Chapter 628

Chapter 620 The Master's Bad Past

It was almost dawn, Feng Yunyao changed her clothes and quietly left from the window.

After eating Yi Rong Dan, Xiao Bai also ate one by the way.

Feng Yunyao, who had changed her appearance, hugged Xiao Bai who had turned into a rabbit, and went to the gate of the city to line up to leave the city.

"Master, how do we get out? The amethyst stone clearance card will definitely be recognized as soon as it is released. Maybe they dare to attack at the gate of the city. As for your ordinary clearance card, it is also special. It’s different, others can guess it’s you when they see it.”

Xuanhuang Academy's customs clearance card has a logo, although it is more effective than ordinary people's customs clearance card, but it also directly exposes the identity, so these two pieces can't be used, and they don't want to leave the city without the customs clearance card.

"I have this." Feng Yunyao took out an ordinary clearance card and shook it.

"Huh? Why do you have the clearance cards used by the people of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom?" Xiao Bai was very puzzled.

"Last night, I took it from the people who stayed outside."


I didn't expect the master to have such a hand. Maybe he can join the thief if he has no money to support himself in the future.

With the clearance card of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, Feng Yunyao left the city smoothly.

After leaving the city, he found a place where no one was around and released Qianli Yinhe, then activated the hidden function of Yinhe and flew to the next city.

As for those people, they are still searching for her traces in the city.

"Has Feng Yunyao come out of the city yet?" the leader of the man in black asked his subordinates who had been staying at the gate of the city to monitor.

"I have not seen it."

"Then did anyone pass by with the Xuanhuang Academy clearance card or the Amethyst clearance card?"

"No, if there is, we will definitely stop it."

At this moment, the two men in black who stayed at the inn rushed over, "It's not good, the clearance card of my subordinate was stolen."

The leader of the man in black immediately thought of something, and his face turned black, "Damn it, Feng Yunyao must have done it!"

"You trash, you don't even know your pass card has been stolen." The leader kicked the subordinate directly to the ground.

The subordinate standing beside him asked cautiously, "Are we still chasing him?"

"Fuck you, she's gone before Qianli Yinhe, we have to go back to the capital, and now we can only do it in the capital." The leader smashed a big rock next to him with his fist in frustration.

Before Feng Yunyao arrived at the capital, she saw the signal from Zhao Qin and the others. It was obvious that they had safely reached the capital of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom.

When she arrived in the capital, it was already afternoon.

"The competition will officially start the day after tomorrow. We will go to the palace for a banquet tomorrow. Now let's go to the posthouse in Tianxuan Kingdom to rest." Xiao Bai said while breaking the rabbit's legs.

"Where is the Tianxuan Kingdom Posthouse?"

Xiaobai raised his head in a daze, "Master, are you asking me?"

"Otherwise." Feng Yunyao rolled her eyes at it.

"I don't know, I've never been here before." Xiaobai shrugged his shoulders and spread his legs, expressing that he was helpless.

Feng Yunyao looked at the people coming and going on the street, and the base map she looked at was only the cities of various countries, and there were no detailed places in the cities.

"Xiaobai, go find someone to ask."

Xiaobai is speechless, why does this kind of thing happen every time, "Master, I am a rabbit now, have you ever seen a rabbit asking for directions?"

Rabbit-type spirit beasts are very mild-tempered, and they don't have much self-motivation. It's not bad if they can be trained to tenth-order spirit beasts. Rabbits that can speak human language don't exist at all.

Feng Yunyao didn't make things difficult for it, she found someone to ask the way, and after getting the route, she carried Xiaobai and walked towards the posthouse.

When she arrived at the post house, she took Yi Rong Dan's antidote and returned to her original appearance.

Seeing that she came back safe and sound, Luo Li and the others felt relieved.

"Sister Feng." Lan Yunxuan had also been waiting for her here.

Feng Yunyao patted his head, "I'll change my clothes later and follow you to the palace."

Lan Yunxuan knew that she entered the palace to help her father to heal his illness, so he shook his head and said: "My father's condition is relatively stable now, not bad for this day, you have a good rest after a long day's journey, the queen mother will hold a banquet in the palace tomorrow Entertain the participating students from all over the world, and it won’t be too late to help my father heal.”

"That's fine."

Lan Yunxuan didn't stay here much and left soon.

After a long day's journey, a group of people ate something and went back to their rooms to sleep.

This is the Tianxuan Country Post House, which is much safer than the inn outside, everyone can finally have a good sleep.

Even if Tuoba Junhe wants to make a move, he has to weigh it. After all, a student from Xuanhuang Academy has an accident in the posthouse. It is a major matter related to the two countries. It will definitely be strictly investigated at that time, and people from Xuantian Kingdom will also participate. , it is not easy to cheat.

So, everyone slept soundly this time.

The next day, they washed up early in the milling machine, and went to gather outside the palace together after breakfast.

This time, the teachers and leaders of each college did not come, only two teams of students from each college were sent to participate in the competition.

The Friendship League is mainly to allow outstanding students from various countries to communicate, and the results of the competition are not important.

However, the previous friendship leagues were generally held by the other three countries, but the Tiansheng Kingdom rarely held them, especially after the Queen succeeded to the throne, it can be said that no friendship leagues have ever been held in the country.

I heard that it was proposed by Tuoba Qing, but the Empress Tiansheng didn't agree at first, because with the current state of the royal family, it is not suitable to hold any league, but they can't resist Tuoba Qing's strength, so they had to let him go.

These are all what Lan Yunxuan told her. The highest authority in other countries is the king, but Tiansheng is just the opposite. The person in power is the regent. The royal family is now reduced to a puppet royal family. Little by little it was pulled out.

"Miss Feng, we meet again." Seeing her coming, Ji Hui stepped forward and greeted her proactively.

"Master Ji." Feng Yunyao nodded at him politely and distantly.

"Last time you left early and the spiritual grass was stolen from the cemetery. Many people thought it was you. Hehe, how could it be possible? For someone like Miss Feng, I, Ji Hui, can guarantee that you would never do it." In Ji Hui's words, he was full of trust in Feng Yunyao, and even complained about her.

A girl who can brew such a fragrant and delicious dew, he believes that she will definitely not do such a thing.

Xiaobai couldn't help but twitched when he heard his rare trust, and silently crawled into the Qiankun bag, not wanting to get out.

It was afraid that it could not help but speak out.

I really want to say, young man, you were deceived by your master's face. Although he was the mastermind in stealing the spirit grass this time, the master has done a lot of things like this.

Think about the Lin family meeting place that was ransacked in the Sky Continent, think about the Treasure Pavilion in the Imperial Palace, and others, all of which are full of evil deeds, and the number is countless.

Feng Yunyao raised her eyebrows without changing her expression: "Oh? What else is there?"

(End of this chapter)

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