Chapter 656 Blind Date Conference
Chapter 650 Six Blind Date Meeting
The sky in the Heavenly Holy Kingdom is really cold, it's not long since autumn has just begun in the Tianxuan Kingdom, and it feels like winter here.

Feng Yunyao lay on the soft bed, wrapped herself in a blanket to form a rice dumpling, only her head was exposed, because she was sleeping, her expression was peaceful, she lost her usual indifference, and looked a little more cute.

When Lan Xinyue came, she was wrapped in a blanket and sleeping here. As for the young talents in the main hall, they didn't even look at her.

Seeing her sleeping so soundly, I couldn't bear to wake her up, so I just sat and watched her.

It has been nine years since they separated. When she and Ah Xiao left, she was only eight years old. The fearless little girl who was favored by their family has grown into a big girl now, and it's time to choose a husband.

Hey, in fact, she and Ah Xiao didn't want her to marry so early, after all, they just met each other, but the Elder's House said to help Yaoyao find a reliable and capable husband-in-law, so as to help her fight against Tuoba Qing, and also It can lighten her burden a little.

After thinking twice, I decided to hold this banquet.

However, Yaoyao didn't look very happy, and she didn't care much about choosing a husband.

Forget it, if she can't find a suitable person at this banquet, her mother will not force her. Although state affairs are important, her lifelong happiness is more important. If she is asked to marry someone she doesn't like , will definitely be very unhappy.

In fact, when Lan Xinyue came in, Feng Yunyao knew she was coming. A martial arts practitioner who didn't even have this kind of vigilance, then she really practiced for nothing, she just didn't want to wake up and deal with the group of men outside.

Except for her master god, all the men in the world are male like Xiao Bai to her.

Lan Xinyue has been sitting here for a long time, she can't continue to pretend to be asleep, so she can only pretend to get up.

"Mother, why are you here?"

Seeing her wake up, Lan Xinyue touched her head and said with a smile: "Mother, come and see what's going on here. Is Yaoyao still sleepy? If not, how about going outside with Mother?"

"Okay." Feng Yunyao lifted the blanket, and immediately a maid came over to help her arrange her hair and clothes.

Now there is only Lan Yunxuan, a baby boy, who is hosting outside, as if he regards himself as her natal brother-in-law, and cares more about her sister's future husband than she, the rightful owner, and keeps observing the men present.

Seeing that one is good, immediately find someone to check his old background to see if there is anything wrong with him, especially if there are any wives and concubines in the family.

With a sullen face, Lan Yunxuan held a teacup and said in a crisp voice: "Welcome all outstanding young people to come to my sister's banquet, my sister was injured a few days ago, she was not in good health and couldn't come in time , I hope everyone will be happy."

Some people in the room knew that Feng Yunyao suffered severe injuries due to excessive force during the friendly competition, but she became famous in that competition. , jumped three levels at once, this is simply unheard of.

"Since the princess is ill, I will wait for her." Ji Hui is the young master of the Ji family in Tianjia Kingdom, so he was invited. Lord, it is impossible to marry into the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, but the Ji family couldn't resist others and still came.

There are also several princes from Tianqi Kingdom and Tianjia Kingdom, but they are all princes who cannot be crown princes. Of course, many people came here not to marry Feng Yunyao, but to see her. Even with her beautiful face, she wanted to meet the only princess of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom.

The heirs of Tiansheng Kingdom are weak, originally there was only one heir, Lan Yunxuan, and suddenly there was such an extra princess, if it were the situation in other countries, I am afraid that all the nobles and royal families would have to fight to marry back. Home, after all, the only princess is not pampered by heaven.

It's a pity that the situation of the royal family of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom is really indescribable. To put it bluntly, the royal family is actually not as powerful as a big family. What's more, once married with the royal family of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, it is equal to being an enemy of Tuoba Qing, so even if People who want to marry Feng Yunyao because of her strength will stop because of Tuoba Qingwang.

To put it bluntly, among the many young talents who came here today, only a small number of people really want to marry Feng Yunyao, and most of them are just here to join in the fun and see the princess of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom.

After Lan Yunxuan said this, some people waited tolerantly like Ji Hui, and some people didn't say anything even though they were dissatisfied. The powerful royal family is simply slapping them in the face.

"With multiple injuries, is it possible that she doesn't even have the strength to come out to see her, or is she so arrogant that we all wait here for her." A prince of Tianqi Kingdom snorted dissatisfied.

Although he is an unfavored prince, it is even more impossible to inherit the throne. The reason why he married Feng Yunyao was not because she was a princess. I heard that she was a five-star genius. The object of the brother's wooing.

However, just because he can barely marry the princess of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom doesn't mean he thinks highly of her. What pride does a princess with no power have.

"That's right, it's too much for us to wait for so long."

Lan Yunxuan frowned, and wrote down all the people who spoke ill of his sister, and blacklisted them all, without taking them into consideration.

In fact, it’s not the time for the real banquet, and there are still many people who are not present, but these people came earlier, and it is reasonable and reasonable for the princes of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom to come to socialize, but these people are too self-righteous, thinking that his future His brother-in-law is none other than them, and if he doesn't piss and take care of his virtue, is he worthy of his excellent and beautiful sister? You must know that his sister is the best and best woman in the world.

He also has a few more satisfied ones, one is Ji Hui, young and promising, handsome and extraordinary, and his family background is not bad, and the other is Yun Qingyi, the fifth prince of Tianjia Kingdom, who is gentle and elegant, showing aristocratic air in every gesture, seemingly He is a good-tempered person, and he is also good-looking, and he has a good bearing.

The other is Shao Jinyu, the son of the patriarch of the Shao family. The Shao family belongs to the Heavenly Holy Kingdom and knows Shao Jinyu the best. He is also one of the best figures in Lanxuan College. He is still a four-star student, and he is the one he is most satisfied with so far, no matter in terms of family background, character or appearance.

Shao Jinyu's visit this time was only at the order of his third uncle Shao Fan, saying that Princess Tianshengguo is his favorite student, she is so wonderful, and I hope he can marry her. In short, in the letter, Feng Yunyao She boasted so much that people who didn't know thought it was his illegitimate daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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