Chapter 611 Dress up as a pig and eat a tiger
Chapter 610 Pretending to be a Pig and Eating a Tiger
Soon, Dean Ye and two elders came together.

It is a big deal for Xuanhuang Academy to enter the assassin, you must know that the academy is heavily guarded, except for the students of Xuanhuang Academy who can enter, other people cannot enter the academy without the approval of the person above the level of the sub-principal of Xuanhuang Academy.

Just like when Feng Yunyao first came, even though Lin Rujian was a teacher, he was not qualified to bring people in, and he could only enter with the consent of the people above.

So over the years, very few assassins appeared in Xuanhuang Academy.

"Could it be that someone from our college wants to kill Feng?" The third elder thought for a while.

Afterwards, he asked Feng Yunyao, "Who do you usually have trouble with?"

"There are a few people, but their cultivation is not so high." Feng Yunyao frowned in confusion.

"What is the cultivation level of an assassin?"

"I don't know, I can't see that his cultivation base is higher than mine, he should be above Xuansheng."

"Xuansheng?" The second elder's eyes widened suddenly, and he hurriedly ran to the edge of the cliff to look down, his face showing anxiety, "Is he a man or a woman?"

Feng Yunyao didn't seem to notice his anxiety, and said: "He can't see his appearance with his face covered, but, judging by his body shape, he should be a man, probably about the same height as Teacher Lin."

The second elder looked at Lin Daoyuan, his complexion became darker and darker, and he grabbed a student, "Hurry up and go to the alchemy sub-school to see if Wu Yong is there."


Seeing him like this, Dean Ye guessed a little bit, but still asked in a puzzled tone: "What's wrong with the second elder, have you noticed the identity of the assassin?"

The second elder looked solemn and did not answer Dean Ye's words, but gave Feng Yunyao a sharp look, "How do you know he is an assassin, maybe I have something to discuss with you."

What he said made everyone's jaws almost drop, they chased them to the side of the cliff, how could they not be assassins, not to mention that they heard Feng Yunyao's help just now, as if someone was going to kill her.

Feng Yunyao sneered mockingly and said: "Second Elder, if he really wanted to discuss something with me, why did he spread the mist in my room? If it wasn't for my sensitivity to drugs, I'm afraid it would be over now."

"Prescribe medicine?" Dean Ye asked in a deep voice, "Do you have any traditional Chinese medicine?"

"I'm fine." Feng Yunyao shook her head and said, "I noticed that someone was drugging me, so I quickly hid behind the door, and when he came in, I was sure I couldn't beat him, so I ran here while he wasn't paying attention, and the assassin chased me here. I'm going to kill, and the moves are fatal, if I don't dodge fast, I'm afraid I will fall off the cliff if I don't get killed now."

The traces of the fighting around are obvious. Looking at the bumps and holes on the ground, we can see how fierce the fight was just now. Moreover, although the students of the Yuling Branch College didn't see it, they could hear it.

Dean Ye took out the Ye Mingzhu and searched it on the ground. When he saw the traces of fighting on the ground, he said in a deep voice: "The traces should be made by the double thunder palms. Second Elder, I remember this is your Wu family's unique palm technique." , and also used [-]% of his skills as if he wanted to put people to death."

As soon as he said this, the Second Elder gritted his teeth and roared at Feng Yunyao: "Feng Yunyao, you'd better pray for Yonger, or I will take your life for it!"

After speaking, he jumped into the cliff.

"Second Elder." Dean Ye looked down the cliff, but there was no sign of the Second Elder.

He is not worried about the Second Elder's cultivation. What he is worried about is Feng Yunyao, and he looks at her helplessly, "Student Feng, I don't know what happened between you and Wu Yong. If Wu Yong dies, the Second Elder I will definitely not let you go, alas, you girl, why don't you discuss it with me or your teacher first."

He absolutely didn't believe that Wu Yong fell down by accident. With Feng Yunyao's ability, he didn't have to escape to the side of the cliff at all, and he could wait for the rescuers to come while protecting himself.

No doubt she did it on purpose.

"He's going to kill me." Feng Yunyao said calmly, so calm that people couldn't feel what she should have at her age.

"Ayao, you can rest assured that the teacher will protect you." Lin Daoyuan knew that he was no match for the second elder, but he would do his best to protect his students.

He was worried that A Yao would use Luo Li's appearance to plot against Wu Yong, and that the Second Elder would vent his hatred on Luo Li, but she used her own appearance at critical moments, and she never mentioned Luo Li. Li, he knew that the reason why she used her real identity was to get rid of Luo Li.

In this way, even if Wu Yong died, the Second Elder would only find her for revenge, and Luo Li would be safe.

Alas, this girl is really shockingly thoughtful, covering everything without leaving any traces.

"Thank you teacher." Feng Yunyao smiled lightly, without any sense of fear because she was about to be targeted by a middle-level Xuanzun.

Dean Ye didn't know what to say, "Be careful in the future, if it doesn't work, you leave Xuanhuang Academy first, where are you going?"

He thought for a while and said: "I'll write a letter to Dean Qing later, you go to Ganshengyuan to avoid the limelight, and you will come back after the second elder's anger subsides."

Now he can only send her away first. As for how the second elder's anger can be dissipated, he is really not sure.

Knowing his kindness, Feng Yunyao said, "Thank you for your kindness, Dean, but no need, I can't hide from him for the rest of my life."

"Just to let you avoid it for a while. Besides, there are many benefits to going to Qianshengyuan. There are almost all masters there, and there are two brothers and sisters, Qinglan and Qingyan. They are not much different in age from you, and they will not be boring in the past." Dean Ye Thinking that she was afraid that she would be bored when she went to the Holy Academy, she patiently explained to her.

"I don't need to say anything about Qinglan. You should have met him when you first entered the academy. He is an elegant person. As for Qingyan, she is also a proud girl of heaven. She is eighteen years older than you, and her cultivation has reached the level of mysterious. Sheng Fengfeng is also a five-star genius, she is easy-going and easy-going, I believe you and her will become boudoir best friends."

Feng Yunyao knew about Qinglan, and had heard about Qingyan before, but she didn't understand her personality.

However, how good or powerful Qingyan is has nothing to do with her.

What's more, if she leaves, the Second Elder can't find anyone to vent his anger on, and he will definitely transfer his anger to Luo Li and the others. She can hide for a while if she has the Holy Cauldron.

It's not that easy to kill her.

"Thank you Dean for your kindness. It's just that I can't leave Xuanhuang Academy for the time being. It was an accident that Mr. Wu fell off the cliff. If I knew that Mr. Wu was going to kill me, I wouldn't run to the cliff, but just ran to find him. Dean Ye, you will uphold justice for me. I believe the second elder can understand me. After all, when a person's life is threatened, no one with a brain will stand there and let the opponent beat him. I hid for a while, but I didn't expect Teacher Wu to It was a surprise that it fell through the air.”

Feng Yunyao glanced at the cliff from the corner of her eye, and sighed.

"Student Feng, you really are..." Dean Ye was about to say a few words to her, but the second elder, who was flying up with a person in his arms, stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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