Chapter 600 is targeted
Chapter [-] was targeted
Three twelfth-order magic cores, and four are tenth-level magic cores, all of which are eleventh-level magic cores.

Just those three twelfth-level magic cores far exceeded the points of all her magic cores. If Mu Yanbing hadn't sealed the twelfth-level monster, she might not even have a twelfth-level one, although Xiaoxue Both of them are holy beasts. Although a twelfth-level monster can't beat them, it can still escape from their noses.

"Boss, you are really worthy of being my boss, you are too powerful." Yu Le returned the bag to Feng Yunyao.

Soon, the person who recorded the results began to record the results. As for the disgusting Luo Ning'er who hasn't come yet, I don't know if she was eaten by a monster. up.

Because the number of people was much smaller, the results were recorded soon, and only the top [-] were selected in the third round.

The first to be announced is the final top [-] list.

Mu Yan and Luo Li are all behind the fifty, but they have entered the third round anyway, Yu Le doesn't have to worry, because she has a twelfth-level magic core, she will definitely be able to enter, since she is not in the bottom fifty, she must Just in the top fifty, only Ruan Chengyu is worried now.

"No. 80 is nine Bai Li, No. 90 is Gu Xingfa... No. 90 is five Los Angeles."

Hearing that he has already reached No.90 five, Jiang Mo and others are worried about Ruan Chengyu, but Ruan Chengyu is indifferent, it is not that he is confident that he can enter the top [-], but whether he can enter the top [-] His name didn't matter to him either.

"No.90 six Ruan Chengyu."

"Great, brother Ruan, you're in too." Jiang Mo excitedly held Ruan Chengyu's shoulder and shook it vigorously.

"This time all of us are promoted, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, after the competition is over, Jiang Mo, you want to treat us to a restaurant." Mu Yan was so excited, but when it came to the treat, it fell on Jiang Moyao's head. They are poor.

Jiang Mo snorted dissatisfiedly, "Why should I invite you? Your master is much richer than me, but don't forget that the king rewarded her with [-] amethyst stones before the start of the competition."

"It's different. Master is from my own family. I feel comfortable spending your money."

"Mu Feichai, when did Ayao belong to your family? It's obviously mine, okay? She..." Jiang Mo really wanted to say that she was his cousin, but when he thought about it, there were some things he couldn't tell of.

Then, give Mu Yan a 'you understand' look.

Now Jiang Mo also knows. In fact, Mu Yan and the others all know about the matter between Di Jiushang and Feng Yunyao, and they knew each other early on. Mu Yan and the others were brought into Xuanhuang Academy by Di Jiushang.

Jiang Mo felt much better when he showed off like this.

"Tch, he's not your real brother either." Mu Yan said sarcastically.

They were excited and straightforward, and Ruan Chengyu, who was surrounded, blushed because of embarrassment.

Ruan Chengyu is the most gentle gentleman among them, Luo Li is indifferent, he is indifferent to everyone except Feng Yunyao, which is different from Ruan Chengyu's elegance.

The excited celebration here made the people around couldn't stand it any longer, and some even said, "It's just three promotions. What's the point of congratulations? I really thought the top fifty were so easy to advance, maybe one of the next four Can't get in."

"No way, who makes people confident, just wait and see."

"Haha, I'd like to see how many they can enter, but don't let these three be terminated."

"You want to fight, don't you? Come here." Jiang Mo, the second ancestor who fought wherever he went, really planned to fight with him.

"And me, call me for a fight." Mu Yan raised his chin, his arrogant posture did not lose Jiang Mo at all, anyway, he used to come from a dude.

"Come back to me." Feng Yunyao said, Jiang Mo and Mu Yan came back immediately and stood in line.

For other people's ridicule, the best thing is to slap them in the face with grades that keep them out of reach.

Next, the results of the top [-] will be announced, and the second result will be added to the sum of the first time.

Lin Lang was ranked 42nd, Jiang Mo was ranked 38th, but Yu Le surprised everyone by breaking into the top 18 and successfully advanced with a good score of No.[-].

After the announcement of Yu Le's results, those who laughed at them turned their faces away one after another. Seven or six of them have advanced, and the rest is the captain among them. Needless to say, the captain will definitely advance, and he is still the same as before The first-name results are promoted, and the other team really advances with all members.

Feng Yunyao is No.5, Zhao Qin is No.2, Ji Hui is No.1, and Tuoba Junhe is No.[-].

The top three are very tight, and the difference between them is only about ten, but the most noticeable one is not No.1, but No.5 Feng Yunyao.

You must know that this is the combined result of the two rounds. In the first round, Feng Yunyao's team scores were very average, so that her score was not high. Her score was 1 points behind No.5 Ji Hui, but The difference between her No.1 and No.[-] Tuoba Junhe in the second round was less than [-] points.

