Chapter 573 Rewards
Chapter 570 Three Rewards
Opening the Holy Cauldron requires a lot of profound strength. Fortunately, there are many spiritual herbs, and the spiritual power in the space is also very strong. Now that she has unlocked the sixth dragon soul seal, it should not be a problem to enter the third floor.

The pale white profound energy was slowly withdrawn from her body, heading straight up, and more than a dozen strands of pale white profound energy formed pillars of light and submerged into the headspace.

I don't know how long it took, and there was a gap in the sky above where there was nothing. It seemed that someone was tearing it open with their hands. The crack opened little by little, and the crack gradually became bigger.

At this time, Feng Yunyao struck upwards forcefully, and the sky suddenly split open, revealing another world.

Feng Yunyao put away her profound energy, wiped the sweat off her face, and looked up at the sky.

It turned out to be the roof where she lived.

It turns out that the third floor is to see the outside world, and there is nothing added in the holy cauldron, but there is an additional visual function. Originally, the advanced holy cauldron can only hear the sound from the outside, but can't see the outside situation. Now you can see Arrived.

Although it is not very useful, at least it can see the outside, which can be regarded as a little useful.

Feng Yunyao waved her hand, and the top once again became foggy white, blocking the view outside.

It's not bad, it can be opened and closed.

Feng Yunyao picked some spiritual herbs and refined some qi-invigorating pills, and only after her cultivation recovered did she produce the holy cauldron.

By the time she came out, the night had passed.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Junior Sister Feng, half an hour later, a group meeting will be held at the Cemetery College. Teacher Lin asked me to inform you. I hope you can go there as soon as possible."

"Okay, thank you brother for coming to pass the message, I'll be there later." Feng Yunyao changed into a suit of clothes and left the room.

Most of the students from Xuanhuang Academy have basically arrived at the cemetery, all of them are dressed in white academy costumes. Fortunately, it is daytime, and it is always a bit scary to watch at night.

"Junior Sister Feng, you're here." Seeing her coming, Zhao Qin hurriedly greeted her, "How are you resting, are you still tired?"

Feng Yunyao chuckled, and said softly: "It's okay, what kind of meeting are we having?"

"What else can we do? We must have a collective meeting to praise us." Jiang Mo walked over casually, with that unflattering evil smile still on his face.

"To praise is also to praise my master. Qingcheng has contributed the most to helping Master." As a deadly enemy, Mu Yan immediately raised his eyebrows when he heard Jiang Mo's words. Those who looked like they didn't know that he was the one who wanted to praise him Woolen cloth.

"I won't refute this with you. It's true that Ayao has contributed the most." It's rare for Jiang Mo to agree with Mu Yan on this.

At this moment, a bitter voice sounded, "Obviously everyone worked together to complete it, how can we attribute the credit to one person? Divide the size."

Mu Yan immediately turned around, looked at the student who was speaking, and said in uneasy unison: "Who are you, and you don't care about your business."

The student glanced at Lin Wei standing beside him, with a look of upholding justice, "I did not go, but Senior Sister Lin went. Senior Sister Lin has never mentioned Qingcheng since she came back, which shows that she is not arrogant. Everyone’s excellent qualities, how can you small families like you want to make it known to everyone before you do something good.”

"Her? Hehe." Jiang Mo and Mu Yan rarely looked at each other and smiled mockingly.

Jiang Mo pointed at Lin Wei with his saber, and said sarcastically, "How do I remember that she just entered Qingcheng not long ago, and she ran away early because she was afraid of being infected with the plague."

"Yes, I also know that when someone persuaded her to stay, what did she say, 'This is a plague and I don't want to stay, if you want to die, you can stay'." The duck-like voice imitated what Lin Wei said when he fled.

Lin Wei's face turned extremely ugly, she gritted her teeth and said, "You are talking nonsense, I am obviously helping the people of Qingcheng elsewhere, so it must be in the barracks to be helpful."

After saying this, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she didn't return to the academy immediately when she left Qingcheng. Instead, she went back to her home first. It was really hard for her to justify herself.

This time, she wanted a share of Yizhu's contribution no matter what.

Hearing what she said, the student standing next to her became proud again, "Did you hear that, this is the demeanor that our Xuanhuang Academy students should have. When you are fighting for fame and fortune, she stays aside Silently doing good things for the people of Qingcheng, we should learn from Senior Sister Lin."

"Learn from your sister." Mu Yan had never seen such a thick-skinned person, and couldn't help but swear, especially that Lin Wei, who did not mention being a deserter, even lied shamelessly, and was frank about others' false praises accept?
Originally, he was only two steps away from Lin Wei, and felt disgusted, so he immediately retreated to the other side of Jiang Mo. With this woman as a comparison, he now feels that Jiang Mo is very pleasing to the eye.

Lin Wei still looked up at her noble head, not feeling ashamed at all, but looking forward to the next reward.

Soon the college leaders and teachers walked in in order, and the originally lively square immediately fell silent.

Walking in the front was a warm and elegant middle-aged man in a blue robe, with an extraordinary bearing. He had a refined moustache and peaceful eyes.

"This is Dean Ye." Zhao Qin whispered to Feng Yunyao.

Feng Yunyao was a little surprised when she saw this middle-aged man whose manners and actions were elegant, and never thought that Ye Xueran, a little sister-like woman, would have such a father.

However, some people educate others very well, but they make mistakes when facing their own children.

Lin Daoyuan, Shao Fan and other teachers all came, but Vice President Ouyang did not come.

The first person to speak was Dean Ye. Standing on the stage, his gentle voice was not lacking in majesty, "Today is holding a group meeting of students, and I have two things to say. The first thing is Qingcheng Yizhu. All the performances over there were told to the old man in letters, and the old man also listened to Zhao Qin's story, and the students who went to Qingcheng to help did a great job."

Feng Yunyao felt a little special listening to him say "old man", after all, Dean Ye is not old, and he is only about 40 years old by appearance.

"Brother Zhao, Dean Ye is Guigeng this year?"

"Should be more than 70." Zhao Qin knew what she was wondering, so he smiled, "Our Xuan cultivators are younger than ordinary people, let alone a master of Xuanzun's peak like Dean Ye."

Feng Yunyao also knows this. After all, entering Xuanzong can increase the lifespan of one year, not to mention the peak of Xuanzun, people here are very long-lived, just like her five soul slaves, the boss has lived for 400 years up.

(End of this chapter)

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