Chapter 747 Nightmare Cycle
Chapter 740 Nightmare Cycle
His words undoubtedly reassured the courtiers below.

Di Jiushang supported his forehead and said coldly: "If there is nothing wrong, we will retreat."

After speaking, he got up and left.

He knew that Yao'er was waiting behind.

"It's down." Seeing him coming, Feng Yunyao quickly stood up, supported his arm, let him sit on the soft bed, and began to diagnose and treat him.

"Yao'er, I'm fine." Di Jiushang said with a shallow smile.

He wanted to hold her hand back, but she stopped him with his eyes, so he had no choice but to let her diagnose and treat him.

"Are you feeling unwell?"


"Nonsense, your face is pale." Feng Yunyao caressed his face, his skin was very cold, "Stop suppressing it with profound strength."

Di Jiushang held her hand and brought her into his arms, "It's okay, trust me."

While speaking, he glanced at his left hand, and there were a few red silk threads on his wrist, but he just moved slightly and disappeared without a trace.

Feng Yunyao put her arms around his neck, and pressed her face against his neck, "Ah Jiu, why don't we just leave."

Be selfish, no one cares that there are only the two of them, the ends of the earth, as long as he is with you.

"Can you let it go?" Di Jiushang put his arms around her waist and said softly.

Feng Yunyao smiled bitterly, she really couldn't let it go.

The more people she cares about, the more weaknesses she will have, which is why she used to like to be alone.

But now she has parents, a younger brother, and a group of friends. It is they who let her experience the family and friendship, and let her live like a human being.

If she let go and left like this, would she be able to leave with peace of mind?

People are alive, how can everything go well.

Di Jiushang knew that she was a girl with a cold face and a warm heart, who said she didn't care but cared more than anyone else in her heart.

"With me here, don't worry." He will help her remove all obstacles, and whoever dares to stop him will destroy him!

Feng Yunyao smiled, "Ah Jiu, every time you are by my side, I feel at ease."

No matter how difficult it is, as long as he is around, she can calm down.

"So, after this matter is over, hurry up and marry me, you know." Di Jiushang kissed her on the bridge of the nose, "Have another child, I want a daughter."

"What if it's a boy, is it possible that you don't like it?" Feng Yunyao raised her eyebrows lightly, this topic is a bit dangerous.

Di Jiushang pursed his lips and smiled lightly: "It's not that I don't like it. I like everything you gave birth to. I want a daughter who looks exactly like you."

"In case she looks like you, do you need me to use a knife on her face to help her adjust her face?"

"..." Can't talk anymore.

"It's best to have two, a boy and a girl."

"Two, a lot less?"

"It's a lot, if you add more, it will be very hard for you." Di Jiushang hugged her and put his hand on her belly, "I heard that pregnancy and childbirth are like going through hell for a woman, even if you It doesn't matter if you don't give birth."

"No, who am I, how can I die because of having a child." Feng Yunyao raised her chin slightly, and said arrogantly.

Seeing her small appearance, Di Jiushang smiled immediately, "Yes, you are a little miracle doctor."

"Yeah, my medical skills are so good, how could I not be able to cure you." Feng Yunyao looked at the sleepiness in his eyes and knew that his spirit was not good, so she got off him.

"Ah Jiu, go and rest."

Di Jiushang shook his head, "I'm fine, you haven't eaten breakfast yet, I'll talk about it after eating with you."

"How do you know?" Feng Yunyao was surprised.

"Guess." If the girl woke up and didn't see him, she would definitely run over in a hurry.

Afterwards, Emperor Jiushang asked someone to prepare a meal.

"Ah Jiu, you always peel the shrimps for me again, this time I will peel them for you."

Feng Yunyao took a prawn, peeled it, and handed it over, but saw Di Jiushang fell asleep with his head on his head.

"Ah Jiu."

She called softly, but she didn't wake up, which shows how deeply he slept.

Feng Yunyao threw away the peeled prawn, picked him up horizontally, and carefully placed him on the bed.

"Ah Jiu, what should I do?"

Gently stroking his pale handsome face, there was only distress in his eyes.

It will soon be the time appointed by Dean Qing, because Lan Xinyue, Xuan'er, and Luo Li are in the hands of Dean Qing, so she has to go this time.

Knowing that there is a trap ahead, she wants to step into it.

Feng Yunyao put her face on Di Jiushang's hand and closed her eyes.

If Ah Jiu hadn't been hit by the poisonous curse, they still had hope of winning, but now that the curse on him couldn't be undone for a while, their chances of winning were too small.

Feng Yunyao lay on Di Jiushang's hand for a while, then stood up, pulled the quilt for him, and then left.

After going out, I went to see Xiafeng Wuyou again, his current situation is not optimistic, he has been having nightmares again and again, and he can hardly feel the slightest bit of vitality on his body.

Not only the hair turned silvery white, but even the skin was as white as snow.

She once said that he was dark, but now he is much paler than before, that kind of powerless paleness.

"Master, Xiao Wuyou is so pitiful." Xiao Bai lay on Feng Wuyou's bed, with his round chin resting on his paws, staring at Feng Wuyou with wet eyes.