Therefore, in the second round of the individual competition, there is no doubt that Feng Yunyao should be the one.

"Brother Nine, Ayao is amazing, she actually won No.5." Di Xingrui's undisguised excitement made Di Jiushang really upset when he saw it, but the corners of his lips rose slightly, obviously in a good mood.

Di Chengyuan was very surprised by Feng Yunyao's results, and then looked at Di Jiushang suspiciously, as if asking if he would help.

You must know that the old nine entered the forest during the competition, and with the strength of the old nine, he can crush all the students, and it is not an exaggeration to send Feng Yunyao to No.1 directly.

"Old Jiu, if you violate the rules again, I will disqualify her from the competition." Di Chengyuan had already identified Feng Yunyao from the Emperor Jiushang Gang in his heart.

The corner of Di Jiushang's lips overflowed with sarcasm, "It's hard for you to admit that others are excellent?"

"You..." Di Chengyuan hid his anger, "In short, you are not allowed to enter the forest in the next round."

"I swear, I never helped her in this hunting competition." Di Jiushang said seriously.

Although Di Chengyuan has been separated from this son for many years, he still knows something about him. He definitely did not help Feng Yunyao by saying this, because this son is too proud. In the past, even if others misunderstood him, he would not He didn't bother to explain, but instead of Feng Yunyao, he swore to excuse her.

No, a woman like Feng Yunyao must not stay. Staying with Di Jiushang is definitely a disaster, but he can't touch her. If something happens to this woman, he will definitely fulfill what he said before, and let this woman There is no such country as Tianxuan Kingdom in this continent.

It's not like he didn't think about taking action in this hunting competition, making an accident and killing Feng Yunyao. You know, students from the four countries gathered. Who knows who did her death, but he didn't expect that he didn't like to participate in it. The old nine who did this kind of thing actually followed her, and even went into the forest to protect her personally.

This made it impossible for him to do anything, as long as he did something wrong, he would definitely anger Di Jiushang.

Tomorrow is the last day, is he going to give up such a good opportunity?

In fact, it is enough to lure Emperor Jiushang away, and let Feng Yunyao's death have nothing to do with Tianxuan Kingdom, but how can Lao Jiu be transferred away.

Everyone here has their own ghosts. After the results were announced, they thought they would let all the students go back to rest, but the person who announced the results said again, "Now I want to announce the first award of this competition."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was puzzled, shouldn't the awards be announced after the end? Why are they announced now?

"The Best Excellent Team Award, because the Invincible Team is the only team among all the teams that has all members advanced. This award is specially set up as an encouragement."

"Boss, aren't we the Invincible Team? Great, we won the award." Yu Le was so excited that he wanted to jump up.

Apart from Luo Li, Mu Yan and the others were also very happy. They won the award before the competition was over. Who else could have such an honor.

But Feng Yunyao's complexion was very serious, she pursed her lips and said nothing, showing no joy to Yu Le and the others.

She always felt that someone did this on purpose. Before the competition was over, they were given an award, which immediately put all of them in the spotlight. targeted.

Di Jiushang, who was sitting on the stage, also realized this, and he suddenly looked at Di Chengyuan.

He looked at Di Chengyuan with icy cold eyes. Although they are all at the peak of Xuanzun, he is still a person who has been in power for a long time, but he was inexplicably afraid of his son, and instinctively explained to himself, "No I, I don't know what's going on."

However, he felt in his heart that he did a great job, that there are still people who don't want Feng Yunyao to feel better, and it's better to get rid of Feng Yunyao without him taking action, so that even the old nine monsters can't blame him.

Di Jiushang got up and disappeared in an instant, as if he was going to settle accounts with the person who punished Feng Yunyao's team.

The person who announced the results was disbanded after the announcement. Many people looked at Feng Yunyao and his team's eyes. As expected, they won the award before the competition was over. Who wouldn't want such an honor.

After Feng Yunyao and the others left, a handsome and elegant young man came out from the darkness, and a young man wearing the same clothes as him stood beside him.

"Hey, we eliminated one this time, otherwise we would have won the prize." The man sighed.

Ji Hui mocked lightly, "You think this award is so easy to win, and their team members, especially the captain Feng Yunyao, are going to be targeted by others."

"What do you mean?" The team member didn't quite understand what he meant.

"Someone wants to punish this team on purpose. To be precise, the person who wants to punish is Feng Yunyao. In terms of the second round results, Feng Yunyao is undoubtedly the first. In addition, their team won another award. You don't think others will be envious. , you see, Tuoba Junhe, who had been staring at me all the time, has changed his target."

After hearing his analysis, the teammate immediately understood, "Yeah, in the second round, we were obviously targeted, and there were even many people and the captain who robbed you of the resources of Warcraft, which made us have to change places. Keep changing places, so the points will be much less.”

(End of this chapter)

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