Chapter 657 This princess only knows how to eat
Chapter 650: This Princess Only Knows To Eat
He came here just to go through the process, by the way, to see how sacred Feng Yunyao is who was praised by the third uncle as a fairy. As for getting married, he has not considered it yet, he just wants to retreat and practice, and wait until next year's Four Kingdoms Competition Get a good grade.

In fact, he is said to be four-star, but he is actually a five-star comprehensive talent, but because he is too weak in beast control, he didn't count it. During the time of the hunting competition, he visited a grandfather's Old friend, that grandfather's old friend had very high achievements in beast control, he has been practicing the beast control technique over there these days, and he has gained a lot.

At this moment, the palace people shouted loudly: "Her Majesty the Empress has arrived, and Her Royal Highness the Princess has arrived!"

Lan Xinyue held Feng Yunyao's hand and walked out from the side hall. Lan Xinyue was still in the bright yellow women's dragon robe, looking graceful and luxurious, with an extraordinary bearing.

Feng Yunyao changed from the previous light purple simple dress, and wore a more gorgeous dress, and there were many more pearl hairpins on her head, and her beautiful and refined face was a little more noble.

In fact, Feng Yunyao really doesn't like to have so many pearl hairpins inserted into her head. What are you doing with so many things inserted into her head? The hairpin given to her, she doesn't even use that hairpin.

The people who originally wanted to join in the fun had a thought when they saw Feng Yunyao, in fact, it would be nice to marry this princess.

Everyone stood up and saluted Lan Xinyue. No matter how she had no real power, she was still the Queen of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom. "See Your Majesty the Queen."

"You don't need to be too polite, just treat it as a small family gathering, eat as you want, drink as you want."

Lan Xinyue said with a faint smile: "Everyone, please come here. The main reason is that I found my long-lost daughter. I hope you can take care of her more in the days to come. Just now, Yaoyao was busy and couldn't come in time. Everyone Haihan."

As she spoke, she pulled Feng Yunyao over.

Feng Yunyao stood there indifferently, and didn't feel anything unusual about other people's eyes looking at things like objects, she was completely in a state of ignoring, casually looking, anyway, there would be no loss of meat.

"Your Majesty does not need to apologize to us. It is reasonable for the princess to have something to do. How could Xiao Wang blame the princess? It is my honor to be able to admire the princess's beauty today." Qin Chong, the prince of Tianqi Kingdom, said kindly and modestly.

It's just that as soon as he said this, Xiaobai counterattacked, "Tch, you just said that my master is arrogant, and you are asked to wait here for no reason."

"..." Qin Zong was exposed on the spot, and his face turned green and pale.

Lan Xinyue's face sank slightly, and she said in a cold voice, "It's my fault for keeping the Seventh Prince waiting for a long time. I thought it was not time for the banquet, so I sent Yun Xuan over to greet everyone. I didn't expect it to be neglectful."

In fact, in their identities, letting the prince Lan Yunxuan come to socialize is already giving enough face. It's just that some people look down on the royal family of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom from the bottom of their hearts, so they think that doing so is neglecting them.

Lan Xinyue pulled Feng Yunyao and Lan Yunxuan to sit down at the banquet, and there were still many people who hadn't arrived yet.

Now it's time for the banquet, if others don't come, obviously it doesn't mean that, so it doesn't matter if they come or not.

What I didn't expect was that Tianxuan Kingdom didn't even have a prince here. Both Tianqi Kingdom and Tianjia Kingdom sent princes here. Tianjia Kingdom sent such an excellent prince as Yun Qingyi with the most sincerity. It's okay to be a prince, not to mention that he is tall, but he has a lot of temper, and his character is not very reliable. Such a person is not worthy of her family Yaoyao.

Seeing Shao Jinyu, Lan Xinyue's eyes lit up, and she said, "I didn't expect Jinyu to come today. I heard from your mother a few days ago that you went out to learn art from a teacher. I don't know how to study?"

She and Shao Jinyu's mother were old acquaintances, and she knew the child very well. He was a very good child, and it would be good for Yaoyao to marry him.

Shao Jinyu stood up, and said in a gentle and polite manner: "Return to Your Majesty, Jinyu just learned the superficial aspects of Grandpa Wen and doesn't need to work hard."

"Jinyu is modest." The more Lan Xinyue looked at Shao Jinyu, the more she liked Shao Jinyu, and said with a smile, "A while ago, I told your mother that if my daughter was here, maybe we could get married. This is Yaoyao coming, it is really the best gift God gave me."

Shao Jinyu didn't know what she meant, she frowned slightly, and said, "Your Majesty and my mother are like sisters, and Jinyu will take care of the princess as a younger sister."

These words obviously rejected Lan Xinyue's intention to play a bridge.

Feng Yunyao sat there silently, eating with chopsticks, and didn't care about Shao Jinyu's subtle rejection.

Lan Xinyue didn't expect him to refuse, since he didn't want to, she couldn't say anything, so she could only focus on other people.

She is also quite satisfied with Yun Qingyi, but he may become the crown prince of Tianjia Kingdom, and Yaoyao is the future queen of Tianjia Kingdom, so she cannot return to Tianjia Kingdom with him.

Ji Hui is also good, but he is the young master of the Ji family, and the Ji family may not allow him to marry into the Heavenly Holy Kingdom.

The one who is most satisfied is Shao Jinyu. It's a pity that his heart is not on Yaoyao. However, feelings can be cultivated slowly in the future. Anyway, Jinyu is not married yet, maybe he will really have feelings in the future.

If she really can't find a suitable person today, she will not just find someone to be Yaoyao's son-in-law.

Just then, a few people came in.

Tuoba Lian'er and Feng Yunyao have seen each other before. Walking among them is a young man wearing a purple robe. He looks to be over 20 years old, handsome and feminine, with a sinister look between his brows gas.

Looking at their positions, one can guess that this must be Tuoba Qing's son Tuoba Xie.

Tuoba Xie came in with an arrogant manner, saluting to Lan Xinyue was also very contemptuous and neglectful, without any sincerity, "Meet Her Majesty the Empress."

His attitude made other people who originally wanted to marry Feng Yunyao back down one after another. Even if Tuobaqing's son despises the ruler of a country so much, wouldn't this princess have no rights.

Lan Xinyue frowned. Although she was very dissatisfied with Tuoba Xie's behavior, she was used to it, not to mention that this kind of occasion is not suitable for getting angry, "Since you are here, please sit down."


"Presumptuous!" Lan Xinyue was furious, pointed at Tuoba Xie and cursed angrily, "Tuoba Xie, what kind of a thing are you, what qualifications do you have to marry my daughter, even if you can't find a suitable candidate today, I will not marry Yaoyao to you either."

(End of this chapter)

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