.

Baliu jumped off her arm, burrowed into the medicine field and began to eat, clawing a stalk of spiritual grass, bowing left and right, eating it was indescribably joyful.

Human food can only satisfy its appetite, and spiritual grass is its favorite.

The three-eyed civet who was soaking in the spring water looked up at the little Wu Ling, and snorted.

What delicious spirit grass is there, where is the spirit spring pool to soak comfortably, it would rather stay in the spirit spring water for a lifetime and never come out.

Feng Yunyao inspected the interior of the Holy Cauldron, and then, sitting on the ground, opened the third floor.

(End of this chapter)

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