Chapter 576

Chapter 570 Six I Want To Kill If He Is Not Happy

Lin Wei panicked immediately, and gritted her teeth, pointing at Feng Yunyao and complaining: "You must have added other poisons in it, you must have added other poisons, and deliberately used it to mislead me."

The medicinal materials and quantities she used were exactly the same, so how could she not be able to solve it.

Feng Yunyao ignored her, but used these medicinal materials to reconstitute an antidote, and regardless of whether Lin Wei wanted to drink it, just like the way she just fed blood, she squeezed her cheek and poured it directly.

"Ahem." Lin Wei hated this woman to death at this moment, but when she saw the bruises on her palms disappear, she was dumbfounded.

"Impossible, impossible. You must have added the antidote to it while we were not paying attention. You must have tampered with it." Lin Wei still refused to admit it. As long as she didn't admit it, they would have nothing to do with her.

Before Feng Yunyao could open her mouth to argue, Dean Ye took the initiative to defend her, "Lin Wei, you are still determined to change, you didn't see the difference between the antidote she prepared and yours, but we did I can see that you added all the medicinal materials together with ginger and white vinegar, but classmate Feng divided them into two procedures. She put the medicinal materials together and boiled them, and the ginger and white vinegar were mixed together before adding them to the boiled medicinal materials , in fact, the so-called ginger and white vinegar are not used for detoxification at all, but to stimulate the medicinal effect of Mitsubishi grass. It can’t achieve that effect.”

Dean Ye said so, even people who don't know medical skills can tell who is telling the truth.

"Lin Wei, it is a shame that our college has a student like you. This old man announces here that Lin Wei will no longer be a student of our college from now on."

Without the title of student of Xuanhuang Academy, how could Lin Wei accept it? It is precisely because she is a student of Xuanhuang Academy that she has the highest status in the family. Now that it is gone, it means that everything is gone.

Thinking that she would be ridiculed by others when she returned home, and that she would no longer have the original preferential treatment, Lin Wei gritted her head and refused to confess, angrily said: "I didn't, it was Feng Yunyao who took the credit for me, it was her, she should go She is the one who loves you!"

Everyone felt that her struggle was unreasonable. Someone said: "Although I don't know medical skills, Dean Ye's medical skills are very good. He said so, so you are lying."

"I didn't lie!" Lin Wei looked at Dean Ye, and the hatred in his eyes grew stronger. Well, if you don't make me feel better, then we all don't want to feel better.

Suddenly, she pointed at Dean Ye and said with heartbroken anger: "President, you are so partial to Feng Yunyao, don't you have any shady activities? Everyone knows that you have been widowed for many years and have not found another woman. How can a normal man bear it for so many years, you must have taken a fancy to Feng..."

Before she finished speaking, she couldn't speak, she could only open her mouth and her face flushed.

"Shut up!" Dean Ye was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and his body trembled from anger.

Everyone doesn't know that Dean Ye has a deep affection for his wife, and he hasn't married for many years, so how could he have such dirty feelings towards a young female student.

This Lin Wei is simply rebellious, and when things come to light, she pours dirty water on the upstanding Dean Ye. Such a person is not only bad at being a human being, but also completely devoid of morality.

Lin Wei opened her mouth and couldn't utter a single word. When she saw Feng Yunyao approaching, she immediately guessed that she must have done it, and she made herself speechless.

Feng Yunyao walked over, kicked Lin Wei, kicked her to the ground, stepped on her face, looked down at her, with a cold light shining in her deep eyes, "Lin Wei, what did you say? If it reaches his ears, he will be very unhappy, if he is unhappy, I want to kill someone."

Everyone didn't know what she was talking about, but those who were close could feel her murderous aura, she wanted to kill Lin Wei!
Even the people sitting on the stage felt her murderous aura.

"Ayao, don't do it!" Lin Daoyuan couldn't sit still any longer, flew over and pulled Feng Yunyao away, "Ayao, Lin Wei has her own academy to punish, you must not dirty your hands."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, if Feng Yunyao really killed her, even if Xuanhuang Academy could keep her, it would be a great hindrance to her development in the future.

The killing intent in Feng Yunyao's eyes disappeared, and Lin Wei also heaved a sigh of relief. Just now, her eyes clearly showed killing intent towards her. If Lin Daoyuan hadn't stopped her, maybe she would really kill her .

"Even if you have nothing to do with Dean Ye, you can't just rely on Dean Ye's words to conclude that your antidote is real, but mine is not. You must have tampered with the blood." Lin Without Feng Yunyao's threat, Wei still gritted her teeth and refused to admit it, and continued to pour sewage on Feng Yunyao.

Feng Yunyao frowned slightly impatiently. Suddenly, she grabbed Lin Wei's cheek again and stuffed a pill into her mouth.

"Ouch, Feng Yunyao, what are you giving me again! Get the antidote!" Lin Wei pinched her throat and wanted to vomit the pill, but unfortunately the pill disappeared instantly after entering her stomach.

Feng Yunyao raised her hand and made a gesture in front of her. Lin Wei instantly turned into a puppet, standing there with her eyes out of focus.

"What did you do when you arrived in Qingcheng?" Feng Yunyao's cold voice seemed to be seductive, and he couldn't help but want to answer her question.

When Lin Wei heard her question, she replied dully, "Go and help."

"How many days have you stayed in Qingcheng?"

"There is a plague there. I was afraid of being infected, so I left and went home."

"What about the antidote?"

"I was jealous of Feng Yunyao and wanted that special merit, so I made it up on purpose. Dean Ye is not rigid, and if he refuses to help me, I will ruin his reputation."

Her words immediately caused an uproar among the crowd, even if there were people who sympathized with her just now, they all looked at her like garbage.

This woman not only ran away, but also shamelessly snatched other people's credit, and what was even more intolerable, even poured dirty water on a respected person like Dean Ye. It was a crime beyond reproach.

Feng Yunyao snapped her fingers, Lin Wei was in a trance for a moment, and then she woke up completely.

This time Feng Yunyao deliberately reminded her of what she just said.

Lin Wei remembered her answer just now, her face turned pale with fright, her lips trembled, "It's not me, I don't."

Dean Ye smashed the table in front of him into ashes with one palm, and said angrily: "From now on, Lin Wei is no longer a student of Xuanhuang Academy, and her family will not be allowed to apply for Xuanhuang Academy for 100 years. She pulled it down and threw it out of Phoenix Mountain."

Dean Ye's words not only made Lin Wei lose the honor of being a student of Xuanhuang College, but also affected her family. When she returned to the family, she might become a target of public criticism.

Everyone knew, but no one pleaded for her. This is the rule of Xuanhuang Academy. What's more, Lin Wei shamelessly snatched other people's credit, and forcibly charged the real creditor with a crime of theft. Such a person does not deserve sympathy.

"No!" Lin Wei hurriedly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy loudly, "Dean, I was wrong, please give me another chance, I don't want to leave the academy."

(End of this chapter)

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