Chapter 601
Chapter [-]: Luo Li in Distress
Others don't know, but he knows it very well, because he and the captain have always kept a close distance, the captain was targeted by several groups of people, and some people even deliberately said that the captain robbed their beast source, and they had to pull the captain to prevent him from leaving. It took a lot of time to reason with him, which led to the captain only taking No.2 in the second round.

However, now that the attention is all drawn to Feng Yunyao's team, they can breathe a sigh of relief in the third round and let those people pinch each other, they only need to make a profit.

Yu Le and the others, who had been in high excitement all the time, finally realized Feng Yunyao's strangeness, "Boss, what's wrong with you, why do you look so serious, is it someone who messed with you, tell me, and I will help the boss fix him. "

Feng Yunyao pursed her lips, looked at her comrades seriously, and said, "This award will make our team a target of public criticism. The third round must focus on safety, and don't try to be brave, especially Yu Le, Mu Yan, Jiang Mo, you three, It's best to follow Luo Li."

As soon as she said this, the others realized the seriousness of the matter, but Yu Le didn't take it seriously and said: "They are jealous of proving our excellence. Anyway, the award has been given to us, so we just take it."

Feng Yunyao frowned slightly, ignored her, and said to Luo Li: "You are responsible for keeping an eye on her in tomorrow's competition. If you don't restrain her, just tell me."

Although Mu Yan and Jiang Mo were bohemian, they obeyed her arrangement, but the girl Yu Le listened to her one moment and left it behind the next moment.

"it is good."

Feng Yunyao flicked a red signal to Luo Li.

"Boss, if you do this, I'm really not free." Yu Le was very helpless, and she still wanted to do something big tomorrow.

Now she is ranked eighteenth, and if she moves forward, if she enters the top ten, she can't even imagine that she is too good.

After the person who announced the results finished, he left in a hurry.

He always felt that something bad was going to happen, and he had to get out of here quickly.

As soon as this thought came out, a purple figure flew towards him and landed not far from him.

Dressed in purple clothes, independent of the world, proud and indifferent, he is not like a man who looks like a god, even a god.

"Ming, Your Highness Pluto." Seeing the person clearly, the person who announced the results knelt down in fright.

Because the master messenger behind the scenes specially instructed him that once the reading was finished, Di Jiushang might come to him and tell him to leave here as soon as he finished reading, but he still didn't have time to leave.

Di Jiushang ignored him, and quickly tied him up with a silver thread from his sleeve, dragging him towards a tent with ease.

"Your Highness, please..." The man wanted to plead, but he couldn't speak, so he could only let Di Jiushang drag him away.

When he arrived at the tent, Di Jiushang moved his hand slightly, and the person being dragged flew directly into the tent, and then a white figure flew out from the tent.

The white quicksand skirt drew a graceful arc as she flew, a beautiful lady, graceful like a fairy.

Seeing Di Jiushang, the woman's lips curved into a perfect arc, "Brother, why are you here?"

The voice is mellow and pleasant, but it has an indescribable charm.

Seeing that he didn't answer, the indifference remained the same as before, the woman was not afraid of him, instead she let out a silver bell-like laugh, "It seems that Qingyan offended senior brother, senior brother is here to Xingshi to question her, alas, I want to see the teacher It's really hard on the elder brother's side, Qingyan has to play tricks."

Di Jiushang looked at her coldly, and moved his hand hidden in his sleeve slightly, "If you dare to touch her again, I won't take Master's face into consideration."

After leaving this sentence, the person has disappeared.

After he left, Qingyan spat out a mouthful of blood, clutching her left shoulder, which was already soaked in blood.

Looking at the blood-stained clothes, her eyes grew colder.

Brother, I have loved you for so many years and never changed, but you hurt me because of a woman!
"Qingyan, I told you not to touch Feng Yunyao, why didn't you listen."

Dressed in light blue clothes, Qing Lan came out from the darkness, looked at Qing Yan whose left half was covered with blood, and there was no distress in her eyes, as if she was looking at an irrelevant person.

"Hehe, the more you guys don't let me move, the more I want to move." Qingyan laughed wildly, her beautiful eyes full of water mist stared at the dark direction, "If it hurts my heart, I will make his heart hurt."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left, and there was a bloodstain on the ground as she walked, and she ignored the injury, as if it wasn't her who was injured.

"Crazy, they are all crazy." Qing Lan shrugged indifferently, and they didn't care about him.

However, with the addition of Feng Yunyao, I believe it will be very exciting in the future.

Hey, this day is so boring, it would be a good thing to have some excitement.

Feng Yunyao entered the camp, but still chose to rest in the holy cauldron.

Not only is it uncomfortable to sleep outside, but you also have to be on guard against other people's tricks. How can you sleep peacefully in the Holy Cauldron.

The next day, the competition started. This was the last one, and it was also the key to determining the results.

Not long after Feng Yunyao entered the forest, Di Jiushang followed him in like the previous two times.

