Chapter 610
Chapter 610
"Take it as a donkey's liver and lungs with good intentions, forget it if you don't eat it." Wu Yong flicked his sleeves and left angrily.

Unexpectedly, Luo Li would be so wary of him. He would definitely not take the pill he gave, so it seems that he can only use the third method.

When Feng Yunyao returned to her residence, Xiaobai crawled out of the Qiankun bag.

"Master, you can pretend to be Luo Li, why don't you just pretend to be Luo Li and complete the bet, wouldn't it be easier?" Xiao Bai sat on the table with his legs drooping and shaking.

Feng Yunyao poured a cup of tea and took a sip, said: "That's cheating, not to mention that I must release my profound strength when I am refining alchemy. Although Wu Yong is not very smart, he is not without brains. He must be able to see Come out, not to mention asking him to kneel down and apologize is too cheap for him."

He actually wanted to kill Luo Li twice in one day, and if he kept him, he would only intensify his revenge on her and Luo Li, so it was better to avoid future troubles.

After returning to the residence, Wu Yong did not act for the next two days, as if he had given up.

"Master, has that Wu Yong given up?" Xiaobai sat on the bed, listening to the surrounding movement with one ear erect.

The master said, let it pay attention to the outside tonight, and said that Wu Yong is coming soon.

He didn't move for the past two days. Will he come today? However, since the master said he will come, he will definitely come. He just needs to keep an eye on the door.

"Today is the last day, if you don't do anything, he will have no chance." Feng Yunyao lay on the bed with her head resting on her arms, looking relaxed.

"Well, since the master said he will come, I believe he will come." Xiao Bai spread his limbs and lay on the bed, but listened carefully to the outside.

In the middle of the night, everything seems to stop moving and go into sleep.

Xiao Bai, who was lying there sleeping like a piglet, suddenly sat up, hooked his head and looked out, with a very excited expression.

It really came.

He turned his head to ask Feng Yunyao to get up, but saw that she had already sat up at some point.

It was a moonless night, and the sub-school of the Yuling Branch College seemed very quiet.

Because Luo Li was Lin Daoyuan's apprentice, Lin Daoyuan was afraid that he would be bullied by the students of the Alchemy Academy, so he had already transferred him to the Yuling Branch Academy.

You must know that the accommodation conditions in the Yuling branch college are the best, so how can you get a share of such a good accommodation for your own apprentices.

A black shadow quietly jumped into the Yuling Branch Academy from outside, and headed straight for Luo Li's residence, as if he had already confirmed his location.

If he was in the alchemy sub-academy, it would be easy for him to kill Luo Li. It was Lin Daoyuan, a damn bastard, who insisted on getting him to the Yuling sub-academy.

The teachers and students of the Yuling branch college are not high-level, no one noticed his arrival, and he arrived at Luoli's residence after searching.

He leaned in front of the window and flicked something the size of a mung bean into it, which instantly disappeared into a wisp of green smoke.

This is mist, as long as he inhales a little, he will faint immediately, he just needs to go in and destroy Luo Li's soul.

Once the divine essence is destroyed, the light person will become a fool, and the severe one will die. A fool is not surprising to him, so whether he can survive depends on his fortune.

Wu Yong waited outside for a while before opening the door and entering.

Because he used the mist to diffuse, he didn't have to worry about alarming the people inside, so he just walked in like that.

The bed curtain was hanging down, and the situation inside could not be seen.

He flung open the bed curtain and slapped the person on the bed with luck.

At this moment, the sound of the door opening came from behind, Wu Yong quickly turned around to look, and saw a black shadow running out of the house quickly.

Look at the 'person' on the bed is simply a dummy folded from the bedding.

Oops, fell for it.

Wu Yong ran out in a flash, just in time to see the figure entering the back mountain of the Yuling Branch College.


With a shout, the originally quiet Yuling Branch Academy suddenly lit up.

Wu Yong hurriedly chased after him, as long as he killed Luo Li when the person came, he would run away. The Yuling Branch Academy is a bunch of trash, even Lin Daoyuan's cultivation level is similar to his, but he wants to escape from Lin Daoyuan's hands Still easy.

It wasn't that difficult for him to kill Luo Li in one move.

Wu Yong chased 'Luo Li' in front of him and ran to the cliff, only to see 'Luo Li' standing on the edge of the cliff, as if he had reached the point of nowhere.

"Luo Li, go to hell!" Because the cry of 'Luo Li' had already caused a sensation in the academy, he had to make a quick decision.

This palm used [-]% of his profound strength, and with Luo Li's cultivation, it was impossible to dodge it. Whether he was beaten to death or thrown off the cliff, he would die.

But he thought it was a surefire slap, but was dodged by 'Luo Li'. Her footsteps were so weird that she couldn't tell that she had reached a safe place.

At this moment, the black cloak covered by 'Luo Li' was lifted, and there was no such thing as Luo Li, it was clearly Feng Yunyao.

She is wearing a white college uniform, and the wind blows her dress and dances. Even in the night, the beauty is soul-stirring.

"Feng Yunyao!" Wu courageously almost vomited blood, he never thought it was Feng Yunyao!

Killing Feng Yunyao is much more difficult than killing Luo Li, the matter has come to this point, killing one by one, compared with Luo Li, this woman is what he wants to kill more.

Wu Yong's fierce profound power surged out again, Zhao Zhao wanted to put Feng Yunyao to death.

Feng Yunyao is also unambiguous, the white figure is as fast as a ghost, and it looks abnormally fast in the night. It can be said that it is a level lower than Wu Yong, and it is not difficult to deal with it.

There is no way, Wu Yong can only fight in close quarters, hoping to find her weakness and kill her with one blow.

Feng Yunyao had been standing on the edge of the cliff, when she saw him coming, she immediately called out: "Xiaobai."

As her voice fell, a huge white dragon roared and rushed towards Wu Yong from above.

Wu Yong was trying to kill Feng Yunyao with all his heart and soul, but he didn't expect such a giant dragon to suddenly appear, and his whole body was knocked off the cliff, instantly swallowed by the mist under the cliff, and disappeared.

When someone came over, Xiaobai had already changed into his original appearance and landed on Feng Yunyao's shoulder.

Lin Daoyuan flew over and saw Feng Yunyao, "Ayao, what's wrong?"

"I don't know either. I was resting just now, and someone came to kill me. I saw that his cultivation level was higher than mine, so I didn't fight him head-on. I fled all the way here. When I was fighting with that person, I accidentally killed him. He broke into the cliff." Feng Yunyao narrated the whole experience in a very flat tone, as for the true and false Lin Daoyuan would not delve into it.

She said this for the people who came later, and whether she believed it or not was not her concern.

Lin Daoyuan looked down the cliff, frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "How did Xuanhuang Academy enter the assassin? Come and find Dean Ye."

(End of this chapter)

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