Chapter 746
Chapter 740
Di Jiushang carried her into the house, and used his profound strength to help her suppress the vicious curse in her body.

Feng Yunyao took out the silver needles and pricked several acupuncture points on her body, but her hands were trembling all the time, making it difficult to get the needles right.

"Come on, find a doctor." Seeing her like this, Di Jiushang shouted coldly to the outside.

But his hands didn't dare to leave her body, and the profound energy was continuously conveyed into Feng Yunyao's body.

The vicious curse cast in her body this time is obviously different from that of Qing Lan and the others. Her poison was too violent. If she hadn't stopped the poison in time, she would have fainted by now.

Because of Wuyou's sake, she didn't set up defenses, and unexpectedly fell into the way of Dean Qing.

Feng Yunyao forced it from the inside out, the poison was too strong, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and her whole body became limp.


Di Jiushang hurriedly caught her body lying down, his face was gloomy and terrifying.

"Ah Jiu, don't, don't worry, I won't die." In Dean Qing's mind, she was a goddess, she was still useful to him, so naturally she would not let her die.

Di Jiushang also knew it, but seeing her suffering so badly, his heart ached to death, and he wished he could draw the vicious curse on himself.


Di Jiushang hurriedly said: "Yao'er, I have a way to cure your poison."

Holding Feng Yunyao in his arms, he took out a dagger and cut a gash in his hand, blood flowed out immediately.

Then, he took her hand and put the dagger in her palm, "It will hurt a little, bear with it."


Even if he didn't say what he was doing, Feng Yunyao figured it out, she wanted to take her hand back, but she didn't even have any strength in her body, "Ah Jiu, I just need to rest, when I have the strength, I can solve it myself, You don't have to transfer it to yourself."

How could she not know that he wanted to transfer the curse into her body.

Di Jiushang smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, Qing Yuandao has cast the poisonous curse on me many times before but failed. When I transfer it into my body, I believe the curse will disappear automatically."

As he said, he had already stuck his injured hand to Feng Yunyao's hand that also had a cut.

"Ah Jiu, I really don't need it." Feng Yunyao wanted to pull her hand back, but her hand seemed to be stuck to him, and she couldn't pull it away at all.

"Be careful, don't let me go crazy."

Di Jiushang kissed her on the forehead and joked, but his hand was shifting with all his strength.

Soon, the criss-crossing red marks on Feng Yunyao's body gradually receded, but Di Jiushang's body began to appear.

Feng Yunyao saw bloodstains appearing on his white wrist, her eyes widened immediately, "Ah Jiu, stop!"

The appearance of these bloodstains is tantamount to being cursed.

"It's okay, you can see that my hand is fine." Di Jiushang put his other hand in front of her eyes and shook, "I have a special physique, and the vicious curse can't hurt me. You should concentrate and let the vicious curse hurt me." transfer."

Feng Yunyao stared at his ever-increasing bloodstains, her face was not at all relieved by his words.

Now that the matter has come to this point, she can't stop him, she can only let him move, and then she can help him get rid of the evil curse in his body later.

The vicious curse in her body disappeared little by little, and the red marks on her body became lighter and lighter, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Feng Yunyao's physical strength also slowly recovered, and the pain disappeared.

"All right."

Feng Yunyao had the strength to forcibly separate her from his hand, and when she turned around and saw Di Jiushang's face, her heart trembled violently.

"Ah Jiu, the evil curse has not disappeared."

His handsome face was covered with criss-cross bloodstains, and his neck was also covered with all exposed skin, which was even scarier than hers.

She finally understood, "It's not me that Qing is dealing with, but you."

Dean Qing knew that as long as she was hit by the poisonous curse, Di Jiushang would definitely transfer the poisonous curse to himself in order to save her, and this poisonous curse was specially prepared by Dean Qing for Di Jiushang.

What a chain meter.

Di Jiushang smiled faintly, obviously he had already guessed it, but he still transferred the evil curse into his body.

"Yao'er, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Di Jiushang looked at the bloodstains on his hands and frowned, "Isn't it ugly?"

"It's not ugly, it's not ugly at all, you're still handsome." Feng Yunyao's eyes were already full of moisture, she hugged his neck and kissed his face lightly.

"That doesn't work either, I feel uncomfortable looking at it." Di Jiushang raised his hand and used his profound strength to forcibly suppress the poison, and the bloodstains on his body were also suppressed at the speed of the naked eye.

Feng Yunyao quickly grabbed his wrist, but Di Jiushang avoided him, "I'm fine, don't worry."

"Fart!" Feng Yunyao made a rare swearing, took his hand over forcefully, and began to diagnose and treat him.

Sure enough, the curse remained in his body and did not disappear as he said.

She also has a way to completely remove the evil curse, but it will take time, but it is impossible to completely remove the evil curse from Di Jiushang's body within three days.

