Chapter 577 Jealousy
Chapter 570: Jealousy
The two disciples who came out immediately restrained her and pulled her out regardless of her struggle.

This awards ceremony is the end. Of course, everyone will not sympathize with Lin Wei. Such a despicable and shameless person does not deserve sympathy.

Dean Ye concealed his anger, regained his composure, and looked down at the students below, "This is the end of the awarding issue, the old man announced the second thing, three days later will be the annual hunting competition held by the four countries, when the four countries Students from the National Academy will participate. If there is no accident, the rulers of various countries will also come to watch the game. There will be good prizes at that time. Regardless of whether you can get the prizes or not, being able to participate in such a hunting competition is also a kind of exercise for you , I hope you can achieve a good result under the premise of protecting yourself."

As soon as he said this, everyone began to discuss in low voices again.

Zhao Qin took the initiative to explain to Feng Yunyao: "Although the Hunting Competition is not as big as the Four Kingdoms Competition, it is a good opportunity to become famous. It is held by the Four Kingdoms Academy, and not only nobles from all over the world will come to visit For the event, even the king may come."

People who practice martial arts like them, who don't want to gain a good reputation outside, if they can get good results in the hunting competition, their reputation will definitely increase greatly.

"Learn to hunt? Do you want to hunt monsters?" Feng Yunyao asked casually.

"Well, in the end, it is judged by the number and level of the magical beast pills played, so this time the main participants are students from the Xiuxuan sub-school and the Beast Control sub-school. As for the other three sub-schools, they just learned from the past. It is rare to get a ranking." When he said this, he definitely did not underestimate the other three sub-academics, but that killing monsters still requires force, and the students of the other three sub-academics are far inferior to Xiuxuan and There are two sub-schools of Beast Control.

Feng Yunyao remained silent and didn't say anything more.

After the announcement, Dean Ye went back. As for the students, they all followed their teachers back to the sub-academy, and briefly talked about the things that need to be paid attention to when studying.

"In the past years, the Hunting Competition was irrelevant to our Spiritual Education Branch School. We went there just to gather some experience. This year is different. We must get a good result this year." Lin Daoyuan said with a look on his face. He looked at Feng Yunyao peacefully, as if pinning his hopes on her.

Immediately someone responded, "We have Junior Sister Feng in our academy, with Junior Sister Feng's cultivation level, she will definitely get a good name."

"Not necessarily. After all, all the students of the Four Kingdoms Academy participated. Junior Sister Feng's cultivation is not top-notch. I heard that there are several students of the Profound Sage in two branch schools." Some people whispered.

What this student said is correct, but there are quite a few students in Xuanhuang Academy who have a higher level of cultivation than Feng Yunyao, let alone other Three Kingdoms Academy, this time Yuling Branch Academy still can't get a good ranking .

Lin Daoyuan glared at the student angrily, and he couldn't let him think about it. He insisted on demolishing him, "Forget it, forget it, you can do your best, the premise is that you must protect yourself well, and don't act recklessly, you know."

"Understood, teacher."

After Lin Daoyuan left, all the students in the class congratulated Feng Yunyao one after another.

"Junior Sister Feng, congratulations, you have won the special prize. This is the only special prize that our Yuling sub-school has won in a hundred years. In the past, they were awarded by Xiuxuan sub-school and Alchemy sub-school."

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect that Junior Sister Feng is not only a four-star student, but also has such good medical skills."

Feng Yunyao greeted the classmates who came to congratulate her with a faint smile.

"Congratulations, classmate Fengfeng." Hong Yu also congratulated her shyly.

"Thank you." Feng Yunyao said with a chuckle.

Looking at Feng Yunyao surrounded by the crowd, Luo Ning'er felt very uncomfortable. Why didn't all of this belong to her? Why is Feng Yunyao so good? Not only is she a four-star student, but even her medical skills are so high. Why!
Feng Yunyao returned to her residence, and wanted to enter the holy cauldron to practice, but at this moment there was a knock on the door, and she sat back on the chair.

"Come in."

The door was gently pushed open, and Luo Ning'er walked in, "Junior Sister Feng."

Seeing the people who came in, Feng Yunyao showed a look of impatience, "What are you doing here?"

Luo Ning'er didn't seem to notice her unwelcoming attitude, and walked in slowly, holding a box in her hand, with a soft and shy smile on her face.

"Junior Sister Feng won the special prize. Ning'er hasn't congratulated Junior Sister Feng face to face. This is a gift from Ning'er to Junior Sister Feng. It's a dagger. I hope Junior Sister Feng will not dislike her."

She opened the box, and inside was a dagger inlaid with gemstones. The workmanship was very exquisite, and even the pattern on the scabbard was so lifelike, it was something little girls liked.

"This dagger is my 16th birthday present from my father. It is my favorite weapon. Today, to congratulate Junior Sister Feng for winning the special prize, let me give it to Junior Sister Feng."

Luo Ning'er handed the dagger to Feng Yunyao, with a friendly smile on her delicate face.

Feng Yunyao glanced at the dagger, her voice was still cold, "Since you like it so much, you should take it back, I don't lack weapons."

No matter what Luo Ning'er's intention for giving her the knife is, she really doesn't like dealing with people like Luo Ning'er, she even hates it, she never likes talking nonsense to people she hates, and she doesn't even want to talk to them.

Luo Ning'er could guess that she would refuse, but she didn't expect her to refuse so simply, her hand holding the dagger tightened a little, and there was more hatred in her wet eyes.

Well, you Feng Yunyao, since you look down on me so much, don't blame me for being rude, you forced me to do this.

Luo Ning'er suddenly withdrew the hand holding the dagger and stabbed it directly into her shoulder. She sat on the ground abruptly, looked at Feng Yunyao in disbelief, "Junior Sister Feng, why did you kill me?"

Seeing her self-directed and acted scene, Feng Yunyao couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and looked at Luo Ning'er who was sitting on the ground with leisure, with a vague smile on her lips, "Did you participate in today's award ceremony? "

"I..." Luo Ning'er stared at her warily. She didn't know what she was talking about, but she had a hunch that it was definitely not a good thing. This woman's heart was too dark.

Feng Yunyao gave a low laugh, and said, "Have you seen Lin Wei's fate? Do you think your willpower is stronger than hers, or do you think everyone is stupid and you are the smart one?"

She mentioned Lin Wei, and Luo Ning'er suddenly remembered that Lin Wei was controlled by her medicine today, and she told all of her actions. If Feng Yunyao controlled her like this, even if she attracted others, she would stab herself The knife thing will also come out.

Luo Ning'er was afraid for a while, she really lost her head just now, and actually used this method to frame Feng Yunyao, but now she was stabbed in vain, but it didn't help at all.

(End of this chapter)

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