Chapter 650 Bloodwashing the Blue Temple
Chapter 650 Bloodwashing the Blue Temple
Her sudden change made everyone in the hall feel a little overwhelmed. She was just a money fanatic, but she changed in the blink of an eye.

Tuoba Qing was already impatient with her tormenting, "This king brought guards into the palace before, why, princess, it's impossible for you to even take care of this."

Feng Yunyao ignored him, but looked at the Second Elder at the side, and questioned: "Second Elder, the subjects of our Heavenly Sacred Kingdom can still bring troops into the palace, why didn't I know that subjects of other countries still have this right. "

"But no, when Emperor Shaoxian was here, not to mention bringing soldiers into the palace, even entering the Blue Temple, he had to take out the weapons he carried with him and put them in the palace's safekeeping for a while, and return them to the courtiers after the next court." Two The elder said slowly.

Feng Yunyao pointed at the eight guards standing at the entrance of the Blue Temple, and said angrily: "Did the regent hear that? If every courtier led troops into the palace at random like you, wouldn't the palace of the Holy Kingdom be like the vegetable market that day?" Same, fighting and fighting every day, from time to time, one will rebel and the other will threaten His Majesty, and by the way, you will force the palace, your power is comparable to that of an emperor, you want to be the king of the Holy Kingdom today, right?"

Everyone: "..."

Princess, your last words touched the heart of the Prince Regent.

Tuoba Qing's complexion turned blue and black, and it took a lot of patience to not go over and slap this woman to death.

Feng Yunyao brought a chair over with her profound strength, but she didn't sit on it but put it behind Lan Xinyue, took another chair before sitting down, and sat down like a copycat king.

"Princess, we are girls who want to look good. Can you put the leg off the chair?" The second elder frowned and looked at her foot with a big thorn on the chair, wanting to drag her off.

Feng Yunyao ignored it, but said to the Seventh Elder: "The Seventh Elder, go and call me the commander of the palace guards and the guards guarding the gate."

"Princess, you should call yourself 'Bengong'."

Feng Yunyao gave him an angry look, she really didn't want to call herself 'Ben Gong', so she just continued to ignore the second elder.

"Yes, princess." The Seventh Elder left the Blue Temple in a flash.

Feng Yunyao raised her profound strength slightly, and said: "As the general of the Heavenly Sacred Kingdom, the regent king openly led troops into the palace, knowing the law and breaking the law was added to the crime, because he has served the Heavenly Sacred Kingdom for many years. Fat, reduced to the king of the county."

The cold and loud voice was blessed with profound strength, and the voice spread far away. Everyone who was working was dumbfounded. What happened, how could the regent be demoted.

"You're going to punish me!" Tuoba Qing was furious, his voice suddenly raised, and the powerful coercion pressed Feng Yunyao directly.

Feng Yunyao sat there without changing her face, Hua Guang looked directly at Tuoba Qing with cold eyes, she did not lose the momentum of this powerful regent at all, it was just that the hand tightly clenched behind her back betrayed her.

This bastard's cultivation level is too high, she is not even a star behind him, she used her whole body of profound strength to resist.

"It seems that the regent, oh no, it should be the king of Tuoba County. You are too old to hear me clearly. Since you are so ordered to hand over your military power to the court within three days, go home and retire. .”

"Heh." Tuoba Qing laughed angrily, looking at the girl in front of him who dared to fight against him, it was simply whimsical.

How could it be possible for him to hand over his military power!

Feng Yunyao looked at the guard standing at the gate of the Blue Temple, holding a weapon at the guard, and said with a sneer, "Come here."

As soon as she said this, the dozen or so guards all looked at the regent, but they didn't get a response, so they could only bite the bullet and walked over, and they never put down the weapons in their hands from the beginning to the end.

Feng Yunyao looked at him coldly, and said coldly at him: "Control the gate of the palace, imprison Your Majesty, and point a sword at the palace. All kinds of crimes are enough to imprison you and the nine clans. Since you are the first offenders, spare your family members. These people grabbed and killed."

No matter what she said, she didn't see a guard coming in from outside.

Feng Yunyao supported her forehead, and she was so embarrassed, "Second Elder, kill them."

"Yes, princess." The princess finally called herself 'Ben Gong' once and made progress. Congratulations.

The second elder slapped out with one palm, and a dozen guards were instantly killed.

Although he was injured, killing a few young men was still a piece of cake.

"Feng Yunyao!" Tuoba Qing was completely angry this time, he brought all these guards, and now that she killed them all, wouldn't it be slapping him in the face.

Facing his monstrous roar, Feng Yunyao said coldly without changing her expression: "Why, what Duke Tuoba means, is it possible that he wants to admit that you ordered them to besiege the Blue Temple and imprison the heavens?" Lord of the Holy Kingdom, if this is the case, then I can only add to your previous crimes."

"You wait for me!" Tuoba Qing gave her a fierce look, and flung his sleeves to leave.

At this moment, the Seventh Elder brought in the commander of the guards and the guards guarding the palace gate.

"Princess, the old man has already brought the commander and guards here, and the old man has set up a barrier at the gate of the palace." The Seventh Elder said respectfully.

Feng Yunyao nodded, the barrier set up by a Xuanzun intermediate master is much easier to use than these traitor guards.

The commander came in and saluted Tuoba Qing first, "I will see the Regent."

Then he bowed to Lan Xinyue, which shows who is the real master in his heart.

"That's the princess, why don't you salute her, there is nothing you can see." The seventh elder was not as good-tempered as the second elder, he put his foot in the crook of the guard's leg, and kicked him to kneel in front of Feng Yunyao.

The commander of the guards was kicked but he dared not speak out, he could only look at Tuoba Qing and hoped that he could help him, but Tuoba Qing didn't even look at him, obviously he didn't intend to help him.

"Dare to ask the elder, when did the Heavenly Holy Kingdom have a princess?" The guard commander still didn't pay attention to the royal family, even if it was a real princess, so what, the power is in the hands of the regent, and His Majesty is an empty shell. Not to mention this princess who came out of nowhere.

It's just that he didn't get an answer from the elder, but he got a whip on his body.

The barb pierced the flesh, and when the whip went down, it was absolutely painful physically and mentally.

Feng Yunyao slowly put away the whip, and said sharply: "When will this princess go home and need to report to you, what kind of thing are you?"

"You!" The commander of the guards clutched the shoulder where a piece of flesh had been torn off, glaring at Feng Yunyao with his eyes, wishing he could tear her up and eat her!
"As the commander of the guards, His Majesty's safety should be the first priority, but someone led troops in instead of intercepting them, but took the guards away. Whose subordinate are you, and whose minister are you!"

Feng Yunyao said, and kicked the commander of the guards to the ground, "Today, my mother was almost killed, where is your commander of the guards, and there are palace guards, why I don't see any guards patrolling. "

(End of this chapter)

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