Chapter 626

Chapter 620 The sixth is being targeted

Along the way, there were a few live treasures from Yu Le Muyan, but it didn't look boring.

As for Xiaobai, the three of them knew that they had done something wrong, and stayed obediently planting grass in the holy cauldron, even the lazy three-eyed civet was digging holes there slowly.

In order to strengthen the grass planting team, Xiaobai also brought in Xiaomi to help.

There was a large pile of spiritual grass, and the four little guys were holding small shovels, working in full swing.

When they arrived in Xuanzhou, the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, they had to show a clearance card every time they arrived in a city, so they could just stop and eat.

But what I didn't expect was that Zhao Qin and the others had all passed, but there was a problem when they arrived at Feng Yunyao.

"Girl, there is a problem with your pass card, so you can't enter the city for the time being." The soldier guarding the city gate said after checking Feng Yunyao's pass card.

"How is it possible? Our customs clearance cards are all issued by Xuanhuang Academy. If hers are not acceptable, then why are they possible?" Jiang Mo handed his customs clearance card to the soldiers and said angrily.

"That's right, our customs clearance cards are exactly the same. They are all issued by the academy uniformly. How could they be different? You can see for yourself." Mu Yan also took out his own customs clearance cards and asked the soldiers to compare them.

The soldier glanced at the clearance cards in their hands, and said in a deep voice, "Although the appearance is the same, hers is still different, so I can't pass."

There was an explanation from above that Feng Yunyao should be stopped no matter what, and she was not allowed to enter the city.

"What's the difference between our clearance card and A Yao's?" Zhao Qin saw that something happened to them, so he came to help.

"This..." The soldier looked at the ordinary clearance card in his hand, and said in thought, "It should be the material, why don't you go in first, as for her, after we check the clearance card, if it is true, we will naturally Let go."

Mu Yan suddenly became angry, "I think you are deliberately finding fault."

"That's right, you're just... finding fault." Yu Le also wanted to argue, but his voice weakened when he thought of the big mistake he made in the hunting competition.

Zhao Qin was afraid of causing a conflict, so he hurriedly stood in front of them, and said to the soldiers in a slow voice, "How long will it take you to check the clearance card?"

"can not confirm."

That is to say, the length of time is up to them. Whether it is possible to delay until the end of the competition may not be able to enter. It is clear that someone deliberately prevented Feng Yunyao from participating in the competition, or wanted to prevent her from entering the capital of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom.

"Did you prevent my master from entering on purpose, did someone deliberately prevent her from participating in the competition!" Mu Yan pushed Zhao Qin away, angrily wishing he could punch the soldier in the face.

The soldier quickly took a few steps back, pointed at Mu Yan and said, "What do you want to do, you will be arrested and imprisoned for beating up the soldiers guarding the city."

"You fucking tell me again." Mu Yan's violent temper came up, not to mention just a soldier, even if the king of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom came, he would not miss it.

"Mu Yan." Feng Yunyao pulled him away, and took out a purple crystal pass card from the Qiankun bag, "Is this mine a fake too?"

The purple customs clearance card also bears the special logo of Qianshengyuan. Who dares to say that it is fake, even if the soldiers have ten courages, they dare not say that it is fake.

Hastily and respectfully saluted Feng Yunyao, and even opened a special channel: "Girl, please."

Feng Yunyao put away the pass card, and took her ordinary pass card from the soldier.

Then, they took Mu Yan and the others directly into the city.

The soldier watched helplessly as she led people into the city, but he was powerless to stop it. It wasn't that he didn't block it, but that he didn't dare. It was the pass card of the Holy Academy, who would dare to block it.

The task assigned by his superiors cannot be completed.

"Master, why do you have the amethyst pass card? It's so powerful." Mu Yan looked at Feng Yunyao with admiration, not knowing how handsome the moment the master took out the pass card just now.

The corners of Feng Yunyao's lips twitched and said: "It was given by someone else."

As for the 'other' in her mouth, Mu Yan and the others don't need to guess who it is, it must be given to her by Emperor Zun, otherwise, among the people they know here, who would have such a generous gift of an amethyst clearance card.

After guessing, several people kept silent in tacit understanding. Even Jiang Mo could guess who it was. After all, there are not many people who have the unique clearance card of Qianshengyuan.

After entering Xuanzhou, a group of people found a restaurant to have a meal.

However, they didn't choose to rest here. When they entered the city, it was obvious that someone was targeting Feng Yunyao, so it would be very unsafe for them to stay here.

Leaving Xuanzhou, headed for the next location.

When they arrived in Huicheng, they entered the city safe and sound this time, and a group of people chose to settle in this city.

Everyone was very tired after driving for a day and a night, so they found an inn and ate something and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, the whole city was quiet, only the watchman walked by with his name on his watch and left far away.

A few figures in black shuttled through the night and landed on the roof of the inn where Feng Yunyao was staying.

They went straight to a room, as if they had prepared in advance and knew where the target was.

Scattered the mist prepared in advance into the house, and waited for a while before getting in through the window.

The bed curtains were hanging down, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

The man in black took out his weapon and slammed open the bed curtain, slashing at the bed.

"Don't cut it, no one." His accomplice said in a deep voice.

There were only quilts on the bed, and Feng Yunyao's people didn't know where they went.

"She's probably not in this room." The man put away the knife a little angrily.

They were clearly prepared early in the morning, they only needed to come over to assassinate, but now they are gone.

"We went to arrest her accomplice, and I don't believe she can ignore it."

Several people agreed and were about to leave to arrest people.

Just then, they felt dizzy.

"Is there an earthquake, why are you so dizzy?"

"I also……"

Before finishing speaking, several people fell down one by one, and all passed out.

"Master, what about these people?"


Feng Yunyao came out from behind the cabinet, took out a dagger and quickly wiped the necks of several killers.

Afterwards, he took out the corpse water and sprinkled it on them, and the corpse quickly turned into a puddle of blood.

Xiaobai immediately picked up a rag to wipe off the blood on the ground, and then rinsed it with water, leaving no trace.

"It's a good thing the master didn't sleep, otherwise we, no, it's the master, you will be cut into pieces."

When those people came in, they hacked at the bed. If the owner fell asleep, he would not be hacked in pieces.

Feng Yunyao frowned but did not let go. These people are experts at Xuansheng and Xuanhuang levels. If she hadn't prepared for it, they would have taken the poison she had given in advance. She could get away, but other things It is difficult.

On the second day, Feng Yunyao told them what happened that night.

"Who the hell wants to assassinate you?" Mu Yan said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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