Chapter 751 Is He Not Human?

Chapter 750 Is he not human?

The deep and old voice made everyone feel as if they were in an ice cellar, cold to the bone.

Feng Yunyao's body froze suddenly, she straightened her back, and walked out of the cave step by step.

She was cautious and eventually found out.

Everyone else was frightened, except for Luo Li and the others, they all stayed in the cave and refused to come out.

"Come out quickly, stay inside and wait to be buried alive." Xiaobai pinched his waist and shouted at the people in the tunnel.

As soon as it yelled, the people in the tunnel rushed out quickly, and even crowded, almost crushing the tunnel.

"Ayao, wait for me and Ouyang to drag him, you take the others and run quickly."

Dean Ye and Vice President Ouyang stayed behind and waited for everyone to come out before they came out.

After coming out, he stood in front of Feng Yunyao, staring at Dean Qing vigilantly with a weapon in his hand.

They are old, and it doesn't matter if they die, but Feng Yunyao and the others are still young, at the same age as the blooming season, it would be a pity to leave before feeling this world.

Dean Ye held the sword, his previous refinement only left him with anger, "Dean Qing, we have always respected you, even the lords of the four kingdoms respect you, what are you dissatisfied with!"

Qianshengyuan has always been on top of the Four Kingdoms, and as the dean of Qianshengyuan, he is the most honorable person in the entire Tongtian Continent.

He has become the most noble person in the mainland, why is he still not satisfied, what exactly does he want to do!
"Satisfied?" Dean Qing looked towards the sky, his gloomy eyes revealed unspeakable greed, "How can a continent be worthy of this old man?"

"What else do you want, the whole continent is not worthy of you, so it's possible that you still want to go to heaven!" The dean of Lanxuan College couldn't help but mocked.

He couldn't believe it. With so many people around, they still couldn't subdue Qing Yuandao.

You must know that almost the masters from the entire continent are gathered here, as long as they work together, they are afraid that he will fail.

Thinking of this, he said loudly: "We don't need to be afraid of him, as long as we all work together, I believe we can kill him!"

As soon as he said this, everyone else responded one after another. After all, everyone present is a master. If we join forces, we might not be able to defeat Dean Qing.

"Yes, let's not be afraid of him, he is alone, so many of us are still afraid of him."

"Don't be afraid, everyone, together, we can always kill him!"

Everyone immediately showed their sidearms and guardian beasts, and made the best posture for fighting.

But no one dared to be the first to go up, they kept backing away, wishing to stand at the back, after all, everyone was afraid of death, especially the people here were either high-ranking people, or they had been through years of hard training. They have reached their current level of cultivation, and they are more afraid of death than anyone else.

Dean Qing looked at the people who showed their weapons and guardian beasts in front of him, and immediately burst out laughing, "Hahaha, a group of stupid humans want to kill this deity, forget it, I will leave you as a whole corpse, when the time comes Make all of you half-orcs and use them for this deity."

What the hell?Stupid human?
Xiaobai looked at his master in a daze, "Is he not human?"

"Well, it's a beast." Feng Yunyao said quietly.

The anger on Dean Qing's face was full, and he glared at her, "Sharp-toothed and sharp-mouthed girl, if I hadn't kept you, I would have killed you, this ignorant girl."

"Then I'm really honored." Feng Yunyao said with a sneer, "Dean Qing, we are going to die anyway, you might as well tell me what you want to do, so that I can wait for death clearly and clearly."

"Hmph, if you don't want to talk to this deity, this deity will not kill you, but they." Dean Qing swept the crowd one by one, "Whether you can live or not depends on the princess of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom."

While speaking, he clapped his hands, and hundreds of people jumped out of the surrounding immediately.

No, these are not people, their eyes have no focus, just like puppets in human skin.

To everyone's surprise, most of them turned out to be elders and high-level disciples in Qianshengyuan.

Most of the people present had frequent dealings with the Qianshengyuan, so they naturally knew the people inside.

"Why are the nine elders of Qianshengyuan here? What's wrong with them?"

"It looks like it's being controlled by someone."

"No, look at their expressions, they should be... half-orcs!"

The expression is dull and dull, like a walking corpse. This is not what a half-orc is.

Dean Qing turned them all into half-orcs!

For a moment, everyone fell into fear again.

Originally, I thought there was only Dean Qing, but I didn't expect there to be such a master, and they were all half-orcs. I heard that the strength of half-orcs was much higher than the original body.

Two of the nine elders are Xuanshen, and they have improved a lot on the basis of Xuanshen. This kind of cultivation really makes them not afraid or afraid.

There are other masters, just pull out one at Xuanzun level, can they beat them?
"Master, all these half-orc subordinates have been brought here." A man in black came to Dean Qing and reported respectfully.

Vice President Ouyang's eyes widened when he saw this person, "Why is it you!"

The person who came was none other than Ouyang Guoshi who was thrown off the cliff by Feng Yunyao.

Ouyang Guoshi looked at Vice President Ouyang with an evil smile, "Second Brother, are you surprised to see me? I didn't fulfill your wish, and I'm not dead yet."

Back then, he was thrown off the cliff by Feng Yunyao, a dead girl. He thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect to be rescued by Dean Qing who was practicing at the bottom of the cliff.

No one else would have dreamed that the cliff behind Xuanhuang Academy was actually the place where Dean Qing practiced, because he practiced demons, which is why there was no grass growing there.

It's a pity that these idiots don't know.

Vice President Ouyang frowned, disappointed and angry, "From now on, you are no longer my brother's brother, we will never give up!"

"That's right, I'm ashamed to have a younger brother like you." Elder Ouyang snorted.

Regarding the words of the two of them, Ouyang Guoshi didn't take it seriously at all, "I haven't treated you as elder brothers for a long time, so it doesn't matter if you don't treat me as younger brothers, but I can tell you clearly that you will not survive at most. Two days, of course, as a younger brother, I will be the first to make you two into half-orcs."

"You!" Vice President Ouyang wanted to beat this beast to death, trembling with anger, "When your parents died, you were still young, and it was my elder brother and I who raised you up. I don't want you to become a good person. You are worthy of your conscience, but you never thought that the two of us would raise a scum!"

"Father and mother? Hehe." Ouyang Guoshi's gloomy eyes were bloodthirsty scarlet, and he said harshly, "They are also worthy of being my parents, and they always praise you two, and they are not slapping me. Just scolding, I don't have parents like them!"

(End of this chapter)

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