Chapter 574
Chapter 570
"However, the contributions made by the students who came to help you are different, and the old man rewards you according to the size of your contributions according to the previous rules."

There is no objection to Dean Ye's proposal to reward the students according to their merits. After all, the more you work, the more you get, the more you make use of to get better rewards.

"First of all, the third-class merit, Jiang Mo, Mu Yan, Mo Ze, He Shu'an... You abide by discipline, obey Captain Zhao Qin's arrangements, and you have made a lot of efforts in saving the people. The academy specially records it as third-class merit for you. You have Do you object?"

Lin Wei was not among these people, so she couldn't help but frowned. Could it be possible to give her second-class work?
"Next is the second-class merit, Luo Li Linlang, you two not only did your own duties, but also assisted the captain to protect the brothers and sisters, this will be recorded as the second-class merit."

There is no second-class work without her, Lin Wei let out a heavy breath, only feeling stuffy in her heart.

Is first-class work possible? She has never appeared before, and even she is embarrassed to imagine it.

"First-class merit Zhao Qin, as the captain, arranged the team members reasonably and protected the safety of the team members. He also went deep into dangerous situations to investigate the enemy's situation, and cooperated with General Lu to expose the true face of cold feelings. He also made great contributions in saving the common people. , recorded as first-class merit.”

As soon as Dean Ye said this, Zhao Qin couldn't help but look at Feng Yunyao, and quickly walked out of the crowd, "Dean, the Qingcheng incident is all thanks to Junior Sister Feng. The half-orcs in the mansion, the design work, and letting Leng Qing and others show their faces were all planned by Junior Sister Feng. Even letting the team members go back to the gate of the city was her suggestion, because she felt that the military camp was dangerous, so she didn't let them in. Also, the poison that the common people in Qingcheng suffers from was also developed by Junior Sister Feng. In order to treat those who were deeply poisoned, she didn't even close her eyes for four days. It is most deserved.”

Because there can only be one person with first-class merit each time, if it is given to him, what will Junior Sister Feng do? Is it second-class merit? Not to mention the academy, even in Xuantian Kingdom, it is a great contribution.

Dean Ye listened to him complaining about Feng Yunyao's injustice, and said with a light smile, "My child, listen to the old man's introduction first. You should get the first prize. As for this classmate Feng, she has another award."

"Is there anything else?" The dissatisfaction on Zhao Qin's face immediately froze on Jun's face, but he still refused to give up and said, "Neither the second class nor the third class is worthy of Junior Sister Feng."

"Yes, I am not good enough for her." Dean Ye shook his head helplessly, but he was very relieved in his heart. This is what students in their college should look like. They are not arrogant and friendly to their classmates. The awards she received, the things she did in Qingcheng, just like what student Zhao said just now, such credits are enough to be recorded in the history books and passed down for generations, and now I announce that Feng Yunyao will be recorded as the special prize."

As soon as he said this, there was an uproar below.

There is only one place for special merit in ten years, and if no one reaches the standard of special merit in these ten years, even this only place will be cancelled. This award is vain, and no one has even thought about it.

Now Dean Ye gave it to Feng Yunyao, how could this not shock others.

"What's the benefit of this special skill?" Feng Yunyao, who was the calmest in the audience, asked a student beside her in a low voice.

"But there are great benefits." The student said excitedly, "Students who have obtained the special merit can freely enter and leave the treasure house of Xuanhuang Academy's material library, and the library, not only that, but it will also avoid death once The gold medal, if you commit the crime of decapitation in Tianxuan Kingdom in the future, you can avoid the death penalty, and it will be a very authoritative reward in the court and the family in the future."

She probably won't be able to use the gold medal for avoiding death, and it's even more impossible to become an official in the imperial court, and her family is not here, but she likes the former one very much. There must be a lot of good things in the pavilion.

"If there is no objection, I will award this special prize to Feng Yunyao." Dean Ye said again.

Zhao Qin smiled gratifiedly, turned back to his place, and said to Feng Yunyao, "Congratulations."

At this moment, a voice sounded, "I don't accept it!"

Everyone's eyes focused on the person who said this, Dean Ye's complexion couldn't help but sink, and He Xu's eyes became a little sharper, "What's wrong with this classmate?"

That's right, why are you so unconvinced? After all, people sacrificed their lives for credit. After hearing what Zhao Qin said, it's normal to get special prizes. Everyone looked at Lin Wei, waiting for her words.

Lin Wei clenched her fists, the sternness in her eyes flashed, and then she said in an aggrieved and stubborn tone: "Obviously I came up with the detoxification method, or I told Feng Yunyao how to solve it. I am not convinced to take the credit for myself.”

As soon as she said this, the crowd became noisy again, with more doubts and perplexities.

What's going on, isn't Feng Yunyao the one who detoxified the people of Qingcheng, why is it Lin Wei again.

"Why are you so shameless? It's obviously the antidote concocted by my master." If it wasn't for Lin Lang's pull, Mu Yan would have rushed to beat Lin Wei in anger.

Jiang Mo's face darkened, "On the first day, you ran away because you were afraid of contracting the plague. What's wrong with you? A person who is afraid of death dares to take credit for A Yao's work."

"No matter how many of you there are, you can't change the fact that she stole my credit." Lin Wei took a few steps back with some guilt, but she didn't change her ways at all.

The faces of the student leaders and teachers sitting on the stage were dark and terrifying. They didn't see what happened in Qingcheng with their own eyes, but General Lu had clearly stated that it was the antidote prepared by Feng Yunyao, and it was her again. In order to treat those people who have been deeply poisoned, they have not slept for four days, and they can't even drink their saliva. Even a four or five-year-old child can't help but give her food. Now this student who was supposed to escape She jumped out and accused Feng Yunyao of stealing her achievements.

They definitely wouldn't believe Lin Wei's words, but they couldn't make an arbitrary decision, after all, they had to figure out even if there was a [-]% possibility.

"You say." Dean Ye suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly.

Between Lin Wei and Feng Yunyao, he would choose to trust Feng Yunyao. After all, Feng Yunyao was the one who rescued the people in Qingcheng from the beginning to the end, and Lin Wei deserted on the first day of his visit. He was afraid of death. I understand, but it is very shameful to snatch other people's credit without conscience. As the dean, he is ashamed to have such a student.

(End of this chapter)

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