It always liked to bully him before, but now it would rather he get up and bully it.

"Wuuu, Xiao Wuyou, you must get well soon, so that I can bully you again."

At this moment, Feng Wuyou frowned, her head kept shaking but her eyes were closed tightly, "Mother, red clothes, blood..."

Feng Yunyao walked over and held his hand, which made him calm down slowly.


Why does Wuyou keep mentioning red clothes? She doesn't usually like to wear red clothes.

Or is this red dress worn by someone else?
Feng Yunyao shook Feng Wuyou's hand, her eyes moved slightly, and she tried to ask: "Wuyou, can you answer a few questions for me."

Her voice was very gentle, Feng Wuyou didn't move and didn't make a sound.

"Am I the one in the red dress?"

"Red clothes, mother, blood, a lot of blood, father..."

Seeing that she couldn't find anything to ask, Feng Yunyao comforted Feng Wuyou, and then left.

Seeing her go, Xiao Bai hurriedly followed her.

Because it was not there last time, the master fell into Dean Qing's way. At that time, if it was there, it would be able to see through the skin on the outside of Dean Qing, so the possibility of the master being under the evil curse is very small.

"Master, where are we going?"

Feng Yunyao didn't answer it, went to the hall and closed the door, and started to prepare medicine.

Two hours later, she put away the prepared medicine, and then went to the imperial dining room to make a bowl of porridge.

Then, he went to look for Di Jiushang with the porridge, and when he got there, he was already awake.

"Yao'er, have you gone to Wuyou?"


Feng Yunyao sat by the bed, "This is the herbal porridge I made for you, you can taste it."

She fed it to Di Jiushang's mouth with a spoon.

Di Jiushang took a sip from the spoon and nodded, "Your craftsmanship is getting better and better."

"That is, I will cook for you often in the future, rest assured that my cooking skills will definitely improve, and the food I cook will definitely be delicious." Feng Yunyao said while feeding him.

But Di Jiushang smiled and said: "You don't need to learn, I will make it for you in the future."

He didn't want her to work so hard, wash her hands to make soup, just make it once in a while, but he didn't want her to do this every day.

"Okay, the food Ah Jiu cooks is the best, you cook it for me in the future." Feng Yunyao said with a smile.

"Okay." Di Jiushang scratched the bridge of her nose, but the light in his eyes was somewhat obscured, and when he lifted it up, there was only a soft light left.

He has already decided that if Yao'er is in danger this time, he will use the Tianxuan compass once, even if she is seriously injured, he will not let her get hurt.

After drinking the porridge, Feng Yunyao put the bowl aside, then got into the bed and stuffed herself into Emperor Jiushang's arms.

"Ah Jiu, I still want to sleep with you today."

"Okay." Di Jiushang put his arms around her waist, although sleeping with her was a bit tortuous, but he was reluctant to let her go.

On the second day, Feng Yunyao rode Qianli Yinhe to the Heavenly Holy Kingdom.

"Master, where are we going?" Xiao Bai asked.

"Heavenly Holy Kingdom."

"Ah? Aren't you going with master and master?" Xiaobai was very surprised, knowing that master and master and master are inseparable now, why did they leave separately.

Feng Yunyao glanced in the direction of the Tianxuan Kingdom's palace, her eyes were filled with reluctance, "He has a poisonous curse on him, if you let him follow, Dean Qing will definitely trigger the poisonous curse, then he will only I'm afraid it will trigger the Tianxuan compass."

She had never seen the power of the Profound Sky Compass, but she had seen how it was backlashed after he used it.

"It's possible." Xiaobai hugged his paws and said empathetically, "If you can't beat Dean Qing, Master and Master will definitely use the power of the Tianxuan Compass to beat Dean Qing. More bad luck, or will be severely injured."

In the past, Master Master was not injured when he used it, but he was almost killed by the backlash of Tianxuan Compass. If he still uses it this time, it will be even more ruthless, after all, he has a vicious curse on him now.

No wonder the master didn't let him follow.

"However, when master and master wake up, he will still come running."

"No, I put medicine in his porridge yesterday, and I guess he won't wake up until the day after tomorrow." Feng Yunyao said calmly.

The day after tomorrow, everything should be over.

Xiaobai's eyes widened immediately, "No wonder you locked yourself in the room, the medicine you prepared was for the master and master."

The master also went to the imperial dining room to make a bowl of porridge with his own hands. How could the master master not eat the porridge made by the master himself? Not only did he eat it, but he also finished it.

Hey, it's strange to wake up after taking so many medicines.

"But can you beat Dean Qing?" It's not that it underestimated its master, even though the master is now a Xuanshen, it still thinks it's no match for Dean Qing, let alone Dean Qing has other helpers, Not only did the master not exist, but many hostages were in the hands of Dean Qing.

The possibility of winning this trip is too small.

Feng Yunyao touched the illusion mirror, her eyes were fierce, "If you can't beat it, you still have to beat it."

"That's the reason. However, I think if we really can't beat it, we'd better run."

(End of this chapter)

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