Chapter 578 I'm Not Human Anyway
Chapter 570 I'm Not Human Anyway
"Get out, or your dagger will not only be stuck in your shoulder, but in your heart."

Listening to her cold words, Luo Ning'er only felt a chill behind her back, her whole body was cold, and she didn't care about the pain in her shoulder, she hurriedly got up from the ground and ran.

This female devil is too scary, she doesn't want to have anything to do with her anymore, she stabbed herself, if it were someone else, she would definitely deny it, or panic, but she, as if nothing happened, threatened in turn she.

She made a lot of determination to stab herself, but in Feng Yunyao's eyes, she is simply a clown, not to mention.

Is there really that much difference between her and Feng Yunyao? She doesn't believe it is true, but every time she makes a move, she will easily resolve it, and even hurt herself.

No, she must find a way to get rid of Feng Yunyao as soon as possible. Her stay in Xuanhuang Academy poses a serious threat to her and other students. You can see what happens to Lin Wei. It won't be long. More students have suffered. As a compassionate person, we must not allow this to happen.

But with her ability, she couldn't deal with Feng Yunyao. She thought that Ye Xueran would be a sharp knife in her hand and could stab Feng Yunyao, but she didn't expect Ye Xueran to be so brainless. Polar what's left.

The most hateful thing is that not only did Ye Xueran not think of a way to get rid of the scourge of Feng Yunyao, she was also thinking all day about how to pursue Senior Brother Qing Lan. No, two days ago, she heard someone say that Senior Brother Qing Lan was in Yucheng Once there, she just ran over there and hasn't returned yet.

If she had Ye Xueran's background, if her father was the dean of Xuanhuang Academy, would she still be so passive, would she still be bullied by Feng Yunyao? Feng Yunyao would have been expelled from Xuanhuang Academy long ago .

It's a pity that she didn't. Although her father is a direct son of the Luo family, he is only the second direct son of a side branch, and it will never be his turn to succeed the head of the family in the future.

It's all because her grandfather is useless. She failed to win the big house when she competed for the position of head of the family, so that her status is not so high now. She should be a little princess who is admired by all the stars.

Luo Ning'er couldn't help complaining about her family in her heart, and walked towards her residence while covering the wound on her shoulder.

"Junior Sister Luo, what's the matter with you? Why are you bleeding so much?" A student from the Yuling School saw that her body was covered in blood, so he came over and asked concerned.

Because the school uniform was white, and because Luo Ning'er hadn't treated her wounds, half of her body was dyed red, which made her look very creepy.

Seeing someone asking herself, Luo Ning'er clutched her wound and was on the verge of collapsing, looking very powerless, "Ning'er accidentally hurt herself, senior brother, don't ask."

"How could I hurt myself and my shoulder?" The student was very confused and reached out to support her, "I'll take you to see a doctor."

"Thank you, Senior Brother." Luo Ning'er looked very weak, as if she could die anytime, anywhere.

"Junior Sister, I've offended you." The student didn't care about the difference between men and women, picked her up by the waist, and ran quickly to the place where the doctor lived.

"What's the matter?" Because the men and women were hugging and running, they immediately attracted the attention of many people, who came to ask.

"Junior Sister Luo is injured, I'll take her to see a doctor."

Luo Ning'er was very afraid that Feng Yunyao wanted to make this matter worse, so she closed her eyes and pretended to be dizzy.

Yes, she is weak now, if Feng Yunyao used Lin Wei's trick to deal with her, she would say that she was unwell and Feng Yunyao controlled her to say that.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes with peace of mind, and waited for the next good show.

Injuring a fellow student for no reason will result in expulsion from the academy.

Feng Yunyao got Xiaobai and the three-eyed civet out, and asked them to clean up the blood on the ground, while she got into the holy cauldron to practice.

Her sixth dragon soul seal has been released, and she doesn't know if she can advance.

But before she could sit still, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Feng Yunyao frowned, really annoying.

She never wanted to provoke anyone, but there was a group of mindless people who kept bumping into her.

As soon as he came out of the holy cauldron, the door was knocked open.

"Feng Yunyao, why did you hurt Junior Sister Luo?" a leading student from the Yuling School asked her loudly.

Afterwards, a teacher from the Yuling Branch Academy came in.

This is Teacher Yang, who leads another class in the Yuling branch school.

"Your teacher Lin has gone out, I'll help him deal with what happened in the next class." Teacher Yang knows this new Fengyun character in the academy. If she really hurt her fellow student on purpose, it would be a pity. It is stipulated that no matter how good the ability is and how talented she is, as long as she hurts her classmates or does something against morality, she will be expelled from the academy.

Feng Yunyao looked at Teacher Yang coldly, with impatience in her eyes.

She finally had some free time to sit down and practice, but was disturbed by this group of people again.

Standing here, Teacher Yang was a little scared by her sharp eyes. He was a teacher who was shocked by a student. If it spread, it would be a big shame.

Thinking of this, he looked at Feng Yunyao very seriously and said, "I don't know what happened between you and Luo Ning'er, but it's wrong for you to hurt her with a dagger. The academy stipulates that apart from martial arts contests, students Fighting is not allowed, and if it is minor, it will be recorded as a major demerit, or if it is serious, it will be expelled from the academy."

Immediately, some students echoed Teacher Yang's words, "Junior Sister Feng, the punishment for fighting is very severe. I advise you to quickly admit your mistake to the teacher and apologize to Junior Sister Luo. I believe the academy will not punish you too severely."

After all, she just won the special prize, but she has won great honor for the academy, and she is a rare four-star genius student. I believe that as long as she admits her mistakes with sincerity, the academy will give her a chance to reform.

"Fortunately, Junior Sister Luo is not seriously injured. As long as you can sincerely admit your mistake, I believe the academy will not make things difficult for you." Another student persuaded.

Seeing that all the students persuaded Feng Yunyao together with him, Teacher Yang felt less frustrated from her just now, "Well, as long as you admit your mistake to Luo Ning'er, I will help you in the dean's office. Ask for mercy there."

With her ability, if she doesn't make mistakes in the future, she will definitely be able to shine, and her achievements will not be low. He is doing well in front of her now, so as to save a way for the future.

Feng Yunyao laughed lowly, and there was sarcasm in the laughter, "I didn't do anything wrong, it's because you saw me assassinate her with your own eyes."

"Is that true? However, she walked out of your residence injured, and there was still blood stains outside your door. If it wasn't for you, she would have stabbed it herself." Teacher Yang said.

"She stabbed it herself, but I saw it with my own eyes. She stabbed herself in the shoulder in order to frame Master." Xiaobai pinched his waist with his claws and vowed to help Master scold him to the end.

As soon as it said this, it was immediately refuted by a student, "You are her beast, and you will definitely speak to her. You cannot be a witness."

"I can't be a witness, but I can be a witness. I'm not human anyway."


(End of this chapter)

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