Chapter 655 Waiting For His Arrival
Chapter 650 Waiting for His Arrival
"..." Xiao Bai, who was still sensational at first, heard her words, turned around silently, pointed his fat butt at her, expressing that he really wanted to run away from home.

Forget it, the master just woke up from a serious illness and needs a beast to take care of her, but it still won't leave.

What's more, where did it find a golden thigh like its master to hug.

After thinking about it, Xiaobai turned around and said pitifully, "Master, you don't even know that you have been in a coma for 28 days."

"I've been in a coma for so long?" Feng Yunyao was surprised.

"Yeah, I've been here for 28 days, but I've taken care of you every day."

Feng Yunyao rolled her eyes at it, "Are you dressed yet?"

"..." Can you still have a pleasant chat?

"Where are Luo Li and the others?" She had been in a coma for so long, and she didn't know what happened to them.

"Reported to Xuanhuang Academy. Originally, Luo Li and the others wanted to stay, but they couldn't enter the elders' house. The elders told them to go back to Xuanhuang Academy first. As for your safety, they will guarantee that nothing will happen. With the elder's assurance, Luo Li and the others left."

"Also, master, your new identity has been exposed. They know that you are the princess of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom."

Feng Yunyao is not surprised by this, they will know her identity sooner or later, not to mention she has no intention of hiding it.

Originally, because her cultivation ability was not good enough and she didn't want to confront Tuoba Qing head-on, she chose to hide it, but found that no matter whether she was a princess or not, Tuoba Qing would never let her go, so it's better to admit it directly.

Fortunately, with the strong support from the Elder's House, she has the capital to compete with Tuoba Qing.

Soon, the maid brought the bird's nest porridge, and when she saw Feng Yunyao woke up, she hurried to call for someone.

Xiaobai poured out a bowl of bird's nest porridge, and fed it to Feng Yunyao spoonful by spoonful, "Master, you haven't eaten for many days, so drink some porridge to fill your stomach first. I've already tried the taste for you. good."

Feng Yunyao took the bowl from its paw, drank it in one gulp, "Get me some more."


After drinking two bowls of porridge, my body somewhat regained some strength.

"Master, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Those old men in the elders' house are looking for a handsome man for you."

"What did you say!" Feng Yunyao's face turned black, and she asked her what to do to find a handsome man.

"Of course it's for you to fill the harem. I don't know if the master master will kill him if he finds out about it."

Xiaobai was originally gloating, but when he thought of Di Jiushang's handsome and terrifying face, he quickly shook his head and shook off this unrealistic thought.

Then, he said righteously: "Master, you already have such an excellent handsome man as master and master. As for other men, don't worry about it. After all, there are too many girls in the world. If you collect all the beautiful men in your harem, Also tell other girls not to find a man."

As soon as it said these words, Feng Yunyao slapped it on the head, "Am I that perverted? Tell me, what's going on?"

Xiaobai covered his painful head, and then obediently explained the truth, "They think that you, master, have passed Jiji for almost two years, and they want to find you a suitable man to be a consort. Her majesty the beautiful empress has agreed, and she plans to wait for you to wake up, and half the party will announce your true identity, and then help you choose a man to be your son-in-law."

Feng Yunyao is holding her forehead, she is really like a parent in the world, no matter when and where, she will worry about her children's marriage.

"Your Majesty not only invited outstanding young men from the Heavenly Holy Kingdom to participate, but the other three countries also sent out invitations. If there are outstanding young men from other countries willing to join the Heavenly Holy Kingdom's royal family, she will accept it."

When Xiaobai said this, he looked at Feng Yunyao very tangled.

It originally wanted to tell Her Majesty the Queen that its master had a sweetheart, but it thought that the master's master was the prince of the Profound Sky Kingdom, and the future ruler of the Profound Sky Kingdom, so how could he marry into the Heavenly Holy Kingdom.

Feng Yunyao didn't care, she didn't intend to be an empress, but it was still necessary to get rid of Tuoba Qing, if Tuoba Qing didn't get rid of, Xuan'er would still be a puppet emperor even if she became the lord.

"Master, are you not worried at all? What if the master and master don't want to marry another woman and marry another woman?" Xiaobai still thinks that only the master and master are worthy of his master, but the master is not the same as before. No status, no background, poor little girl who needs to earn a future for herself.

The current master has suddenly become the master of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, and the future queen's status is definitely no less than that of the master's master.

One is the lord of the Profound Sky Kingdom, and the other is the lord of the Heavenly Sacred Kingdom. My God, won't they have a long-distance relationship in the future.

"You think too much, Master and I don't have these problems at all." Feng Yunyao lifted Xiao Bai who had slipped into her arms again at some point.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside, and then Lan Xinyue walked in.

"Yaoyao, you finally woke up, you almost scared my mother to death."

Lan Xinyue rushed over, hugged Feng Yunyao, and burst into tears.

"I'm fine." Feng Yunyao patted her on the shoulder helplessly, saying that women are like water, she has seen it.

In the next few days, Feng Yunyao has been recuperating, and the banquet that Lan Xinyue will hold for her is scheduled for three days later.

She is not worried about choosing a husband at the banquet. Since Luo Li and the others know her true identity, Di Jiushang must know it too. Since Lan Xinyue has sent invitations to other countries, Di Jiushang will definitely come .

She was looking forward to this banquet.

"Master, you smile so weirdly, are you thinking about spring?"

As soon as Xiaobai ran over, Feng Yunyao threw him out again.

In the last competition, she won No.1 and won two single-door firsts. Even she herself didn't expect to be able to breed eighth-level spirit grass. However, she almost lost her life. Fortunately, there was a little witch spirit. Don't be so foolish next time.

Time passed quickly, and it was time for the banquet in a blink of an eye.

On this day, the Imperial Palace of Tiansheng Kingdom was very lively. Many young talents came, as well as outstanding young people from various families, as well as many unmarried young women. They also followed, hoping to find a good man through this time. Jun.

Although the royal family of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom is not as powerful as other countries, it is still a royal family that has been passed down. As a princess of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, she is much more honorable than ordinary noble girls. If she can marry her back home, she will have more face.

Of course, there are many more to see what the princess looks like, and to see how the princess who came back from the folk is like.

Another part is to know Feng Yunyao's identity. After all, there were still many people present in the friendship league last time, and they knew that the talented girl was the princess of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom.

Based on Feng Yunyao's ability, as long as she is not the kind to inherit the throne or something, she must marry someone with a strong background to maintain her own rights. The rest of them are very happy to marry a girl like Feng Yunyao.

A five-star genius is a must no matter which country he is in, and his family status will rise a lot if he marries him back.

Feng Yunyao has been sitting in the side hall at the back, listening to the maid's report.

"Has the prince of Xuantian Kingdom come?"

"Go back to the princess, you haven't come yet." The maid was puzzled why the princess kept asking the prince of Xuantian Kingdom.

Feng Yunyao pulled the blanket and closed her eyes, "Go out and watch, when the prince of Xuantian Kingdom comes over, call me again."

That means, if the prince of Tianxuan Kingdom doesn't come, she won't go out?
(End of this chapter)

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