He has been protecting her secretly from a distance, and if her life is in danger, he will definitely take action, and he will not help her secretly when she is practicing hunting, because she has her pride.

Feng Yunyao went straight into the depths of the forest this time, and everyone would fight hard and choose the most extreme methods to get more points.

If you want to get the first place, you must get more twelfth-order magic cores.

Fortunately, she has Xiaobai around, so she can easily find out where the monster's door is, which saves her a lot of effort.

There are also people who want to target her, but no one can compare to her in terms of the speed of plucking out the magic core. In the end, those who have been following her to snatch the magic core have to leave, because there are only people who help her fight monsters. As for the magic core, don't even think about it. This woman is too cunning, and she always takes the lead every time.

But there are still those nasty people hanging around you all the time.

"Miss Feng, it seems that you have gained a lot." Tuoba Junhe walked towards her, not seeing her dislike at all, and still greeted her like an old friend.

Feng Yunyao narrowed her eyes and stared at Tuoba Junhe coldly, "You want to snatch my magic core?"

"Hehe, of course not. The competition stipulates that those who snatch other people's magic cores will be withdrawn from the competition. I don't want to retire." Tuoba Junhe's eyes flashed, and he directly stated his purpose without hesitation, "Miss Feng, I will give you [-] amethyst stones, how about you help me fight monsters, just fight with me, and the dead monster cores will be mine."

Feng Yunyao sneered, raised her eyebrows and said mockingly: "Do you think I'm short of money?"

"Fifty thousand."

"Crazy." Feng Yunyao dropped these three words and disappeared into the woods, leaving only Tuoba Junhe burning with anger.

He originally thought that his biggest opponent was Ji Hui, but he didn't expect that the one who was most likely to take the first place was not him, let alone Ji Hui, but this dead girl who came out of nowhere.

When Feng Yunyao was hunting monsters, she also met Ji Hui, but Ji Hui was an upright person, and he didn't have the slightest thought of deviating from it. The two just nodded each other, and then went to hunt the beasts .

Time passed by little by little, and the end of the game was coming soon.

"Master, we actually hunted down eleventh- and twelve-level monsters this time, and there were five or six eleventh-level monsters. This time we are sure to win." Xiaobai wiped the dirt on his face with his paw.

Feng Yunyao was covered in blood all over her body, and her face was also dirty, only her eyes were still shining brightly, and she also had several injuries on her body.

Hunting and killing twelfth-order monsters, how can anyone not be injured, and his physical strength is almost exhausted.

"Let's go back." Feng Yunyao felt that the magic core was almost done, and planned to go back.

But at this moment, a familiar signal came out.

Seeing the direction of the signal, her expression suddenly darkened, "No, Luo Li and the others are in danger."

If it wasn't for the danger to his life, Luo Li would definitely not send out the signal she gave.

Her signal is different from the college's signal, as long as her signal is sent out, she can see it, but the college's signal is easily blocked.

There was only her signal, but no signal from the academy. Obviously, the signal from the academy was intercepted.

Feng Yunyao didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly flew towards the location where the signal was sent.

At this moment, Di Jiushang, who had been hiding in the dark, also came out, feeling something was wrong in his heart, and wanted to follow.

But he was blocked by people.

"Junior Brother, long time no see." Qing Lan still had a spring-like smile on her face, and greeted Di Jiushang like an acquaintance.

When Di Jiushang saw Qing Lan's appearance, he couldn't help frowning, and said coldly, "Get out of the way."

"Why is it so cold? Anyway, we grew up together. You came back alive as a senior brother, and I haven't helped you clean up the dust. Otherwise, let's go out and have a drink." Qing Lan completely ignored his attitude and continued Said with a smile on his face.

Di Jiushang ignored him, staggered his body and was about to leave.

"Hey, Junior Brother, don't go." Qing Lan blocked his way again, "Qing Yan has already been injured by you, don't worry, she didn't do it this time."

"Go away!" Di Jiushang directly hit Qing Lan with his hands, his palms were not waterproof at all, and the surrounding trees were instantly smashed to pieces.

Qing Lan's cultivation was as high as his, both at the peak of Xuan Zun, he quickly struck out the palm, and two powerful and astonishing forces collided directly.

The mountain shook suddenly, and the monsters around were shocked, and a large number of them died.

Those students who originally wanted to see what was going on also evacuated one after another, because they knew that there were two great masters fighting here, and if the gods fought with them and mortals, there would be no scum left that would be affected.

"Junior brother, although I can't beat you, I can still pester you." Qing Lan said while dealing with Di Jiushang.

"Xiaofeng." Following Di Jiushang's voice, a colorful fire phoenix flew out, heading towards the direction Feng Yunyao left.

"Black dragon, wrap him up." Qing Lan didn't show any weakness, a ruthless man in black appeared, and instantly transformed into a black dragon, roaring and chasing after Xiaofeng.

(End of this chapter)

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