If the curse stays in his body, Dean Qing will control him, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"Ah Jiu, your cultivation base is higher than mine. It doesn't matter if I'm under the curse, you can protect me."

Feng Yunyao stretched out her hand, took Di Jiushang's hand together, and wanted to transfer the evil curse to herself again.

Di Jiushang didn't resist, let her fiddle with it, and used the other hand to pin a lock of her beautiful hair from her forehead behind her ear, "Yaoer, you also said that my cultivation level is higher than yours, you can't make the vicious Transfer the curse to yourself."

It needs to be cultivated higher than him.

Feng Yunyao tried several times to no avail, she couldn't transfer it out at all.

"Didn't lie to you." Di Jiushang put his head on her shoulder, and rarely lowered his posture, "Yao'er, I'm a little tired, can you hug me to sleep?"

Feng Yunyao's eyes were red and swollen, but she still tried her best not to let the tears fall, "Okay, I'll sleep with you."

Afterwards, she hugged him horizontally, put him on the bed, and then took off her shoes and lay beside him.

"Ah Jiu, I won't let anything happen to you." Feng Yunyao nestled in his arms, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I know." Di Jiushang gently stroked her hair and sighed, "A good wedding can't be held."

He didn't know when he could truly turn her into his person.

Feng Yunyao raised her head abruptly, looking at him with red bloodshot eyes, "Ah Jiu, you still have strength now."


Di Jiushang didn't understand why she asked such a question.

"We..." As if she had made up her mind, Feng Yunyao took her hand and pressed it to her soft spot.

She thought she could control the overall situation, but found that sometimes she was powerless. Now she just wanted to be his wife, even if she died, she would have no regrets.

Di Jiushang's body froze obviously, his eyes doubled in size, "Yao'er, you..."

"Ah Jiu, let me really be your wife." Feng Yunyao lowered her head and kissed his lips, kissing jerky but cautiously.

Di Jiushang did not know how much strength he used to move away from her body and embrace her in his arms.

But her lips were pressed against her ear, "I've waited for so long, and within a few days, I said I will give you an unforgettable wedding."

Feng Yunyao slowly lay beside him, holding his big hand, "Ah Jiu, what do you think we will do if we have no future."

"No." Di Jiushang said firmly, "With me here, I will definitely not let you have trouble."

Even if she was wiped out, he would not let her suffer any harm.

Feng Yunyao sniffled and rubbed against his shoulder, "Why do you think we have so many twists and turns in getting married?"

"There are many twists and turns before getting married, but we will be very happy after we get married." Di Jiushang patted her head and wrapped his arms around her waist.


"Go to sleep." Di Jiushang closed his eyes, he was really tired.

Feng Yunyao didn't say anything, even if she couldn't fall asleep, she still lay beside him to accompany him.

Three days later, if Ah Jiu couldn't get rid of the vicious curse, she wouldn't let him go.

In any case his life is the most important.

Before she knew it, Feng Yunyao also closed her eyes and fell asleep.

On the second day, when he woke up, Di Jiushang beside him had disappeared.

"Ah Jiu."

Feng Yunyao yelled, and the palace servants outside heard her yell and hurried in.

"Back to the queen, the lord has gone to court, and the lord said that he will let you have some breakfast when you get up."

Although she and Di Jiushang are not yet married, everyone in the palace will call her queen when they see her, because this matter is already a firm matter and there is no need to run away.

Feng Yunyao got off the bed and went out.

"Empress, the lord wants you to have breakfast." The maid hurriedly called her to stop.

"I'll eat with Ah Jiu."

Leaving this sentence, the person has disappeared.

The speed was so fast that the maids were shocked. They all said that the empress's cultivation was extremely high, and even said that she had already been promoted to Xuanshen.

What kind of realm is Xuanshen? It's the same as their country master.

In the future, even if the king takes other concubines, I'm afraid no one will dare to compete with this empress. Squeezing a person to death is as easy as crushing an ant.

Of course, the lord may not accept other concubines, after all, the lord has already punished those ministers who wanted to let him accept concubines.

Feng Yunyao went to the palace where Emperor Jiushang went to court, but she didn't show up, she just stayed behind and listened.

"The lord, the lords of the Tianqi Kingdom and the Tianjia Kingdom, as well as the children of the families of the four countries, including our country, are all missing."

A minister stood up and reported.

Di Jiushang rested his hand on his forehead, his expression was cold and he couldn't see his situation, let alone guess what he was thinking.

"My lord, you are the only one left now. I hope you can come up with a perfect plan to protect your lord." Another minister stepped forward to speak.

Di Jiushang said coolly: "Those people were all arrested by Dean Qing, and they are now in the Heavenly Holy Kingdom. As for you, you don't have to worry about it. Dean Qing arrested people from all major families and the royal family."

As soon as he said this, the trembling ministers breathed a sigh of relief, but they didn't understand why Dean Qing suddenly took action against Shi Guo.

(End of this chapter)

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