Chapter 627

Chapter 620

"It's not clear yet." Anyway, there are quite a few people who want to kill her. Now she still has to participate in the competition, and she will investigate the assassination later. It's better to be careful now, as long as she comes and kills her.

"We will live in the same room from now on, so we can protect you." As soon as Jiang Mo said this, he immediately received strange looks from everyone.

Jiang Mo quickly explained: "I'm just worried about A Yao's safety, so don't get it wrong."

He really wanted to chase her before, but since he learned about her relationship with his cousin, he gave up and only treated her as a friend and cousin.

"I also agree with Jiang Mo's proposal. Since the other party wants to kill Master, we will all protect it and see who has the most people." Mu Yan snorted.

Yu Le also said: "You are all men, let the boss and I stay in the same room, anyway, I have two holy beasts and a twelfth-level spirit beast, so it is possible that I am still afraid of them."

"It's just you, hmph, falling asleep like a dead pig, don't talk about protecting the master, let the master protect you instead." Mu Yan said without hesitation.

"Damn trash, say it again!"

"If a good man doesn't fight a woman, it's okay if I lose."


"You all be quiet." Feng Yunyao said in a deep voice, "Luo Li, you lead them to the capital with Senior Brother Zhao, and I will go there alone."

As soon as she said this, she was immediately opposed by everyone. There are so many people who are still worried, one of them will be torn and eaten.

"Their target is me. If you follow me, you will be implicated instead."

"I'm not afraid of getting involved." Mu Yan said hastily.

"It's because I'm afraid of being implicated." Feng Yunyao said angrily, "If they can't catch me, they will definitely attack you, especially Luo Li. If you leave separately, they will only focus on dealing with me alone."

Last night, those people couldn't find her but wanted to arrest Luo Li and the others to threaten her.

She was really powerless to refute her words, and Jiang Mo also knew what she meant, "But if I let you go alone, wouldn't it be too lonely?"

"Don't you still have us? With my young master Bai here, when will you ever be lonely?" Xiaobai hugged his paws in his arms and said with great air.

"That's it, you guys take the short cut, and I'll take the easy road." Feng Yunyao pointed in one direction.

When she was at Xuanhuang Academy, she had seen the topographic map of Tongtian Continent in the library, and she had seen that there was a shortcut here, and she only needed to pass another city to be the capital, but she needed to climb over a mountain.

Generally, those who come to participate in regular competitions like them, or hold any banquets will go through the official road, so that the organizer can accurately control everyone's itinerary, and then make reasonable arrangements.

Zhao Qin disagreed with her approach, "Junior Sister Feng, I think it's better for you to take a shortcut. It's better for us to take the main road. The shortcut is surrounded by mountains and forests. If danger really arises, we can use the terrain to escape."

It is easy to be controlled by people on the road.

"It's okay, let's go, remember to send me a signal when you arrive." After Feng Yunyao finished speaking, she took Xiaobai and flew away on the Thousand Miles Yin Crane.

The reason why she took the big road was also to see if she could find out the mastermind behind the scenes.

Seeing this, Zhao Qin and the others felt very helpless, and could only do what she said. They knew that Feng Yunyao was not a fool, and she must have a reason for doing so.

Feng Yunyao soon came to a city and entered it smoothly.

The other party knew that she had an amethyst pass card on her body, so naturally she would not be so stupid as to intercept her at the gate of the city.

"Xiaobai, pay attention to how many people are following us around, and then look at our cultivation." Feng Yunyao whispered to Xiaobai on his shoulder.

Xiaobai listened for a while, then said: "There should be six Profound Sages and thirteen Profound Emperors, and they have been following us."

There are also people with high cultivation levels on the road, these people can't be counted, only those who follow them for a long time must have evil plans.

Feng Yunyao understood that so many masters could still deal with them.

"Master, when do you think they will do it?"

"Night." Those who are in broad daylight will definitely not fight in the official way, unless they can kill her with one blow, I believe the other party is not so brainless.

It's getting dark now, I chose to settle here today, and I should be able to rush to the capital of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom tomorrow.

Feng Yunyao found a nice inn to stay in, and at night she simply slept in the Holy Cauldron.

After the entire army was annihilated last time, this time they didn't go in all at once, they first entered Feng Yunyao's house in batches, leaving some people outside to support, also to prevent her from escaping.

The five people who came in couldn't find anyone. The quilts on the bed were all folded, obviously no one was sleeping on them.

"Where is the person, who obviously watched her walk into the house, why didn't she disappear? He must be hiding somewhere in the house."

"Everyone look for it."

So, several people started to rummage through the house, even the beams, but they still couldn't find Feng Yunyao.

"It seems that she escaped again, this woman is too cunning." The leading man in black said angrily.

The people they sent last time were powerful enough to kill Feng Yunyao who was in the open, but they didn't expect that none of them could come back, and they were all wiped out.

This time, she didn't even see a single person, probably she had already escaped, but she didn't know where she escaped from.

"What to do, the eldest son said, we must stop Feng Yunyao from entering the capital, if we can't stop, we will kill him directly, now we have lost her, if she enters the capital, our mission has failed."

"Don't panic, you should still be here. Except for special circumstances, you are not allowed to leave the city at night." The leader of the man in black said coldly.

No one was found in the house, leaving two people guarding here, and the others all left to secretly search for Feng Yunyao's whereabouts in the city.

Tonight is the best time to do it. If you miss it, the woman will enter the capital tomorrow. As long as she enters the capital, their mission will be a failure.

"Who is the eldest son?"

Xiaobai was lying on the bed, his paws resting on his chin, his tail wagging leisurely.

"Tuoba Qing has a son, a daughter, and an adopted son. If I'm not mistaken, the eldest son mentioned by these people should be Tuoba Junhe."

In the last hunting competition, Tuoba Junhe regarded her as an opponent. If she didn't come to participate in the friendship league this time, he would have one less competitor. Of course, there may be political interests. After all, she and Xiaoyun Xuan walked closer, and the Tuoba family and the royal family were secretly at odds.

"Master, what should we do now, should we get rid of the two outside?" Xiao Bai wiped his neck with his paw.

"No, let's change our look tomorrow and try to keep a low profile." As Yard said, she came to the Heavenly Holy Kingdom for competitions, not to get involved in politics.

Of course, since this Tuoba Junhe provoked her, she would not let him have a good time.

You can't do it clearly on other people's territory, it's interesting to play dirty.

(End of this chapter)

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