Chapter 649 Do you want to force the palace?

Chapter 640 Do you want to force the palace

When the second elder saw the magic mirror, his eyes widened, he quickly took it with both hands, looked at it carefully, and nodded in relief, "This is really the magic mirror, the national treasure of our Heavenly Holy Kingdom, which was left in the Feng family back then. mirror."

Suddenly, he thought of something, looked at Feng Yunyao excitedly and said, "Princess, are you the successor of the illusion mirror?"

The successors of the illusion mirror can only be the royal heirs of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, but not all royal heirs can activate the illusion mirror.

In the past ten generations of Lan's emperors, only Emperor Shaoxian is the true successor of the illusion mirror.

"No." She couldn't make a contract with the phantom mirror.

"Neither are you." The second elder's excited mood calmed down in an instant, and Emperor Shaoxian only appeared in the tenth generation, so how could there be so many successors of the illusion.

In any case, they are already very satisfied with the princess's aptitude and bearing.

Feng Yunyao said again slowly: "Although I can't make a contract with the magic mirror, I can use it, but I don't know how to use the magic mirror."

"What do you mean?" The second elder was a little confused when he heard her words. The successor must first make a contract with the magic mirror before he can use it. When the successor dies, the magic mirror will be blocked again until the next successor appears.

It was the first time he had heard that the phantom mirror could be used without a contract.

"When opening the seal, I just used part of the power of the illusion mirror, so I can definitely use it." Feng Yunyao explained.

The second elder thought it was amazing, "Princess, why don't you try dropping a drop of blood into the illusion mirror?"

"Okay." Feng Yunyao took out a silver needle and pricked her fingertips, dripping blood into the illusion mirror, and the blood was quickly inhaled by the illusion mirror.

The phantom mirror was much brighter, but it didn't show that the contract was successful.

"What's going on? You can absorb the princess' blood, but you can't make a contract." Even the second elder couldn't explain this phenomenon, because except for the blood of the successor, which can be absorbed by the illusion mirror, other people's blood cannot be absorbed into it. Inside the mirror.

However, no matter what, it is already a great joy for the princess to be able to use it. Coupled with the princess' strength and talent, the second elder feels like he is dreaming.

Putting their palms together and kneeling on the ground in one direction, the Seventh Elder also knelt down after seeing this, and the two kowtowed a few times towards that direction.

"Bless the Emperor, there is finally hope for our Heavenly Holy Kingdom." The second elder said with tears in his eyes. No one knew how aggrieved their elders' house has been over the years. In order to keep the little prince, they have always behaved with their tails between their legs. Now Well, finally there is hope.

Feng Yunyao looked at their behavior a little inexplicably, whether people will become so emotional when they get old.

Nanny Wu and the maids were ecstatic, and quickly ran over to salute Feng Yunyao, "So girl, no, so you are our Highness Princess, no wonder you are so desperate to protect Your Majesty."

"Nurse, don't be too polite." Feng Yunyao grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

Looking at the happy scene in the hall, Tuoba Qing wished to tear Feng Yunyao's body to pieces, but he finally endured it.

"I still have something to do, so I'm leaving."

"Wait a minute." Feng Yunyao called to stop him.

Tuoba Qing really didn't want to admit that the woman in front of him was the princess of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, but her blood could melt into the illusion mirror, which was more convincing than Lan Xinyue's admission, "Princess, tell me quickly, my lord I am busy."

So what about the princess, he doesn't pay much attention to the former emperor, let alone a yellow-haired girl who has not yet fully fledged, sooner or later he will get rid of her.

Feng Yunyao raised her foot and walked over, the two elders hurriedly guarded her, for fear that Tuoba Qing would attack her suddenly.

"Regent, you have tried to kill me several times, don't you just want to leave like this?"

Come to settle accounts with him?He is quite courageous but has no brains, Tuobaqing sneered and said: "Didn't this king say that before, who knew that you were a princess, and without knowing it, you spoke rudely to this king, can't this king teach you a lesson?" ."

Feng Yunyao knew that he would say that, and she never thought of using this reason to get rid of it, because she couldn't get out at all. If she guessed right, once she started fighting with Tuoba Qing, he would definitely send a signal to let him The forces cultivated come over.

At that time, this place will become a disaster.

"Now that the regent knows that I am a princess, and the regent is so arrogant, I really can't believe that you won't attack me again."

As soon as she said this, Tuoba Qing wished to tear her into pieces, but now he could only endure it, and said angrily: "Since you are a princess, this king will never do anything to you again."

After speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

"You can't go yet."

"What's the matter again!" Tuoba Qing was already very impatient, he wanted to go back and think of a way to deal with this so-called princess who suddenly appeared.

Feng Yunyao pursed her lips and sneered, "Is it because of your hands that the Blue Temple has become like this?"

"So what." Still as arrogant as ever.

"Losing money."

As soon as she said these two words, everyone present became weird, and even the more lively Seventh Elder almost laughed out loud.

Feng Yunyao pointed at the ruined Blue Temple with a calm expression, "Look here there are broken marks everywhere, the top is broken and stones are dropped, and you have broken five pillars, and there are also pieces placed in the hall. Tables and chairs, expensive decorations, tea sets and inkstones, etc., you have to lose money, otherwise I will post the list on the street to let the people see what a rascal our heroic regent is."

"You!" Tuoba Qing really wanted to pull out the tongue of this dead girl at this moment, he took out a yellow-grade Qiankun bag from his body and threw it over, "There are ten thousand amethyst stones in it, how to repair it yourself."

Feng Yunyao took the bag and glanced at it, and said with disgust: "These ten thousand amethyst stones can only be used to repair the Blue Temple, the destroyed furniture and various office supplies of my mother, as well as my mother. You have to pay for your mother's medical expenses."

"Your Highness, you should call Your Majesty 'Emperor Mother' and call yourself 'My Palace'." The Second Elder finally couldn't help correcting Xia Feng Yunyao's self-proclaimed and address.

Feng Yunyao ignored him, and continued to ask Tuobaqing for money, "With so many things, you have to pay [-] white crystals."

"You lion, open your mouth, ten thousand white crystals, why don't you want ten thousand stars." It was the first time that Tuoba Qing saw that women were so ruthless when they were shameless.

"Okay then, five thousand white crystals."

"A thousand white crystals, do you want it or not?" Tuoba Qing took out another bag and threw it to her.

Feng Yunyao took the bag and looked at the white crystals inside, and smiled, "Since the regent is so poor, I naturally can't ask for it, otherwise it will appear that I am too dissatisfied."

"..." After asking for so many crystals from her, she still said she was poor in the end, maybe it was because she was too benevolent.

Damn, this woman is too thick-skinned.

Feng Yunyao put away the spar, her face became serious in an instant, she looked at Tuoba Qing solemnly and coldly and said, "Prince Regent, you lead troops into the palace, what do you want to do, force the palace to rebel."

(End of this chapter)

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